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Posts posted by Strike911

  1. Genesis, Dreamcast, PS1, PS2, PS3, Xbox, N64, VirtualBoy, Gamecube, Wii, GameBoy Pocket, GameBoy Color, DS Lite, PSP (2000 model)

    They're all hooked up EXCEPT for the PS1, and old GameBoys don't have batteries. The VirtualBoy has a AC adapter in the wall, and it's good to go. They're all in remarkable condition considering I've had some of them since I was a child... I'm surprised I was so concerned about their well-being even when I was little. :) Everything works just like it did years and years ago.

    Future plans are to purchase a Sega Saturn, an NES, an SNES, and possibly a SegaCD just to have it.

    I was thinking about playing through the old Pokemon games (you know when the true number of the damned things existed: 151). I've just been feeling nostalgic...

    ...in fact this thread makes me nostalgic. I might go play through RocketKnight Adventures now...

  2. Honestly, I don't care that Nintendo is greedy. A company's exists soley to make a profit.

    I just want some kind of evolution from things I played years ago, and Nintendo just keeps churning things with minimal innovation.

    I mean, I remember the days when people called Nintendo the innovative developer. Now, I mean, yeah, they have the Wii, but that's it.

    Usually when you see a company make MASSIVE amounts of money they're more willing to take creative/artistic risks, but with Nintendo it doesn't seem to be the case. Again, yes, they did take a risk with the Wii's input device, but that's it. In terms of games, there are no risks, nothing new being created that makes people say "wow."

    That's my issue with Nintendo. I hope they make gobs of money, but it's up to the consumer to tell them what's good and what's bad. It sucks though, because a lot of us are fans of franchises that they have, so we are going to buy the games they make and make a decision after the deed is done.

    ... I look back on all the good franchises Nintendo had, and honestly, they're kind of a shell of their former glory. I miss the old StarFox and StarFox64, the buzz when Mario64 and Super Mario World came out... Ocarina of Time and GoldenEye/Perfect Dark from Rare... hell, I remember Donkey Kong Country making a huge splash with people. When I saw the first Smash Bros screenshots in EGM I said wow. Then I saw the first screens of Melee and I was blown away. Those were truly days when things just blew you away and made you excited. Nintendo just isn't cutting it these days and it makes me kind of sad since I (and I'm sure all of you guys, too) have followed them for over 20 years.

    @ Bleck, that'd be cool, but I wouldn't mind seeing any kind of remix to the story done. Hell, let us play as Ganondorf and see his motivation besides just "being evil." Or maybe let someone be born with both the Triforce of courage and power, thus one person is both Ganon and Link, merged. Hell, I'm pulling it all out of my ass, but anything would be better than the "Go get 3 keys! Go get 7 keys! GO STOP EVIL GANON" formula.

    If they made it in a graphical style similar to Assassin's Creed I would whole heartedly approve. Zelda in a really realistic world... I don't know if that type of style would necessarily work, but it certainly would shake things up and that's all I'm asking for. Just don't want the same old games, over and over again.

    For what it's worth, I really enjoyed WindWaker's style, but it's glaring flaw was that it was just too short, and too many people didn't enjoy sailing. I happened to enjoy the whole treasure collecting thing, for some reason, but I do recognize that it could be tedious. I mean, that might work, but again, there was a lot of lost potential in WindWaker.

  3. I do not want to see the following:

    - Minigames, VC titles for new systems, VC titles in general, new peripherals/attachments, games coming out in 2+ years (which only guarantees that, gee, I won't be playing my Wii for another 2+ years), new Channels that mean nothing to me, eventual price drops, new accessories that don't classify as "Attachments" or "Peripherals" (whatever that might entail), casual games, applications for NDS (IE cooking utilities, language utilities, etc.), musical performances, more ways to use Friend Codes, a new version of Pokemon, and lastly, some kind of new

    As a hardcore gamer, I want to see Zelda, and a damn good Zelda. Nintendo has clearly forgotten the audience in which I would be classified into, thus a Zelda is what is required to get my attention. Without this I will merely not care.

    IF Nintendo announces a Zelda title, I expect to see the following additions to the game, and for it to be available Q3 to Q4 2009:

    - A free-roaming Hyrule field (a la Elder Scrolls). I NEVER want to see a mysterious black chasm separating me from another area EVER again. If I see another one of these I may give Zelda up for good. It's just a lack of innovative thinking. Come on Miyamoto. You're Mister innovative aren't you? You're wreaking of laziness ... and geritol.

    - Multiple side-quests. There's a reason GTA sells so much, and besides the stealing cars, shooting cops, and beating hookers, it's the amount of options and exploring you can do.

