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Everything posted by Brushfire

  1. Ben Affleck is a good actor. Look at The Town and Good Will Hunting. Or Dogma.
  2. During a "training" session today a piece of Gamestamp propaganda. "DLC and Downloadable Titles are great solutions for gamers that want to "Go Green."" Yet most DLC and DL Titles are printed plastic cards, and all videogames require electricity to run. So yeah. There is that.
  3. The Nighthorse crew uses Vegas 12, combined with Chroma key for greenscreen, and FRAPS/Bandicam for game footage capture.
  4. Saints Row 4 is the best game ever made. Seriously. It is just so much fun to dick about.
  5. I disagree. Those pros shape that meta through experience. The rest of the game is built on coatails of the pros.
  6. Bonus Track: Purple Pants (Touch the Kids) Omicron Persei 8 Remix - Happy Birthday and the Funky Bunch feat. Bstrades Telecaster.
  7. TTar aint OP bro, he is mighty slow without a Baton. Base stats still only cap at 600, just like every other final dragon.
  8. I went to a tournament in Hachinohe Japan shortly before Platinum was supposed to come out there. The matches were single elimination all pick matches. I breezed through the waves of Japanese children and Man-children, but the second match I had was the best one. A kid had a team of six Pikachu, lead by a shiny Pikachu. My lead was Ninjask, and I doubleteamed/swords danced/baton'd to my Tyranitar. EQ Overkilled all of the little rats. Then he started bawling. Called me a "baka gaijin" and ran off, presumable to kill himself for failing so horribly. Lost to an Arceus in the Semis though. Cheap ass Uber picker.
  9. But there is nothing more delicious than devouring the tears of the child that thought a team of 6 Pikachu was a good team. True story.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=_Lyi2RSVxqg Sorta Related.
  11. I have a legit beef with Gamestop. They lost my paycheck. Yup. Lost it. Somehow it is my fault too. "We deposited it in a bank account that wasnt yours, even though your direct deposit was set correctly to your actual bank 8 days earlier. Still your fault though. Do all of the leg work to get this corrected for us." "Fuck..."
  12. https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/77968_599088380143630_1736011672_o.jpg Rolling a Conjuror, eventual White Mage. Healing to dunk scrubs forever.
  13. Server Admins: Bahamut Bark Gamemaster Regular Admins: Brushfire ParanoidDrone phill Plus some others.
  14. http://www.joystiq.com/2013/08/10/gamestops-motion-to-dismiss-used-games-class-action-lawsuit-den/ Everything the plaintiff is alleging is true.
  15. "/ban "User" 0 "Being a racist is fucking stupid and completely out of line. Buh-bye!"
  16. The guy prolly just saw you as a number. Man I hate working for Gamestop a lot. But I gotta pay the bills somehow. Once I find a better job I am bailing so hard.
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