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Everything posted by Darren1986

  1. Thanks for all the kind words guys! I also want to further express my thanks to OCR for letting me keep posting stuff here and were flexible with the rules on letting this stay open. We sourced people from a lot of places, not just OCR. In fact, the majority of people I found were from YouTube who just so happened to be members here, so that was a nice surprise. The album may not be to the strict rules of OCR but I hope the diverse range of genres and talent was welcome by all. The feedback so far is good and I just hope I did enough to help mark the 25th anniversary of my favourite series ever. Truly, truly appreciate everyones involvement.
  2. The landing page for Harmony of a Hunter is now live, has everything you need to know: www.shinesparkers.net/harmonyofahunter I will probably refrain from making any further updates here, but I just want to thank everyone for getting involved in this project, it's turned out absolutely fantastic! A great example of what can be achieved in just 8 months!
  3. Darkesword is entirely correct on thigs one Pyro Paper Planes, I understand your feelings on trying to get the album on OCR for maximum promotion and I appreciate it. However, no one will download an album that is already released on another website, and quite rightly so. I also understand completely how much effort it is to get an official project and on reflection, I don't even think i'd have had time to sort all of this out, it's been a great learning experience for me to actually understand the process of putting these things together and they take a lot of time and effort. I also would have felt bad jumping the cue when there's other albums out there waiting to be released, my deadline was non negotiable so I would have only accepted an official release if it was out on the 7th August as planned. I appreciate any and all help OCR gives to promote this album and individually, there are some great tracks that I hope OCR themselves would want to feature. Zircon, Darkesword, Mazedude, VikingGuitar, Stemage...massive names and massive talents that we're very lucky to have had the support of. I thank them for not shrugging this project off as a failure from the very start. They gave us a chance and I hope this just goes to prove to anyone else making an album that these people are approachable, and if you have a good idea and a passion for it to work, it will.
  4. What would people say are the high points and low points of the Metroid series over the past 25 years? For me, I think the release of Metroid Prime is a defining moment of the series and at its lowest...the divide that Metroid: Other M caused. Not the game itself...but how the franchise seemed to suffer because of the feelings people had over one game. I hope this project will be a step in the right direction for people to enjoy the series as a whole.
  5. Well, thanks for the support guys Back on topic! Metroid yay! >_> From the previews, is there any tracks in particular people are most looking forward to?
  6. It wasn't trashing, it was to inform those websites that it wasn't confirmed as an OCR thread and I felt it was unfair to give credit to something that hasn't happened yet or may not happen at all. Also, "Using resources" such as what exactly? It does sound like you're disappointed and i'm sorry you feel that way. However I feel this thread deserves to remain due to the tremendous amounts of effort by myself and everyone on the project. There has been a lot of dedication and everyone seems to be quite motivated and I am thrilled that it has happened for Harmony of a Hunter. If you're not happy with this, maybe you shouldn't comment further.
  7. If you feel so strongly against it maybe you should talk to a moderator, if you do end up getting the thread locked though, you'll be faced with an angry mob Mastering has started now guys, I think people will enjoy this
  8. Well back when I first made this thread, some people didn't even think we could achieve the goal and make a great album (You know who you are, me and everyone involved laugh at you now). I guess it wasn't taken seriously. It was never meant to be an OCR project, the forum was merely a platform to recruit people. It was a worthy decision. Most of this organisation has been done through e-mail and i've worked with each person individually. We did good people, we did good..
  9. Hey dude i've had no response from you via PM so I thought i'd try here. Please get in touch with me via PM with your e-mail address so I can keep you in the loop regarding Harmony of a Hunter.

