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Posts posted by Gollgagh

  1. It's gonna suck for her each year... "OK honey, do you want Christmas, or a birthday party? Because Mommy and Daddy can't afford both." ;-)

    pfff, my birthday's after Christmas and that never stopped my parents

    anyways congrats Mazedude!

  2. I'm honestly more inclined to purchase a title these days if it's digital. With my getting a Vita as well, I've been pretty much completely sold on digital downloads. (though in the Vita's case, the physical copies nearly all come with close to jack shit besides the box, cover slip, and game card; they don't even come with the barest pretense of a manual!)

    It's just way more convenient to have all of the games right there on the main menu without having the cartridges scattered everywhere; plus with large capacity SD cards being close to dirt cheap these days, space is almost a non-issue.

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