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Posts posted by Lucavi00

  1. I'm not bitter for something that happened in the past. I may have been feeling that way with the voters in general, but let me say that I ultimately didn't have the intention to come off that way. In fact, I'm happy that I managed to come here and improve my skills as they may help me considerably for fuure endeavours.

    And I'm certainly not bitter for Brandon either - a little disappointed, naturally, that he didn't win when he was in the lead for most of the week, but I am happy that he did so well and proud he represented the team so well.

    Now please, let's just be happy and face round 10 :)

    Dont feel like you have to be apologetic or have to explain yourself to that fool. Just tell him off and be done with it.

  2. I'd have to put 9 & 10 (especially 9) up there towards the top of the list too, because they are also both excellent.

    The very reason I left 9 and 10 off the list was for the simple fact that they were made so long after the first 8. They pretty much took what made all the music from the previous games amazing and compiled them into 9 and 10. MM9 would probably be number two on my list if I were to include it.

    MM4 music is definitely one of the best, but it does seem to be a bit underrepresented in these compos.

    AeroZ took Toad Man in GRMRB 2011, and prophetik has Dust Man and LuketheXJesse has Skull Man in WCRG 2011, but that's it. Three robot masters over the course of three compos.

    I agree with this and I actually find it to be a bit disappointing at the same time.

    At the start of GRMRB 2011, Darke encouraged people to pick robot masters that were absent last year. Some did, some didn't. Hopefully, more people do in 2012.

    I was thinking more along the lines of making it an actual competition rule. Not a 'hey I hope you guys pick different robot masters this time around".

    Eh, I felt for the most part that MM6 had a very accessible score (moreso than MM3's robot masters in general imo) and fitted the general scope for the series significantly more than 5 and even 8. Maybe aide from Centaur Man and Knight Man I felt they had a great ability to sink into your mind in regards to structure and made them worthwhile to re-arrange, and I felt that Yamato Man was like the crown jewel of the game for me.

    Alas, I picked Plant Man from that game mostly for two reasons: simple structure (24 measures split into distinct sections) and the fact that there's no coverage on OCR yet (though I am aware of Vurez's "Amazonian Flower", thank you very much). Even then, I'm sure that between the five of us who represented that game (me, Geoff, Jason, Lidawg and Nuts) we've managed to come out with something really solid for that game's coverage

    I just think MM3 has the market on catchy themes for the entire series. I mean, come on, you have Snake Man, Top Man, Shadow Man, Magnet Man and Needle Man all in one place. It's insane.

    MM6 has a few good themes in it but for the most part I don't really care for it personally. I thought MM8 had some amazing themes. Aqua Man and Sword Man are two of my favorites from that game. Also, listen to the Sega Saturn versions of the MM8 themes. The instruments are so much better than the PSX version.

    I love Plant Man. That remix of Plant Man's stage on the Mega Man anniversary collection was freakin' awesome and yeah I think you peeps did a good job with reppin' MM6.

    All in all I think that the series started off kinda slow music and gameplay wise and then the gameplay and music got better going into MM2-4 and then the gameplay kept getting better while the music sorta fell off MM5-6 and then they both picked back up on a newer console that had better capabilities in MM7. Finally they ended it on, what I would say, is a pretty high note with MM8. The style was kinda kiddy but the music was good and it was decently challenging (I'm looking at you Wily Tower 1). Fast forward to 2009 and Capcom hits the nail on the head yet again with MM9. Then a year later in 2010 they keep driving that nail home with MM10. Seems they finally learned from their past Mega Man game experiences.

  3. I've remixed Quick Man and Dive Man before so I didn't want to do them again, although I had both in my Top 5, because I really like both of their themes a lot. Quick Man has been done a lot by other people before too, so that could also be why no one picked him. Dive Man though, I'm surprised isn't remixed more. I actually think I had Burst Man in my Top 5 as well, but I can't remember. Regardless, I think his theme is one of the most under-appreciated themes, as is most stuff from MM7, it's good stuff.

    True dat. I figured since some of the guys I listed had been done so much it was a no brainer to pick them as you have so much to go off of.

