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Everything posted by halc

  1. This is a really creative arrangement, the melody works just great with vocals. Digging the main piano/keyboard sound. I thought there were some light electronic drums or beatboxing kicking in at :57, and again at 1:27.. anyone else notice that? Regardless, I think a nice subtle beat could have really picked up the track. the concert bass and snare that do enter around 1:50 were a little underwhelming imo, but they do the job. overall, cool stuff. YES
  2. Nice sidechaining. I think I'd of preferred a shorter, punchier kick, and the drums in general seemed to take a backseat to the synth work, but production was generally pretty good. a little muffled in the low frequencies perhaps, and just slightly overcompressed during the climax in the last 1/4th of the song. nonetheless, great use of stereo effects and panning, you got a really full sounding mix here. The arrangement is fairly straightforward, keeping the melodies mostly in tact, but the added arpeggios, rhythmic shifts and harmonies keep it fresh. I think a little polish could do this song well but it is still above the bar as is. nice work. YES
  3. Great choice of source.. this is one of the best gameboy soundtracks ever made, imo. love the arrangment. reminds me of OA's lighter stuff sometimes with the stuttered synths. also digging the guitar tone and lead synth, and all the pitch bending in the backround. very cool, creative stuff, and a great collab. I suppose Emunator can be an ocremixer after all. ;D YES
  4. definitely have to agree on the overcompression, and I thought the leads were pretty buried by the rhythm guitars. I didn't think the source was underplayed personally, I could definitely hear it for most of the track, but it's hard to tell because of how buried the leads are. I also wasn't feeling the ending, but it wouldn't be a dealbreaker if the rest of the song was above the bar production wise. over, pretty close imo. I think the arrangment is fine, but the stated production issues need to be addressed in order for this to pass. NO(resub)
  5. dunno if it's just me, but the first lead is causing some buzz in my left headphone. overall, I'm really liking the arrangement. it doesn't get repetitive for me, but the instrumentation, albiet fairly similar to the original, was a little plain imo (though I can definitely appreciate the chiptune aesthetic ), and the percussion was also too far back in the soundscape. the mix in general could have used some more punch in the low end. I think the leads could be brought forward a bit too. production improvements will help this out a lot, but I think you should look into expanding the instrumentation a bit more as well, if possible. a close call; I do hope you touch this one up a bit! NO(resub)
  6. not much to add, this ain't a bad mix. i'm generally digging the tone of this track but the rhthym guitars are definitely dominating the mix a bit. the arrangement is pretty conservative, there's not a lot of real melodic content and that causes it to get a bit repetitive imo; nature of the source, but some more original melodies and variation would really help out here. I'm fine with the ending, I have ended songs the exact same way. just a lil' rough around the production edges and a bit straightforward with the arrangement, but there's good potential here. NO(resub)
  7. nice original melodies; not much you can do with a song that doesn't have any, but the source riffs were definitely recognizable for a good portion of the mix. the guitars, esp. the rhythms, sounded pretty good, and I was really digging the lead synth in the second half, too. the mixing here is really focused in the upper mid/high's, and doesn't have any oomph. the bass is really quiet and the guitars and drums need more punch. the drums in particular, as the other judges have mentioned, are really overpowered, and the lead guitar also seemed somewhat buried by the rest of the arrangement. needs some work, but if you smooth out the mixing, this can be a solid mix. NO(resub)
  8. I didn't have a problem with the drum sequencing but I think they could have used just a bit more punch; otherwise that I thought the production here was pretty solid. I don't mind bite-size mixes like this, but it was a pretty straightforward and conservative arrangement. the added arpeggios and harmonies were nice though. Needs a bit more expansion to make it passable. NO(resub)
  9. not much to add. nice performance, I liked the inclusion of the prelude at the beginning and the key change at the end. the track is just too short though, and needs some more substance and variation in order for it to be passable. NO(resub)
  10. i've been dabbling in it a bit I suppose and this is probably the best thing I've come up with so far.. unfortunately for me chthonic set the bar pretty high with his stupid(ly awesome) original album. ;D http://halc9bit.com/private/to-day.mp3 all feedback appreciated! edit: obligatory ABRUPT ENDING warning. you have been warned of an abrupt ending.
  11. appreciate the comments everyone. glad y'all like the mix regardless!
  12. meh, I dislike debating over my own stuff, but I guess I'll chime in.. i can see where you guys are coming from. this was one of the toughest sources I've remixed, and definitely one of my most liberal arrangements.. I had a really hard time finding a workable chord structure at first, so I started with an original progression that I could use to ease my way into the source. on the other hand, I do think some of the comments regarding source being hardly identifiable were a little shortsighted.. the second half of the song (the slower portion) is actually quite conservative, with the original melodies at the forefront, and for the most part (save for the transitions and little embellishments) unaltered. by this point I had come to grips a little better with the source, and it was definitely my intention to use the second half more conservatively to make up for the lack of in the first half. I knew I'd get a few complaints that it was liberal, but claiming the whole track as being unidentifiable, having no melody or connection to the source, etc.. is overdoing it just a bit, imho.
  13. it was a conceptual choice; unless you really suck, you usually encounter multiple special zones in a playthrough. it was more or less the main motif or 'hook' of the album. sorry to hear you thought it was excessive, personally I think each artist did a great job of making their take unique while also blending in other sources and jingles, but to each his own. glad you enjoyed the album!
  14. that would be Mr. BoX. you used a couple master system themes too yeah? that'll be listed as a represented title as well when all is said and done.
  15. Preview it: http://youtu.be/Plqgt38TuPY Download it: http://sos.ocremix.org Torrent: http://bt.ocremix.org/torrents/Sonic_the_Hedgehog_-_The_Sound_of_Speed.torrent Post your thoughts about the album here! Thanks to everyone for the patience and support, and most importantly, all the amazing musicians and artists that helped make this a reality!
  16. correct. if the song was not written explicity _for_ the game, then it's not eligible as an oc remix. the bump of chicken song was likely licensed for use in tales of the abyss.
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