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Everything posted by ShinnyMetal

  1. I don't ahve much to say so I'll give it a thurough BUMPING!!!
  2. yeah Im always tossing between the FF VI and FF VII OST myself
  3. LMAO thats alright, twas just an idea, even though it was a bad recording too >_< are you still doing anything with mine? if not I need ta know.
  4. *twitch* wrong forum *points to the one bellow this forum*
  5. well I can over come that and the other choices weren't somehing I could work with well. I forgot monobrow was a chick *dies* well I like how it is comming out, cause it doesn't really have the same sound as the source. so yeah..still would like to know what the unlistenable part is
  6. Well I was hoping Monobrow would help out on my composistion. but I hope he shows up soon gah. my problem is I don't wanna have to work with it any longer, I personally hate the source material. I will have to I guess....and what is the unlistenable section?
  7. I dunno what you mean, given that there's only one ReMix on OCR of it... I don't think there are any on VGmix either. So if anything it's UNDER-remixed compared to other FF7 themes. tru dat be, it is hard to remix, it has so much variation and just is outstanding as is
  8. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Meh I don't think of it that way at all, just lending eachother a hand.
  9. >.> IM not dead.... has anyone heared from Monobrow?
  10. I just offered cause I was extremely bored and...was in a music making mood *goes insane for no apparent reason* kk...just get me the songs and stuff as soon as you can. cya then
  11. We haven't given up yet...not...all...of us..that is... we jsut need to get in touch with the quiet ones thats all >.>
  12. *parties for the project* there just isn't much oing on...I'm just waiting for everyone else to finish *yawn* and Im tired x.x
  13. Might as well... I can offer guitar parts possibly if need, both Acoustic and Electric. ^^, I will have an WIP on a song IM doing soon up to give as an example.
  14. >.> why didn't I here about this before..I am thuroughly depressed now T_T cause I woulda so joined this, but all the songs are probably taken up (or all the good ones at least) I can't wait to here it it then and if there are any openings I would gladly show some credentials
  15. I know..I just realy had to say something since i hadn't for a while, seeing as I realy do want to, I don't need to for a bit since I am working on a original project as of the moment
  16. I wanna do another piece...mainly...because I ahve to occupy my time with something slightly constructive ._. right-o...it would be neat cause I donno...but it would probably be different from my Key Cavern Remix...so you realy can't base it off that realy
  17. rawr... your guys' stuff is comming along fantastic ^^ keep up the good work!!
  18. ^^ thank you very much, well it is finished now, (shinny btw, technicly shiny, but >_< whatever) the fished should sound better The finished is better BTW (unless you heared it ) so, if you could tell me the issues, so that i could better myself, i would be very pleased ^^ damn you, don't post the final products! but thanks. and i did listen to the final version, actually. now EDIT YOUR POST! ._. I didn't know...I ahven't been active much s'okay. i shouldn't have shouted. sorry =) thats ok, well yours is great also ^^
  19. ^^ thank you very much, well it is finished now, (shinny btw, technicly shiny, but >_< whatever) the fished should sound better The finished is better BTW (unless you heared it ) so, if you could tell me the issues, so that i could better myself, i would be very pleased ^^ damn you, don't post the final products! but thanks. and i did listen to the final version, actually. now EDIT YOUR POST! ._. I didn't know...I ahven't been active much
  20. ^^ thank you very much, well it is finished now, (shinny btw, technicly shiny, but >_< whatever) the fished should sound better so, if you could tell me the issues, so that i could better myself, i would be very pleased ^^
  21. T_T god damnit, my dad is so delaying his part, its due in two days, and my dad still hasn't recorded the guitar...the last damn thing...he has been putting this off for a month
  22. we are so totally friggin awesome...I..think
  23. oo....i forgot about that....i'll think of a nifty name
  24. wtf XD that is halarious...seing on how that is what IM calling my key cavern piece (key of destiny) accually I may go with key of Fate..I donno now
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