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Posts posted by Lucavi00

  1. Nah, I did. My statement stands as is.

    EDIT: Oh wait, he also called you a tool and a dick. My apologies, but that doesn't exactly add up to what you said.

    It seems as if I made you mad. Maybe we can discuss this further in a PM like civilized adults? I would love the chance to right any wrongs I have clearly put you through. And you are right, it does not add up. I feel that what he said was much worse than what I said but that is just my opinion versus yours but that still does not justify either responses. Again, PM me and we can discuss this further.

    Thank you.

  2. Excuse me? Where on Earth is my place then Miss Pretentious?

    Also, eating excrement is bad for my diet, probably best to follow the doctors orders.

    I'm sure you've tested this dietary plan yourself. Amiritelol.

    Basically, what I'm saying, is that you're a tool.

    This is just mindless drivel and not worthy of a response. I'm sorry that I made you made enough to resort to name calling. I sincerely hope you don't stay mad for very long.

    There is a MASSIVE difference to saying 'You could take the vocals out, I think they detract from the feeling'


    'Leave out the crappy vocals'.

    Also you've been making snide remarks this whole time. Don't act like you're righteous.

    I KNOW I'm not righteous, cause I'm giving into my anger, which is something I don't do often.

    I did, in fact, say it just like that to Rexy herself. It was a one on one conversation that you, obviously, didn't know about nor should you know about it or will ever know about it. It came off as brash but I'd hope she knew that I was referring to what I said in IRC the other night and it seems she did.

    I'm going to conclude this wall of text by saying that I'm so glad for everyone here to have produced such excellent music.

    It's a true shame that things like this happen, which detract from the entire cohesive feel of the competition.

    I'm sorry if I've fueled any sort of fire, but I couldn't help myself.

    I love you guys. Especially SuperiorX. Without you, there wouldn't BE a competition. So thank you so much.

    - Callum

    I'm glad you had fun. Coincidentally, I really liked your remix and thought it was going to beat Brandon in the first round. Kudos to you, chum.

    This kind of conduct is unacceptable here.

    First and only warning: tone down your posting style or face a ban.


    First and foremost, I would like to say that I, in no way, think that my actions were justified and were merely stated out of personal anger towards Mr McGee. With that said, please don't include me in a double standard scenario. I do not appreciate being called out for what I said when it was a direct result to someone else's vulgar tirade. We were both in the wrong and while childish retaliation was a mistake on my part, by singling me out you effectively say that what Mr. McGee did was alright but my response towards him was reprehensible.

    As a moderator for OCR, I would think that you take your job seriously and as a person of some authority, would come into every situation that requires your attention with an unbiased outlook. I would also hope that you read every post and then make your judgment based on all of the facts. I can't assume that you didn't read the post that lead up to my use of vulgarities but, if you didn't, I will include them here for your benefit. I was flat out told, and I quote, to 'just shut the fuck up'. Please excuse my use of another vulgar word but I have no choice as it was the words used by Mr. McGee himself.

    I feel that I have expressed my concern in the matter and I thank you for you attention and your diligent work here on the OCR forums.



    With all of this said and done, I will no longer humor any more of this nonsense. If you wish to continue this line of discussion further then I implore you to send me a private message.

    Thank you.

  3. Well it is your mix so you can obviously keep it the way you want and I hope it passes the panel. I'll still download it because it really is a good remix. The vocal parts are small but, as you know, they just don't jive with me personally. I have yet to listen to the revised editions but I'm sure they sound just as good as the original.

    And I don't mean to come off as brash or brazen. It's just how I am and it's just as bad in real life, it isn't just an 'internet tough guy' thing. So don't take what I say too literally as I mean well but I don't sugar coat things.

  4. Dude, Lucavi... you've made some pretty snarky remarks your last few posts... can't tell if you're trolling or not...

    Nope, I discussed it with Rexy prior to her latest post about it.

    Lucavi. I'm not one to throw any form of anger anywhere, but shut the fuck up.

    Beth's track was excellent, and even better, she did it out of the goodness of her heart.

    Don't be a dick, I've put up with your remarks this whole competition because I'm a pushover, but for the love of god, stop being a jackass.


    Love Tuberz

    Eat shit and know your place. I don't just say stuff to just say it. I meant what I said about the vocals having to go and I told Rexy that about 3 or 4 days ago.

    I don't pull punches and I don't beat around the bush. People who do so are only lying to themselves about their own feelings.

