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Kal aMari

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Everything posted by Kal aMari

  1. Mario Nintendo 1981 It's Mario. What else do you need to know? Pared down enough, Linearity?
  2. a) No problem. I don't think there's a list. One would come in handy, since there are quite a few whom I have no idea who they are but look interesting (#101 in particular, I believe.) c) I probably should write up Mog's bio, but I'm busy right now. Maybe later, maybe someone else if they want to. d) Also, does anybody know who #101 is?
  3. Seconded. I hope. It's Bonus-Kun from Waku Waku 7. I've never played the game, so that's all I can tell you.
  4. Out of curiosity, is "Jenova" the only of Noir's/Eric's/Bob's songs with sheet music?
  5. No apologies necessary. As long as it all turns out good, I don't care when it's released (unless I die beforehand. ).
  6. Dammit, I've been reading this topic too much. My dinner's cold. SatQ sounds pretty good. And I just dropped my fork listening to Masamune.
  7. Damn, sounds great. I love that vocal track near the beginning. Between this and Chrono Symphonic...hope my poor 56k is up to it.
  8. I know. But it's suck if he can't submit because he missed the WIP deadlines. Though it's probably for a good reason why we haven't heard anything from him since...what, Brinstar Minibossa?
  9. The only song of merit that I see remaining is Religion Thunder and maybe Person's Die. Almost all of the good songs are taken. And that's a good thing, as long as y'all do a good job, which I'm sure you'll do. And if you ever hear back from House. He's got a great song; it'd be a shame if he can't do it.
  10. Man, I don't want to see either Rolling Cradle or Where Angels Fear to Tread dropped. Y'know, I can see a big techno/rock thing going on for RC. Get a strong beat going in the back, throw in a little guitar noodlin', maybge a bass line for a little more power...Even though I'm making it sound easy, I'm sure one of you has the skills to do it. [/throwing out ideas] ...*goes looking for Prophecy*
  11. Indeed. I wouldn't mind seeing some riffage through the marimba/xylophone/whatever solo. Well, whatever. I hope whoever picks it up makes at least a good song out of it.
  12. I see Ancient Dolphin (Mirage Palace), Rolling Cradle (Bill/Ben), Person's Die (I dunno, but it sounds good. ), Left-Handed Wolf (Beast Kingdom), and Weird Counterpoint (Dragon's Hole) are still open.
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