    - a REAL story that doesn't crap on you half-way by tricking you into thinking theres an actual story (I'M LOOKING AT YOU TWILIGHT PRINCESS... you give us an awesome new bad guy and presentation only to have the game go back into the "trying to be Ocarina of Time" formula... give me something fresh damn it!). OOT, for it's day, was amazing. TP was spending too much time trying to be OOT. Give me something meaty. Something with half a thought in it. I thought TP was going there during/after the first three dungeons (that half was amazing), but I quickly realized, wait, nope, same old thing. Fun game, but come on. A twisting storyline, an addition to the story as you progress from one dungeon to the next... *sigh* pipe dream. I'm okay with a completely linear story... I'm not even asking for choices because I realize that's asking too much.

    - Avoid cliches. That means reducing the number of element themed dungeons (earth, wind, fire, water, heart, go planet, sheesh)

    - AND PLEASE, don't limit interactivity. Twilight Princess gave you two freakin' clawshots that you couldn't use them unless you had a freakin' target to shoot at. If memory serves if didn't even latch on to trees. The hookshot in Ocarina of Time 10 years ago could do that and more!! You could climb up freakin' everything. COME ON! In fact, half the items you could get in TP were of virtually no use to you after each dungeon. There were so very few little areas you could grind on with that spinny thing, and clawshot (psh, already bitched about that). Same with those cool Magnetic areas.

    - Last but not least, add some shiney graphics. I liked both Twilight Princess and Wind Waker's style, so you pretty much get a free pass here as long as you don't go too crazy.

    If this series doesn't get shaken up then they should NOT make anothe Zelda title... oh but wait, I'm in my mid twenties now... surely there must be some little 10 year old that hasn't played ANY Zelda titles so anything rehashed and relabeled will be new to them...

    ... that's the "Nintendo new product model" for crying out loud. Rehash, Relabel, Repeat.

    AND BY NO MEANS DO I WANT TO SEE "ZELDA RACING" OR "ZELDA LINK'S CROSSBOW TRAINING 2" OR "ZELDA: COLLECT A CUCKOO" franchise based spin-off titles. Give me a traditional, yet ground breaking Zelda.

    Love ya Nintendo, but come on...

    *goes back to waiting for LittleBigPlanet*

    I've been enjoying atma's posts too much I think.


    OH, and if Miyamoto, Reggie, or any number of Nintendo execs want to commit ritualistic seppuku on stage in an act of forgiveness to the hardcore audience, then I MIGHT accept that.

    ... keyword, "MIGHT." You may substitute all of them for that annoying woman at E3 or, bonus points, for getting that goofy, spiky haired, Indian kid that played the drums at the E3 presentation (and I use the term "presentation" loosely here, as "Snoozefest," "sleepy-time," and "cluster-f" seem like more applicable descriptive terms).

    Honestly, this single post is the most interested I've been in Nintendo for almost half a year.


  4. I'm waiting for a 12 year old to come in with a single word post exclaiming "ghey."

    In Japan, these games are examples of baka-ge, a type of kuso-ge. "Baka-ge" literally means "idiot game" while "kuso-ge" literally means "shitty game" or "shit game".

    so this is the Japanese equivalent of a Uwe Boll film except in game form?

  5. Med-school, law-school
    the only viable degrees? Oh please. I know plenty of med/law students that consistently tell me that those fields are especially becoming more difficult to get into UNLESS you go into business for yourself privately. I think this is the same with the games industry honestly... that's what I'm planning to do currently.

    Trade schools. They're almost always behind the curve, and the advertisements on TV alone should make you understand how ridiculous some are. If they show two idiots playing video games on a couch saying "I can't believe we're getting paid to play games" then they initially have an incorrect view of the industry. I'm sure people have got jobs before from them but I doubt it's common. .001%?

    I'm in the middle of a game-design program at my university. Honestly though, my plans are heavily bringing the business side of things into the mix. I don't plan on using my degree for long-term employment at some company, as I intend on opening up my own company/dev team, running the business, developing the profitability of the team. My degree has less to do with landing a job for the long-term, and more to do with learning the systems and tools so that I can administrate them. Again, I'm focusing my future on business administration in the gaming industry as well as focusing on a director/producer role. In my experience getting a 4-year degree will legitimize you when trying to get jobs in the industry. I haven't seen any job opportunities in the games industry, for actually making the game (IE not testers or interns), that didn't require a 4-year degree and a portfolio of completed work. Sure you can focus your skills in school, but you NEED the portfolio of work. School's a great way to fill up your portfolio but again, it doesn't guarantee anything especially in popular fields like 3D modeling, animating, etc., etc. 3D modelers are a dime a dozen. Just like regular old aspring artists and musicians. :P

    What a good university IS good for though is networking. I'm told that we have Gearbox execs (guys that did Brothers in Arms) swing by our university to see what students are doing since they're in close proximity to us. I've also heard things about Id as well, although not nearly as much. I know most of the professors are in contact with people working in the industry in reputable gaming companies, contract animation companies, and such.

