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Posts posted by Strike911

  1. I wasn't really intending to buy this until I saw the character creation thing.

    Wow. There are some really cool custom chars out there.

    ...everyone's favorite undead pirate ...

    Barbosa? Oh, Jerry Bruckheimer, how you've ruined my life...

  2. Of all these cartoons/animes being converted to movies Cowboy Bebop has the most potential to be good. Things like DragonBall that are overtly TRYING to be over the top have always been terrible in live-action movies (with a few exceptions). Cowboy Bebop has enough going for it that it could succeed IF AND ONLY IF they keep the style intact and don't start reinterpreting the source material.... everything has to be as close to the show as possible...

    ...otherwise, fail.

    I'll definitely keep my eyes open for further developments.

  3. You're not even 20 yet. So if you live until your 80, think about it, you could have been playing something for 60 years if you really wanted to.

    ... just saying.

    ... seems like plenty of time for catch up.

  4. The last time I rented ANYTHING was when Sega Genesis games and NES games cost $2 - $3 dollars at Blockbuster. Actually, I lied. I rented a few N64 titles 10 years ago for $5-$6, which I thought was a ridiculous price at the time.

    Games are just expensive to rent now... what, like $9-$10 bucks? I'd rather pay the $50 or $60 on good game for a lifetime, than a whole crapload of mediocre games every week.

    If I see something I want I just buy it. Haven't really rented games in 10 years.

    exactly, with demos there's no need. If I really want to play something different I'll play a demo. I have no need to waste money on some rental. Rather save it for a stellar game worthy of the purchase.

  5. Well I took care of the tagging for everyone who I knew. I'm just waiting to find out where eat-this-blind came from.

    'Eat this, Blind' was from me. lol. You know, I honestly thought I tagged that one. My mistake and apologies.

    Yeah, I couldn't come up with an adequate title, so instead of creatively applying the term "blind" to something from Metroid, I decided to go with a short imperative sentence.

  6. 200,000 people is A LOT of people.

    Good luck on your entry.

    I agree with the timing comment above... it's distracting at times. And to my very American ears, the vocalist sounds off in a quite a few areas.

    Good guitar, bass though. The composition is really cool.

    And it may be too much to even mention, but I'll say it anyway... I think the melody you have would sound fantastic on a violin or a string quartet (especially near the end with the electric guitar, AND when the vocalist is by herself with the drums.) I think a lot of bending to the notes would sound really good if you could make it sound authentic. Just a thought.

    Digging the guitar work though. *thumbs up*

    Tell us how everything goes. :)

  7. I was really impressed by the very first trailer I saw of this game a few months ago. I'm still pretty impressed with look and feel.

    The only thing I'm concerned about is DICE's notoriously clunky controls though. The Battlefield franchise has always been fun but the controls always felt clunky and imprecise.

  8. I've heard that Moonlight Sonata mix before and I always laugh because that voice effect they use throughout the entirety was also used (or something close to it) in San Francisco RUSH. Anybody remember that? lol.

  9. I was never under the assumption that the game was copying specific films, per se, though I thoguht it did have a very film-like presentation that did emulate the style of gritty, police stories as a genre in an intentionally cliche kind of way. Highly enjoyable.

  10. I absolutely loved Max Payne 2.

    I don't know what the heck those flying things are though. I can deal if it's symbolic or have to deal with V, in fact, that might make it even cooler... but if they end up being supernatural-ish creatures that Max is shooting up, while I'm sure that too would be cool, it won't be true to the games, which will make me sad.

  11. I Started playing PSO, but it's really weird. Not much of a story yet, but it is fun, so I'll play it some more. I huess the online service is long gone now, huh? too bad.

    Just saying, I love PSO to death, but without people to play with it's not nearly as fun. I know there are a few private servers around though, however, I'm not entirely sure if they work with the old DC version...

  12. 2.40 Firmware is up.

    .... so uh....

    ... now we just need patches for the custom soundtracks. I wonder if any games will get patches this week.

    Thank goodness for the in game XMB.

    It's about time.

    Although, it is a little weird right now when I push the PSButton and it pops up. Really cool, but i'm just not used to it yet I guess. :)

  13. okay, I saw the terms "Sega Dreamcast" and I'm obligated to respond.

    Yes, buy it, if you like collecting old game systems. If you can get past older generation graphics you probably won't like it compared to newer games.

    The Dreamcast has a ton of little gems on it... Shenmue and Sonic Adventure come to mind first.

    ...then again a lot of the good Dreamcast titles were ported over to PS2, Xbox, and Gamecube. *shrugs*

    I say get it, but you should probably get a few more people's opinions. ^_^ It'll be hard to find games, but you might be able to find some at vintage game shops and Ebay. I know theres an older gaming shop that has tons of Dreamcast games for sale. So it's hit and miss.

  14. ... you either think it is or it's not. Discussion about it never ends pretty. Sure I'll read a scholarly take on the issue every once in a while, but I really don't care (no offense) what regular old chumps think of games as art. Why? For some reason "games as art" discussions never stay civil. Also, it's like arguing in a neverending circle, which is just stupid.

    It'll take a general scholarly concensus that games are art, and it will require 'gamer culture' (or whatever you want to call it) to silence itself and not be an immature 'voice' for the medium.

    But really, if you can appreciate something for what it is, who the freakin' hell cares what other people view it as? View it how you want. One day in the future, your views will either be reinforced or shat upon. Until then, I'll be happy if I don't see another Gen Disc thread about it for at least another year or so.

  15. I saw it last night too! It is by far my favorite Pixar movie... there was so little dialogue too, I don't know how they did it, but they made a robot really show emotion well! What great, heartwarming movie.

    Haha, I especially loved how human beings were in the future. haha. ^_^ So true!

  16. ... without playing MGS4 and just watching a video of someone hurrying through, I noticed he had to stop almost every ten-fifteen seconds of gameplay to skip a cutscene, and only got about twenty-thirty seconds to actually play it before he hit another loading screen. That's just bad design.

    I don't know what area you're talking about. That sounds like dramatic hyperbole to me. I played through MGS4 as well, but cannot for the life of me remember any areas where that occurred... with the exception of two short segments. In any case, from personal experience, I can guarantee you that whatever area you saw is not indicative of the entire game's experience or load times or anything else. Again, I don't know exactly what you saw but nothing about cutscenes/load times screams bad design to me, especially now that I've finished the game. However, there are other things that do scream bad design to me... but in the case that you're talking about, I will argue against that. Load times really aren't an issue, with the exception of the installs. :)

    I don't really get it though. MGS4 isn't perfect (no game is, although it is one of the best in the series, and one of the better games to come out recently) but I don't understand the overall hate that it has been recieving since it was released... unless it's some kind of after effect from all the PS3 hate. *shrugs* Weird. There are far worse games that don't seem to take as much crap as MGS4 has though.

    Everyone I know that's played the game has thoroughly enjoyed it. Of course, using the press as a transmission medium, people will try to use shock tactics to get people to read/listen to what they have to say (*cough* Cliffy *cough*), but ... pretty much everyone I've talked to has really enjoyed Metal Gear Solid 4 that have had the chance to play it. Most of the people REALLY complaining about load times, cutscenes, and anything else along those lines usually haven't played the game... at least in my experience in dealing with folks.

    Anyway, Whatev. :)

    *goes back to playing MGS4*

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