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Everything posted by ShinnyMetal

  1. O` I airship http://tindeck.com/listen/lztb
  2. yeah, I made this awhile back from the MMZ 2 remix, Cool Bind by Dragonlord, and it's my ringtone. I just thought I'd share. yup. http://tindeck.com/listen/kenr
  3. Alright, I just recorded a rough (and let me tell you...it's pretty rough) I'm sick so vocally it's just meh ok (or even bleh) and I don't really have lyrics yet. soon though...soon. remix: http://tindeck.com/listen/sswy source: (mostly right now starting at 1:00) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kc-agrlU8_0&feature=related
  4. While playing Final Fantasy Tatics A2 the main character has a book that writes in itself after every major event...well...I assumed this was an auto-save feature and didn't bother saving, I'm about 20 hours in and decide maybe I should turn off my ds instead of keeping it in sleep mode. go to play, it's all gone. Aw s#*! I was so pissed I didn't play it for about 6 months or more. I just picked it back up 2 weeks ago.
  5. Agreed! I don't get to upset with that because writing memorable themes is truly a gift. Some of the character themes are amazing while others fall short (but isn't that the norm anyway? I mean, does anyone remember Berret's theme? or Cait-sith's theme? nope)
  6. So what do you all think of the OST? It's a marked inprovement from XII that's for sure. Still disappointed in the lack of "themes" in the music but it trys real hard in some. But for what it is I think it's really amazing (I'll even by-pass my sadness for missing iconic themes)
  7. alright thanks Joker
  8. I thought she was cute if not overly cute to the point you think she should die from it. I'd off Hope way before her anyway.
  9. the voice actor for vanille I know is Australian. I like that it's indistinguishable kinda.
  10. oh man....Is it too late to join?!?! If so I'd like to jump on either the boss or final boss theme from FF XIII.
  11. wow, it lives? I thought about asking to join again but I don't think I could commit lol. (though I'd help collaboratively?)
  12. ok...so this is just something dumb I put together in the late hours of the night...yay for crappy amps and bad mic signal! http://tindeck.com/listen/lvnq
  13. oh...I didn't know it would get this much hype ^^; thanks guys..alot Imma work on this here soon *yay*
  14. hey guys. I just want your guys opinion on the direction I'm taking so far...first off here are some things you need to know 1.) It'll be Electric Guitar in the end, not a classical 2.) there are "drums" in only one spot because the part sounds lame without them...I will add more drums later 3.) There are going to vocals 4.) there will be better keyboard sounds (and better people playing them xD) alrighty. http://tindeck.com/audio/my/lpgi/castlevaniathing
  15. lol awesome...I'll be dumb founded if my first OCR entry is a funny song xD
  16. I've been contemplated taking a more...serious (in theory) recording approach to this. has lots of potential
  17. i'll do percussion first before I think of that xD
  18. lol well this is the shop theme from Ocarina of Time...it isn't great at all lol but I thought it was good from some laughs possibly... http://tindeck.com/audio/my/lvfe/ILoveTheShop
  19. if ya guys are really wanting to do this I'll dot Fragrance of Dark Coffee in a heartbeat!
  20. yay, sounds like fun...never done midi before though
  21. update...still no real bass or drums and some...one electronic sound... http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/ecpi/zeldawip
  22. there's more that's going to be added and there is also Song of Time you have to take into account...which is in there for uhm...I'd say the last 40-50 seaconds when the progression changes to a m,ore minor feel. I haven't even started on percussion or the electronic portions
  23. update http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/rqee/zeldawip
  24. yeah I've been trying to find the time to work on this and I also hate the drums lol...just had to take an hour of listening to determin...so yeah don't worry Imma goin to take out those drums deffinantly! :3
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