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Everything posted by halc

  1. not much to say- it's a nice expansive dnb arrangement with some excellent textures and production (as expected by now from Flex ). really capitalizes well on the source. the live guitar was a great touch, and I especially loved the way you incorporated it with the wobbly bass halfway through. not gonna bother trying to nitpick; this is a rock-solid mix imo. great work, Michael. YES
  2. so good. it brings a tear to the eye. also quit making me look bad you lovely, talented jerk.
  3. DarkSim sent me a version with proper bitrate, and some slight improvements in the mix:
  4. arrangement-wise, the key is changed and theres a lot of notes added to the melodies.. I'm hearing the connections at first but it gets a little tenuous as the song gets deeper into the soloing. haven't broke it down, but I think the main riff, which is used pretty heavily, along with the melody use earlier in the track might put it over 50%. sounds and performances here are good, but the mixing needs some cleaning up, and the track is overcompressed. the kick is really overpowered and causes the other instruments to dip. overall, the song could use a more defined bass/low-end as well. NO(resub)
  5. gah, hopefully mah feedbacks is good, I was pretty brief. apparently I can only write lots about a song when it sucks. ;D

  6. nice stuff here. arrangement is pretty conservative on the surface, but well-varied in the rhythms and chords, and never got boring, though the breakdown was a welcome change of pace. a few thoughts: -didn't like the processing on that opening riff, sounded really cheap and flimsy. was glad to hear those crunchy rhythm guitars kick in after a few seconds. -leads at the beginning and end of the mix were buried. (:50, 4:40) -drum work was pretty good, but the cymbals (esp. the rides) sounded robotic, as if you're hitting them in the exact same spot with the same timing and strength every time. you've used a lot of different cymbals, but try to change them up more often or edit the pitches to give it some subtle variation. -nice slap bass. I think it's pretty solid is is, but you at least gotta bring those leads forward a bit. YES(conditional)
  7. very cool adaptation, though I do agree that the intro was too long. the original melodies seemed somewhat lost in the translation to vocals, but I'm still hearing the source in here just fine. I agree that there's still a lot you could do to expand on this, but I feel that what's here is pretty solid none-the-less. the hard panning on the bass bothers me though; would at least like to see that fixed. YES(conditional)
  8. major props for remixing this song. not much to complain about here.. if I gotta nitpick, the vocals seemed a bit repressed, and the arrangement is pretty conservative (much moreso than your usual fare imo), with the melodies and lyrics being left pretty much the same. I love the way you've treated the chorus though, and the second half of the track in particular has some nice deviation. YES
  9. agreed with my fellow J's, really loving the track, but the balance is a little off; the bass is overpowering, and coupled with all the thick pads and strings, is causing the mix to sound cluttered. I thought the drums were a bit mechanical sounding compared to the rest of the arrangement, but that's just a nitpick for me. would definitely like to see the balance and mixing polished up a little, though. NO(resub)
  10. really like the arrangement here, hadn't imagine it being done in a ska-style, but it works pretty well. unfortunately the mixing is pretty dry and muffled. nothing really cuts through the ensemble.. it's quite difficult for me to even make out the lyrics without reading them. it's also pretty short, with just a single verse and chorus. we've definitely posted mixes that get the point across in a really short timespan, but you could at least add in a solo and repeat the chorus or something to that effect. mixing is the main issue here though, hopefully some J's with more experience in live recording can provide some more detailed feedback. NO(resub)
  11. ouch, this is pretty harsh in the highs, especially the sinewave lead. the mix overall is overcompressed too. as far as the arrangement goes, this is a nice blending of the sources, but it's really conservative, and the melodies rarely stray from the orignals. the instrumentation, also somewhat similar to the originals, doesn't evolve much throughout the piece, causing it to feel repetitive. NO
  12. jeez, you guys are on a roll this year. gonna be listening to this and equilibrium this week at work.
  13. some clicks at :02 and :04 in the intro. another at :31. etc. seems like rendering or encoding glitches. I really like the direction your going with the arrangement, the 'washed out' approach works really well with the source and the instrumentation you have here. I think it's dragged out a bit too much with the long intro and repetition of the main melody, and there are some pretty wonky note choices imo. but otherwise, I'm really digging the interpretation here. :55 was a bit underwhelming, but I was enjoying all the elements here. a minute and 47 seconds without any bass? the song needs to build up a little faster. at 2:19 things start getting a bit cluttered, and I'm not so sure about some of the note choices here. seems kinda random. nice change up at 4:06, though the timing in the drums is off. might be a little overhumanized. I really do love the approach here, but it needs another coat of polish. NO(resub)
  14. What in the world is that horribly frightening dancing cat in your forum signature from?