    I actually enjoy the MM7 OST. I find it has a lot of really good songs. Plus it has that hidden throwback to SG&G in Shade Mans stage.

    I think if I were to arrange the MM 1-8 games in order of best OST to least it would look something like this.









    People will probably disagree with how high I put 7 and 8 in the list but I honestly believe that 5 and 6 have the weakest music in the entire series.

  4. Quoted for truth.

    I'm really surprised more people don't do Quick Man and Bright Man. Bright Man's probably ignored because he looks like a fat, bald guy.

    Also, a lot of people were actively pushing for someone to pick Tengu Man's theme from the Sega Saturn version earlier on. Was pretty close to having Jewbei pick it, but then DarkeSword changed up the way he selected robot masters and he did it randomly. So no Tengu Man.

    By the way, you should go vote in the social group!


    Cuz the posts don't disappear when he comes back, and I'm nearing critical mass for how much I can take emoticons being thrown at me.

    Yeah I'm listening to the Mega Man 4 complete works OST and it is amazing. I rank MM4 as having one of the best OSTs of all time. Cossack fortress songs 1 and 2 are just ridiculously amazing.

    On the subject of Tengu man... I like both of his theme versions just about equally though the Saturn version represents Tengu Man a bit better than the upbeat chipper PSX version.

    I was thinking it would be fun for the next robot master competition that instead of everyone picking the same RMs, everyone picks a robot master that hasn't been picked yet. Like...exclude all the RMs from this competition. That way we'd have a whole bunch of new sounds goin around. I noticed a lot of remixers picked RMs they picked before in previous battles. That is no fun.

    Go go Clown Man.

  5. I'm listening to some youtube Robot Master remixes and I'm now realizing that there were a lot of good robot masters that weren't chosen.

    Off the top of my head I can say:

    Quick Man

    Bright Man

    Dive Man

    Burst Man

    Cloud Man

    Tengu Man

    Each of the ones I listed have amazing themes.

    The list can literally go on and on but I feel the ones I listed above are some of the ones I'm surprised no one took.

  6. Alright. It is time for Lucavi00's top two songs per round.


    Totally Rad Winter by Sir_NutS

    -I love the genre and style of the music and he works the Wily Castle song with Blizzard Man's song very well.

    Burn the Castle by AMT

    -I'm a sucker for guitar and Pirate Man has an awesome level song and design. I'm really glad someone picked one of the more obscure Robot Masters this competition.


    Far From Home by AkumajoBelmont

    -Love the retro style and cheesy as hell lyrics. Cold Man is another great Robot Master and Wily Castle 2-1 is as iconic as they come. It was pretty much a match made in heaven. It doesn't hurt that Belmont had prior experience with a vocal track done to Wily Castle 2-1 in his previous song, For You (http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR02121/)

    Shadows of Wily by Amphibious

    -That guitar again. Shadow Man's song is so smooth in Mega Man 3 and I think it transitions to guitar very well. Amphibious makes the transitions between tracks seem pretty seamless. Song is a bit short for my taste but that is only because hearing it always leaves me wanting more.


    Running with Scissors by Nekofrog

    -Can you all see a trend here? Again...guitar and its fast and heavy. I actually find Cut Man's song to be rather short and annoying in the Mega Man game but here Nekofrog fleshes it out with some killer riffs, a very nice breakdown and some good double bass drumming. Not a huge fan of the Wily Castle 5 source but I can't complain when it that guitar is wailing.

    Topsy Turvy by Flexstyle

    -Ah Top Man; One of those songs you either love or hate. I love Top Man's stage and music, it's just so crazy and upbeat. Flexstyle really brought out the big guns in this round because those drums are just kicking ass all over the place; It sounds so good on my 5.1 surround system. The song is rather short but it's oh so sweet.


    Liquid Metal by Brandon Strader feat. Rexy

    -The guitars are awesome and so are the sources. Splash Woman was a very welcome addition to the Mega Man series in my opinion, having both an amazing level and song. The lyrics here are great and I love the growling and screaming even though I'm not a huge fan of that genre. My only question to Brandon is... is that Rexy growling too?

