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Posts posted by Strike911

  1. Haha, I love how these people that hate presets and turn their nose up to them act like TERRIBLE custom synths have never existed. Haha.

    It comes down to the final product. I don't give a rats ass about anyone's technical skill with all their synths they've lovingly created, because if your music sounds like ass, I won't listen to it ever again. A finely crafted, unique sound is great, but it being solely UNIQUE by no means makes your music better than someone else's. Presets are effective, they can be modded and even layered on top of other presets.

    The whole argument is just silly, and sadly I've heard it all over the internet, but its all just a whole bunch of insecure prick waving.

  2. Center screen on thing you want to make dead, push button. That's it.

    ... isn't that how a gun pretty much works in real life? Haha.

    If anything First Person Shooters just need innovation, game developers are too locked on to gritty games at the moment, but I guess this is no different from the sidescrolling era when almost everything coming out inspired to be like Mario.

    And this law is ridiculous and riddled with issues that just make it silly from a legal standpoint. No concrete definitions of what violence is not to mention its just a bunch of whining about things these people don't fully understand or comprehend. There's a simple fix to this problem. Parents need to do their job and quit expecting other people to do it for them.

  3. They said it above, but I'll say it again: Dead Space. I haven't played 2 yet but the first one is dirt cheeeeeap now. Dead space 1 nails the feeling of isolation and loneliness better than a lot of games I've played recently. And the story is pretty good to boot.

    EDIT: To be fair, the monster things are probably the least scary part since you can kill them with a number of weapons, but honestly, Dead Space's environments and ambiance is what makes the game interesting imo. That said, those bad guys turn scary as shit when you run out of ammo. haha.

  4. Is it really that surprising though? It's not going to get an adult rating by any means, and let's be honest, Nintendo's quality standards are super low as far as quality content goes (Superman 64, really?). Nintendo is not outside of allowing suggestive content on their machines either. Case in point: Zero-Suit Samus, not to mention all the suggestive things she does and what Snake blatantly says about the character in Smash Bros Brawl. And Conker's Bad Fur Day for the N64 was released by Rare when they were a 2nd Party, arguably when Nintendo's reputation as a child-friendly family company was even stronger. All of these examples were either made by Nintendo or published by them, too; it doesn't count any of the 3rd parties. Samus particularly in Brawl is blatant sexual fan service and that's Nintendo's own property. They knew what they were doing.

    We Dare is a special case because of its ridiculous trailer and premise, but it's suggestive nature is, in actuality, pretty silly more than anything else. Don't get me wrong, it certainly is unusual, but its not like suggestive or sexual titles haven't been released before on a Nintendo system. As far suggestive material goes, it's pretty tame.

    It'll get slapped with a "Suggestive Themes" for the rating and get rated M probably, but that's about it.... and get way more marketing and press than it deserves probably.

  5. I'm inclined to agree with you, people that are interested are already in the know, but why not do both to get new listeners? If a lot of people retweet PRC info, you have chance to capture a lot of people's attention that may not even be aware of OCRemix, even if these people aren't necessarily contributing, but rather listening. A formal, or official OCR mention would be great though. I know there are a lot of people just coming to OCR to download music that never stay beyond clicking a download link. But honestly, Twitter has the capability to bring in a lot of new people that wouldn't otherwise think of checking out OCR, much less PRC.

  6. There was a big thread on Ars Technical about this game, saying that it was now more appropriate to have these kinds of party games for teenagers. They basically are this generations version of "spin the bottle".

    Imagine if you have a bunch if 16 to 18 year olds, you are in a group of 10 people or so... This might be the new thing to do now.

    You're right. I wouldn't be surprised honestly, especially with more markets coming into gaming.

    I keep finding myself thinking that the entire premise of "We Dare" is somehow hurting the game industry (and, wrongly so, I have no proof), but honestly, who the hell am I to say what a video game should or should not be? Yeah, this game doesn't necessarily appeal to me (or many of us on this forum) but with the new markets that the Wii and Kinect brought in to the gaming scene, this is just a natural extension of that.

    Whether we as traditional gamers like this game or not, I'm sure we all know people (or knew people) that would be into this kind of thing. I certainly do, and while they're not the type of people I like to associate with often, Ubisoft could be on to something for that kind of market. Who knows if it'll succeed.

    I'm more interested with how defensive everyone is getting over this game. And I'm guilty of it too. I don't understand it. Is it the pandering aspect? Or is it because we all feel like gaming we grew up with is changing (or threatened by this kind of stuff)?

  7. Wow!! 15 years?! Damn, I feel old. >_< I remember being in middle school and being super excited for Pokemon. Nintendo Power had all those little

    promotional Pokemon insert comics hyping up the release back in the day. I know the US got it some time after Japan, but still... time flies.

    One of these days I need to play one of the newer games. I stopped after Gold and Silver by the sheer overwhelming number of new Pokemon. *nostalgia*

  8. I hope someone purchases the rights to their intellectual property at least. Losing Killer Instinct, Battletoads, and Banjo would be a bad thing.

    Isn't it more likely they'd just transfer their IPs to Microsoft in the event that they were going belly up without a buyer since they were essentially purchased as a 2nd party by Microsoft? Or is it way more complicated than that?

  9. I'm feeling a mix of excitement and pessimism. Excitement because that was actually a fairly powerful trailer (especially for a zombie game), but pessimistic because I have a sneaking suspicion that trailer is trying to make the game appear far more poignant than it's actually going to be.

    I also fear this.

    That said, the trailer really did put the game on the radar when the genre is really starting to get crowded. If they're able to keep that kind of an emotional response in forward motion, they might have something.

    Damn good trailer though. I hope the gameplay is just as good.

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