  15. hal-see 'Wings to the Sky' source: Powerful Mario ( )*project song meh, I'd shoot for the dp, but I don't mind getting jooj'd on a little bit :3 comments: another typical halc mix you say? well, perhaps so. it does have chiptunes, zelda-strings, sound effects, and a cheap pseudo-fadeout ending.. with an extra dose of untz and boom-wah. please to enjoy. :] ------------------------------
  16. nice expansion and additions to the melody. the genre adaptation works pretty well though the arrangement leans a bit on the repetitive side imo. the filter makes the lead sound really repressed. it doesn't cut through the arrangment the way it should. the snare didn't have much bite either; I think it'd sound better without so much reverb. personally I think the kick should have been shorter and punchier too. gotta echo Vinnie, at 3:15, some weird fading/overcompression going on there. I liked some of the glitches, though the one at 5:43 definitely felt off to me. otherwise, the production ain't bad, your synths are nice, and theres some nice sidechaining (esp. 4:24) and automation. just needs another coat of polish to push it over the bar imo. NO(resub)
  17. not a lot to add to these other votes; vanilla sounds and rigid sequencing are the main offenders here, though the production overall wasn't too bad. if the arrangement had more going for it then this would be pretty close for me, but those issues coupled with a pretty conservative arrangement makes this a no. NO(resub)
  18. gotta agree, the rhythm guitars could have been doing a lot more to drive the arrangement. it's definitely pretty conservative for the first half, but I think there's enough personalization in the piano, guitar solos and added arpeggios in the latter to put it over the bar. excellent production. YES(borderline)
  19. love this arrangement, it's kinda like a live counterpart to 'Bros With Dix'. I don't mind the loose feel, and I know it's a quirk of the style, but I agree that this gets too loose at points, and is somewhat distracting. tighten it up just a bit, and I'm all over this. NO(resub)
  20. piano and snare were slightly hot on the highs, and the bass could have been more prominent. the arrangement is as you say, light and bubbly, with a ton of personalization. I love the blend of synths and bells, it'd fit right in with the Kaleidoscope soundtrack. nice stuff, probably my favorite of yours. YES
  21. the drums feel muffled in tone, the snare needs some more bite in the highs, but overall they are definitely sitting too forward in the arrangement. I thought the rhythm guitars were overpowered by the orchestral stuff, which was a little muddy and over-reverbed. nothing was ever really front and center, melodically, besides the lead guitar which actually seemed mixed pretty dry in comparison to everything else. this is close, and the arrangement is solid, but I think it needs some more work balancing-wise; push the drums back a touch, tone down some of the reverb and try to cut some more frequencies from your instruments to make more room for them to breathe, because when there's so much going on in the mix, stuff tends to wash together. NO(resub)
  22. not much to say, this is really great stuff. I love the way it starts out fairly conservatively and eases into the arrangement. you've done great justice here. YES
  23. I really like the sorta experimental arrangement ideas here, reminds me of Cornelius. I don't really have any issues with the mix.. even the dissonance in the bass OA mentioned didn't bother me personally, though I do agree that bass sample is a bit cheap, and could use just a lil' more oomph. it fits with the somewhat lo-fi vibe you have going but I think a thicker synth bass may have been a better fit. regardless, I'm down with this as it is. YES
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