    She wanted an opinion on what needed to be addressed prior to subbing to the judges and I gave my feedback and it's a very valid criticism because it sounds corny as hell. The music is good but that just drags it down.

  5. "Honest voters??"

    The vote was too close for me to decide. Next time, should I just say that your mix was the inferior one?

    Besides, I voted the same way as you did. You obviously agree that your song was inferior to Gario's, unless you're not one of these "honest voters" that you seem so fond of.

    He didn't really want to keep going. He's been complaining about what he'll do if he wins.

  6. What is this horse shit. This has to be rigged. This is rigged worse than the votes in Florida during the Bush campaign.

    That's what everyone probably thinks that's what I would say but in honesty, it was a close battle on both accounts and predictions can either be right or wrong. if they were right 100% of the time they wouldn't be predictions.

    One vote either way and BS voted for his competitor too. It's probably for the best because "Don't be a Crepe" was the hump point for BS in this comp, haha.

  7. Omg <3 <3 <3 <3 yea thanks :-D

    I always try to make songs that sound real, mostly because they.. are real! :-D I don't like the idea of overproducing things. At least when it comes to organic music.

    After some thought I'm gonna share the lyrics even though I am very uncomfortable sharing dem, people want to know them. -_-

    Everything we are, all we can become - the potential of our race

    Everything we are, all that we were - just a disgrace -- Gone

    There's no way out, you can't abandon the crowd!

    Oh, everything's changing now

    (All that we know, all that we are)

    Oh, everything's changing now

    (All that we know, all that we are)

    (All that we know, all that we are)

    Oh, it's not worth anything

    (All that we know, all that we are)

    Oh, it's not worth anything

    (nothing) I set my sail (nothing) fly the wind it will take me (nothing) back to my home (nothing) sweet home (nothing) lie on my back (nothing) clouds are making way for me (nothing) i'm coming home (nothing) sweet home

    I blame you, I blame you

    (All that we know, all that we are)

    There's nothing left for us, we better just go away

    I blame you, I blame you

    (All that we know, all that we are)

    There's nothing left for us, we better just go away now (now repeats until end of song)

    I blame you, I blame you, I blame you, I blame you -- Gone

    Quoting this so he can't erase this post and get rid of the evidence.



  8. Willrock, predictions at the beginning of a compo are harmless, as that's just people rooting for their favorite mixer. In the beginning, everyone has favorites, so that's normal. It is disrespectful to make such predictions when it is a head's up match and the music isn't posted yet, as that's a direct way of stating that one musician isn't any good compared to the other. It's actually pretty demoralizing. I haven't seen that sort of thing at the end of a compo yet, save for this one, probably for the reason stated above. I'm pretty sure Lucavi means no harm from it, but hopefully the hostile responses in this thread will show that it is offensive to do so at this stage of the game.

    The remixers have all responded, and I'm sure Lucavi didn't think about his post when he posted it, so we can drop the issue and get back to the music, now. In the grand scheme of things a few people are hurt, but a week from now no one is going to give a shit 'cause they'll be eagerly anticipating the outcome of the Amphibious vs. Gario match-up.


    I know exactly what I posted and why I posted it. I also predicted Rexy vs. Strader in Round 1. Hence why I said 'I tell you fools, Rexy Vs Strader in the finals.' Though now that I read it, tell should have been told so that was a mistake on my part.

    To all those that got butthurt, deal. It's a competition and even though you aren't playing to win a prize you are still competing to enhance your skills as a musician and should still be playing to win and treating your opponents as your rivals.

    To all those that got disheartened because you got beaten and people had opinions about your work, best learn to cope now or the real world will eat you alive. Take their criticisms, analyze it and then apply it to your next work to make it bigger and better. You won't always get another chance in a different setting, just be glad that all of this is for fun and not for some cash prize or some other prize that would be worth a lot to a musician (maybe a new studio set up or a record contract) because if that were the case, then I gaurantee that a lot of things going on would be totally different.

    TL;DR: Criticism is a part of the creative game. You can't please everyone 100% of the time so there are bound to be some people who won't be impressed by you. Hell, even some of them will be vocal about their disapproval and it may hurt your feelings. Turn that negativity around and use it to push your skills forward.

    Also, damn my improper first post. Tell = Told

    Also, believe it or not, the only reason I'm hyping up Strader is because of the source he picked. Planet Wisp is awesome. If someone had picked Crisis City then I would have been rooting for them even more.

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