  10. Yet it seems to have done, don't you think? Also, it's still up in the air as to whether this is an official album or not, i'm not sure if i'm happy with OCR getting all the credit for this when it was put together by a range of talent from all areas, including not just OCR. Whatever happens though, it will be released on the 7th of August, the day after the anniversary. Thanks for the support guys, continue to spread the word!
  11. You mean a description of sorts, I guess you could do that when you submit it to OCR or something, I haven't had a chance to gather up all descriptions from each person and at this stage I think it might be a bit too late to get them all, I should have gathered them from the begining really. Feel free to add it though if you want, you have my e-mail
  12. The album cover and back cover are actually featured in the second preview at the end. I will however be posting up some artwork soon.
  13. Thanks for the confirmation, I appreciate all your support! You stood by your word of helping me out with those last few tracks, now the important vital tracks are done and completed and thank you for that. As sad as it is to know that the track may not make it to the album, I do appreciate the fact you've been working on it, and I have no doubt people will get to hear it one way or another in the future So thanks!
  14. Album will be closing tomorrow. For anyone who wants to still submit tracks you have 12 hours.
  15. Here's the first preview of the album:
  16. Done! 17 completed tracks done and one month left until we stop taking tracks! I think we've made some great progress guys! My hope is that we can get at least 25 tracks with some of the major tracks covered.
  17. Thanks for the update. Once we get the vital tracks completed we will be starting to close up the album and no more suggestions will be taken. We will also be looking at which tracks won't be making it as I very much doubt all of them will be on the album, so only the ones that are completed will be here. Please make sure you get the corrected WAV file to me before the 10th July.
  18. Hey guys As part of our sites efforts to mark the 25th anniversary of Metroid, we are happy to announce one of our ideas to the Metroid community. Our aim is to bring together Metroid fans paying tribute to the series with short videos that will be compiled together and released on the anniversary as a special message, which we hope will be promoted across various websites and beyond. We have support from various people connected with Metroid as well as Nintendo who will also be providing their own video tributes. We are working hard to get as many people as we can to take part in this and we hope that people will want to take part in marking this anniversary. We have some specific requirements for each video to ensure fairness and consistency through the project, these are outlined below: Video must be between 15 and 20 seconds long (Not exceeding) Your name and who you represent (blog, site, company) Your Happy 25th anniversary Metroid message Videos must be received by 10th June 2011 I would also like to point out that videos that don't feature someone in front of the camera (e.g. image slideshows with words) will not be accepted. If you're unsure about anything feel free to post a message below. Also, can you please ensure that there is no text or music on the video, these will be added to the finished product later. The best tributes will be chosen for the video and the video will be released on the anniversary (6th/7th August 2011). Please send your video tributes to metroid25@shinesparkers.net Also, please check out our album project, Harmony of a Hunter here on OCR! http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=32767 For further information please check out our site at www.shinesparkers.net
  19. Hey Jewbei

    I see you're posting here OCRemix, did you get my e-mails regarding the track you were working on? Hope the virus is sorted. Please get in touch!

  20. After some careful thought and listening to the opinions from people on and off the album i've come to a decision on the name of this album. It wasn't an easy task of coming up with a fitting title in the first place but I feel the majority of people came to a decision, a decision I myself support. The name of the album will be HARMONY OF A HUNTER. I shall be updating the topic name soon and this is how the project will be refereed to from now on. Thanks for all the suggestions and opinions, they were all noted.
  21. The thing is, there's a ton of albums yet to come on OCR and I would rather not wait a further few years for a release for a 25th anniversary album. Plus, this is featuring artists outside of OCR too. If DJP wants to check over the quality of the album, I can submit him a copy of it before release once the album is complete. I guess this makes it even more vital that people get in their tracks before the 10th July. So far so good though, I think we're doing fairly well, 12 completed tracks with many more close to completion. A big thanks to everyone who has contributed so far!
  22. It isn't an official remix album. I am happy you're excited for it...i'm quite happy with what we've got so far and I just hope that we can have a vast majority of these tracks done in time!
  23. Also pleased to mention that Zircon will be taking on Lower Norfair from Super Metroid. Such an important and essential track deserves the right attention and I feel Zircon will be able to deliver that!
  24. Tell me about it! I just can't wait I'm a huge fan of them both! I hope this will encourage others to come on board too knowing that we have talent to support this and really make this album something spectacular.
  25. I am delighted to announce that Zircon & Pixietricks will be covering Tallon Overworld 2. I am absolutely thrilled to have them both on board. I have been a huge fan of Jill for a while so I know that her vocals talent is going to be an asset to this album. Zircon has always provided a high standard of music and the two of them work together exceptionally well and will make this album so very special indeed. The track they're covering is probably one of the most memorable themes from Metroid Prime and a personal favourite of mine. We're very lucky to have them and I look forward to hearing what they have planned. I also want to take the opportunity to say that we have received our ninth completed track and everything seems to be progressing along rather well. I truly believe we're going to have something remarkable to mark Metroid's 25th Anniversary.
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