    Dayquil, Nyquil by Jason Covenant

    -Really dug the drum work in this piece and the nice use of samples. Very smooth and chill mix that builds up into a piece that has a lot of power behind it. Yamato Man isn't a personal favorite of mine but Jason works it very well into a mix that is easily one of my favorites in this competition.


    The Fall by AkumajoBelmont

    -Belmont: The name is synonymous with ass kicking. AkumajoBelmont returns in Round5 with another vocal mix that just hits all the right spots with me. Cheesy lyrics and a killer beat that screams New Order or Depeche Mode. It's short and sweet and that drum hits hard as hell with my subwoofer. I like it, I like it a lot.

    Wily's Bubble Bath by TheGuitahHeroe

    -When I first heard this song I was playing World of Warcraft and I thought to myself: This sounds like something TheGuitahHeroe would do. I look over at my iTunes playlist and sure enough it's him back with another rocking Bubble Man mix (The first amazing one from him being Bubbling Adrenaline from the GRMRB 2011). Bubble Man's song is in my top 5 favorite Robot Master songs of all time for good reason, it's catchy as all hell. Add that to Wily Tower 8-2 and you have a powerhouse electronic mix that rocks my socks. Love those Willrock-esque mini solos you got goin' on.


    Red Chamomile by Rexy feat. Brandon Strader

    -It's Plant Man and Cossack 4-2 with guitar from Brandon Strader and some amazing work from Rexy. Nuff said.

    Air-Cossacks! by WillRock

    -I C wut you did thar with the title. Just like above it's Air Man and Cossack 4-2 with that WillRock flair we've all come to know and love. Nuff said.


    Totally Tubular Fortress by Sir_NutS

    -Sir_NutS has this genre in the palm of his hand. Nice sound with a killer drum that hits in all the right spots. Like stated before, Blizzard Man is one of my favorites and I really like Wily Stage 7-4 as well. Sir_NutS really delivers here with a great mix of two great sources.

    Float by TheGuitahHeroe

    -Here we are again with GuitahHeroe and Bubble Man. It just seems like the two were destined to meet because TGH can really churn out some great mixes using the Bubble Man source. This song is a little different from the others he's done and that is not a bad thing at all. The piano samples are a nice touch but you can clearly hear that TGH flair that is present in all of his songs.


    Cruise Control by Nutritious feat. WillRock

    -This song is just great. It has a good build up, a powerful delivery and presence coupled with great guitar work. Nutritious and WillRock really stepped up the game in Round9 with this great track.

    Tomahawk's Final Chapter by Geoffio

    -I laughed pretty hard hearing this song. The vocals are amazing simply because you can almost hear Christian Bale coaching Geo on how to use the gruff Batman voice from the corner of the room. The song really does sound like a battle with how the two sources go back and forth. Geo did a really good job with this one. It's a bit silly but still delivers.


    Mega Breeze by WillRock

    -Not your usual song from WillRock. He usually has an almost over the top synth explosion but here he takes a different road. The sound is good and he incorporates Air Man and We're the Robots very well. The beginning starts off pretty slow and steady with some Air Man that leads into a build up that works the Wily 9-2 source very well and then the mix slowly drifts into closure with piano that I could fall asleep to.

    Raging Reptile by Benjamin Briggs

    -Now this, this is how you work Snake Man. The original source is so amazing by itself that it is very VERY hard to do it justice. Benjamin Briggs hits the nail squarely on the head and just keeps driving it home with this amazing mix. It's upbeat and has that Snake Man charm with a splash of We're the Robots that makes me beg to hear more and more. Great job.

    I guess that's it.

  7. I rated my 167 favorite MM songs, because that's how I am.

    #1 was Galaxy Man

    #15 was Search Man

    #167 was Clown Man

    This should give you an idea on my thoughts on that track. :P

    Anywho, I can't wait to finish this track! :3

    I never said it was a good song...but if someone were to remix it into a good song then I'd have to give you the maddest props that were ever to be given. Ever.

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