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Leon K.

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Everything posted by Leon K.

  1. I'd reroll. I also suggest eastern pvp horde for the server
  2. I betchu it's the miniboss from Sonic 3. The Knuckles drum beat was just part of the miniboss theme.
  3. Omg, so much Hydrocity love. Hydrocity was my favorite level music of any game ever. I listen to the stupid mp3 in my car and my friends laugh at me for it... But wait! Whats this about Hydrocity on the teaser site??!!?
  4. DOOOOOMMMMSSDAAAY!!! <3 Good Lord Man.... Best.OCRProject.Ever?
  5. You guys have made my life. I have my last two cd's with cases ready right NOW. Bring it on
  6. That was good and all, but most of the songs are already finished , It'd be way to late to go back and change them =X
  7. I'm still shivering with anticipation. I'm particularly looking foward to the Hydrocity and Doomsday/Final Boss themes. Sonic 3 and Knuckles had such amazing music...
  8. That organ solo blows my mind. That is all.
  9. Arek your name is Dunns on Hakkar? Look me up, names Einalem. We may have run into each other.
  10. I had a dream last night before this mix was posted, that the girl I liked was playing the violin for me and singing this song. It was a beautiful dream, and it's a tremendous coincidence that this mix would be posted the same day. Then again, according to V, there are no coincidences.
  11. If anyone want's to try it, I'd be happy to lend my vox to a hip-hop track if they want to try me out , done a fair bit o rapping in my day.
  12. Sup guys, wannabe 29 hemo-rogue on hakkar here. Represent! Anyone who wants to roll a new horde toon should roll there a join foebane, we're quickly moving to the top of the pvp ladder
  13. D: Thread has been invaded by t3h epithets. On topic, Snapple, you'd better do doomsday and final boss right! Those are my favorite boss songs of all time, You must do a fitting nod to them. If you do, I <3 you for all time.
  14. Yeah, You guys have kind of missed the point. A: It doesn't matter whether it comes from the outside or not. And as a matter of fact, I'm a black kid living in New Rochelle right outside of the bronx. I am duly aware of how the word is use, and what it's connotations are. But yeah, Black People using it does NOT trivialize it. Almost all of the black people you hear using it are fools, or know no better. Black people didn't trivialize it, they copied off of white people and used it as a derogatory term towards OTHER black people. Somehow along the way though, It became "accepted" to throw around a racial slur as if it doesn't matter. You don't hear white people walking around calling each other "Honkey" every 5 seconds. You don't hear chinese people walking around referring to themselves as "Chinks". You don't hear japanese people running around calling themselves "Japs". You don't hear arabs calling themselves "Sand-niggers". Why the hell is it okay for us to call ourselves Niggers? Because a bunch of stupid people decided to use it? Yeah. No matter WHO uses it it has racial overtones, some people are just too dumb to realize it. And the fact that you had a bunch of people who knew niether the affect, apparently the history, or repercussions of using such a word, than posting it on a site such as this, is terrible. TERRIBLE. It doesn't matter whether the music is good or not (Which it is.) But the content is terrible. I hope that either the content is changed, or this remix is taken down. I hate to be the party pooper, but I refuse to sit idly by and let people make fun of a people because of their ignorance. And yes, their ARE racist overtones all through this song. I'm surprised they could get away with this.
  15. Yeah. Um, this song would be highly entertaining if it wasn't for the "Nigga" being thrown around every 5 seconds. It doesn't matter what the intentions behind it are, the word is terrible, and changing the spelling because some fools couldn't pronounce it correctly doesn't make it a different word. Black people saying it doesn't make it okay, it makes them stupid. I'm sorry, I'm not going to preach here, but I think you should seriously consider either A: Revising the chorus (Because it would still be the same song, Switch Nigga to Brotha or something like that) or B: Remove it from the site. I'm as liberal as the next guy, but these guys got away with murder. It shouldn't be allowed because of the racial conotations. Regardless of intention, they are still there, and until there are no negative conotations involved with it, we should refrain from using it. Songs like this dont help. They make the word "okay". And I wish rappers would stop using it as well. You don't have to curse or say nigga every three seconds to make a good song.
  16. I would bump, this, bu it would serve no purpose. A niether does this post. Support post +1 Gogo project!
  17. I just rerolled a night elf hunter on twisting ether, hit me up with on the name Virgil and maybe we'll kick it ;D
  18. I believe the term is "Way Past Cool"
  19. Eh, sorry, messed up. Some of those things weren't off soundtracks though. Like alot of the genesis and gamegear ones. That still illegal since they arent commercially availible?
  20. Thou shalt not link to bootleg shizzat.
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