    Anyway, the real issue I think isn't so much the game degree; it is the naive idea that "OH! VIDEO GAMES! MAKING THEM WILL BE FUN!" when they're unaware of the work required. It feels like 90% of the kids in all of the courses I've been taking are the lazy-slacker-typical-fanboy-gamer types that want to "OMG MAKe GaMEZ!" In all of my courses none of these kids take anything serious. Not the classes, not the work, none of it. I think it's a misconception with the industry and it draws in a lot of people that aren't cut out for it that EXPECT to get jobs with their "good game ideas." There are a place for good game ideas, but just in case you missed the memo, game developers already have game ideas before you start trying to get into the industry. They don't need yours unless you're absolutely groundbreaking, AND even then there are even fewer teams that are willing to take those kinds of risks with new games.

    I think the real issue in hiring is the TYPE of naive person that typically goes after a 4-year gaming degree, not necessarily the degree itself. In my experience most of them were completely naive about EVERYTHING. I feel like only 10% of my peers are actually cutout for the industry. I agree with the article in that you need to diversify your skill set in regular, traditional majors, but a good game dev program can really help your portfolio, help you network, and get some experience. As with all things it's all about who you know if you're seeking employment.

    In my case I'm really taking a look at those business courses too. I've had an avid interest in business since I was a young... and I love games, so combining knowledge of both will hopefully prepare me for my future, and as a safety net I've developed enough skills to get into other avenues for a job with my eventual uni degree.

    /end wall of text

  6. The DS Lite actually has a bit more weight than the PSP Lite, so..

    You know, at first I didn't believe you so I grabbed my PSP Slim and my DS Lite, and I was shocked... the DS feels like lifting a brick after holding the PSP.


    I cannot care less about a mic. Don't use Skype. And the current screen serves all purposes required. Home button!? Ah, I see, trying to go for uniformity with your systems... I don't really mind. It's when they start adding huge features that make new games inaccessible to me that I'll start getting bugged because less than 12 months ago I bought the PSP-2000. For instance, a vastly improved joystick... that would piss me off if they didn't offer some kind of upgrade for previous systems... I've seen mods to attach PS2 analog sticks onto the PSP, I might give that a try one of these days. Love my PSP and my DS, but that little joystick nub is hard to use. :/

  7. I remember VGMix. In it's hayday it was a fantastic site. It's one of those sites that to this day, I still check everyday even though everyone's fairly certain it's comatose.

    I have to agree though, I liked the VGMix 2.5 forums better. The sense of community was fantastic. Smaller, tight knit little group. I made a lot of friends with folks there that ordinarily I wouldn't have. :) And once VGMixX showed up it all kind of faded away. :P

  8. At last the Wii can join everyone else who had a last-generation console.

    There! FIXED!!!!

    ... if it is as easy as just allowing support like this, it's amazing Nintendo wouldn't just make a DVD Playback Channel for purchase especially if people are clamoring for it.

    There is one thing that I've learned over the years as a Nintendo customer ...

    I will never understand Nintendo. Never in my entire lifetime. They make gobs of money, and I'm left scratching my head sometimes at their decisions, but hey, I guess they know what they're doing.

    That's a cool little hack though. :)

  9. Man, the US mens gymnastics teams were a whole bunch of cocky pricks. Man they pissed me off! They were cheering and saying "U-S-A" like they'd won gold. For crying out loud, even the chinese were humble in winning their Gold and we have our noob gymnists acting like retards with way too much camera time. Geez.

    Seriously, I can handle a little bit of national pride and happiness when you've won but they got a freakin' bronze and were making a bigger ruckus than the gold and silver medalists combined.


    The Chinese mens gymnastics team was freakin' incredible. I've never really been a fan of gynastics but damn, some of that stuff they did was crazy!!

  10. deserved shmazerved. He was driving drunk and he got it whether he wanted it or not. Act stupid then you have to deal with stupid consequences. You reap what you sow.

    Transformers ... hmm, the movie was mediocre. I loved seeing giant robots blow the crap out of each other though. Maybe now that the groundwork is in place the sequel might go back to the old classic Transformula. You like that? Of course you do.

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