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Everything posted by Brushfire

  1. At the memoent I don't have real internet, but wheb I do, I will get it.

  2. So far there is only 4 folks staying at my house, si there is stll plenty of space. Thus far there is my friend Troy, Devon, one of Devon's friend, and Upthorn who are confirmed to stay. Dyne is still on the fence and it looks like Donut will be confirmed. Still got plenty of room.
  3. No, we will have three cars going down to magfest. I have three rooms that folks are staying in. My living room, dining room, and nerd room. You will have to abstain while me house.
  4. FaN is still more annoying than the Sandman. No matter what anyone says, atmu included, can change my opinion on this. The knockback is too ridiculous and the damage output is waaaaaay to overpowered. So anyone who gets pissed about a little stun they couldn't sidestep has no one else to blame, but themselves.
  5. Epicenter. He will be coming up to my house from Atlanta for Magfest. So you'll have someone to talk nonsense about old things with.

  6. Yar har har. West coast lubbers prepare to be boarded. YAR!!!!!
  7. I agree with Jude. Kicking for one guy playing with the rest of the folks is not grounds for kick. Maybe a slay if everyone is in agreement. But never a kick.
  8. I wanna play terrible map cycles. Unfortunately, I won't have webs until Friday. I'm a sad panda.
  9. I got two floors and 1 nerd room to put folks in. Provided they don't mind sleeping on an air matress. I should be able to sleep upwards of 10 people.
  10. Woo double post!! So Wes you need to add the room arrangement for me. So far a definite lock is Upthorn, D-lux, and if I am lucky, Edgecrusher. EL RAR GRANDE!!!
  11. Sweet, now all I have to do is convince my wife to let me use my house to hole up the cheap folks. HUZZAH!!
  12. It turns out that one of my friends who is coming to Magfast, seems to know you from his Ecco website. Small world, d00d.

  13. Poofing is the best term. Though Scoot is is closing in fast. Get it? Closing in fast. Cause the scout runs fast? Huh? Huh? I wish I could play TF2...
  14. So I got a question. It may be too far out, but will OCR be making it out to PAX East by chance? It will be another prime time to crash at me pad.
  15. Atmuh, your novel length reasons for hating the backburner are kinda shortsided. You gotta take into account anyone who knows what they are doing are gonna win regardless of the situation. So please, keep your post to novella length from now on, kay hon? But seriously, skillfire for me is getting behind someone and giving them the old Back Burn. RAR!!!
  16. For those thst don't know, yes I will bee making a trip up to the convention center everyday. It is only about 40 minutes from the con to my house, so it is no big deal. More specifically to anyone who wants to hang at me house before hand.
  17. I just can't seem to win whe it comes to internet here in Maryland. My Palm Pre doesnlt have a workiing irc client so I will be reduced to frivolous forum posts.
  18. Though I am still on vacation, I admin in spirit. Though I will return on the 7th or so.
  19. You gotta talk to Larry Oji or David Lloyd to get your name changed. It worked for me, IT COULD WORK YOU! I garuntee it.
  20. Awwwwwww.... Andy what happend to you d00d? You used to be cool. But you changed man. If your plans fall through, you are still welcomed to attend my Magfest LAN party. I still gpt my bromance for ya d00d.
  21. Hey everyone. I will have internet again soon. I will be back on the TF2s soon. Annoucing and Admin-ing and all that good stuff. Internet SHOULD be on the 7th. Comcast somehow broke the cable pole while attempting to put my cable in the first time. So now I have to wait till they fix the pole, but they won't tell anyone when the pole will get fixed. BUT!! Soon I will return. Also, if you missed Otakon's SF2 Rainbow commentation, you really missed out.
  22. Hiiiiii everyone!! You know what is great¿ Aside from not having a question mark, internet, phone, or any explanation as to why I don't have any of the above, using my home for Magfest!! It looks like Captain "D-Lux" Yahoo and his gal pal will be gracing my house. If you want to among those prestigeous ranks, please send me a PM. I can offer airport pickups and such for all cheapos out there. I am looking at you Dyne.
  23. d00d! You have any idea where we are gonna go for dinner? Or are we gonna decide that tomorrow?
  24. Yes. I will send you to the good side animu. Gimme a call if you need anything. By the way Jose, You will need an air matress in my hoose. That is Right. I HAVE A HOUSE NOW! RAR!~~!
  25. d00d!! YOU WILL INVADE MY HOUSE WITH YOUR SWEET SWEET SWEED. I will host you if needed.
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