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Posts posted by Lucavi00

  1. O rly? It looks like Brandon is having a tough time with Wildfire this round, and if I get through this time around I've got some pretty epic ideas that I'm going to be employing against my opposition, too. On the other side, Amphibious has been consistently awesome throughout the compo, so it's entirely possible for Rexy to be knocked out, as well.

    I'm honestly confused by your statement, there - no one at this point has been lagging enough in this compo for anyone to make any sort of prediction.

    Well it was just a prediction after all. The race is really damn close and everyone has done a spectacular job. I just thought that between the two, Strader would pull ahead. After listening to both songs... I'm not so sure he will make it out of this round.

  2. Why can't all songs have a bassline as funky and awesome as Planet Wisp? %7Boption%7D

    This, god dammit. Planet wisp is amazing for bass and guitar awesome.

    Just listen to the 2nd act in Sonic Colors. Eff it, I'll link that shit.

    Act 1 is amazing too and Act 3 is decent but it's all over the place. Act 2 is just bass/guitar heaven though.

  3. I hope you guys noticed (and enjoyed) the little Sonic 3 reference in one of my fills. Keeping up my weird trend of paying small tributes to games that aren't actually represented by me or my opponent. (Last round had the Sonic Boom clip despite neither being from Sonic CD)

    Edit: Also in case anybody doesn't pick up on the reference in the track name, Sonic makes Speedy Gonzales seem like Regular Gonzales. Yeah... I've been rewatching the good 'ol, pre-cancellation days of Futurama again.

    I noticed this and that. I guess it's easy when you are a nerd like me.

  4. Man...so far everything sounds fantastic.

    Ben Briggs track is standing tall above the rest so far. Fantastic work, man.

    edit: Oh shit... that Proxigean Tide track. It's neck and neck with Ben Briggs to me.

    Wow...Mainfinger clearly went Sonic Generations new age sonic style with that Chemical Plant.

  5. This is exciting. Did someone in the Robotnik bracket pick Crisis City because if they did, and god willing, they are good, then they will be my hero. Crisis City is one of my favorite Sonic zones


    No one picked crisis city. Sadface.

    Double Edit. I see Brandon Strader picked Planet Wisp. Don't let me down bro, planet wisp is a baller song and zone. If you don't win then I'll hold you personally responsible for all my lifes problems.

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