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Everything posted by ShinnyMetal

  1. I have a name now... Heal My Broken Heart!
  2. bump!!!! RAWR!!!!!
  3. whoa man..lke..i've been lie...mega inactive..well..im gonna get started on my tetrix remix cause..reason isn't working at my house for some reason andddd...so far I only nede guitars in the tetris one...sooo yeah...woot...
  4. hmm...I'll keep the name in mind thanks for the comments
  5. *shrugs* bump
  6. kinda a Trance-y kinda song..not completely sure.. OMG a name... "Heal My Broken Heart" http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/czyk/rgeshgs
  7. Bumpage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. hey guys...well this is my moonlight shadow remix. I starrted it on tuesday of this week in my class...still needs some fixing up (the last 40 seacondsneeds allot of fixing up) and I will have vocals on this too..well I recorded them already but it was a mess...I had only 20 minutes to record before it was due due to some very iritating complications... well...w00t? Moonlight Shadow WIP (click here)
  9. LOL originally those were by complete accedent...but it worked out so i kept them
  10. you don't think you could put me up for tetris also..my mind has been filled with some ideas on that one...just a bit
  11. ooooh...I realy like it...personally I don't like the seacond synth you used for the main theme...but thats just personal preference... as far as I can tell you...there isn't much to say about it, its a great remix
  12. yeah...forgot to even upload..long day *chuckles* (again..just for kicks) http://media.putfile.com/Fight-for-Your-Right-to-Battle
  13. a final fantasy-esque piece I decided to do...w00t? just started on it a few days ago..about 4 1/2 hours put into it http://media.putfile.com/Fight-for-Your-Right-to-Battle
  14. woot! I got ome guitar ruff recorded..I don't got the audio files on me...Im finishing ruff recording tomarrow...oooh im so excited...well...if im going to do Sephiroth I don't have much time till I should start ideas...gah...SOOOO BUSY!
  15. well my problem is an over abundance of songs and remixes I am working on at once..this one has kinda fallin in priority...I just have guitar stuff to work on too...
  16. I gots reason 3.0 =D woo whoo!!! (is strongly thinking on sephiroth....)
  17. *huffs* the ones I realy wanted are now open *chuckles* oh well...I haven't realy done much else to my song kinda been procrastinating it *sighs*
  18. *shrugs* oh well.. I was just going to have someone play drums instead (with they're good electric drum set...realy good0 cause I I can't do beats to this well...
  19. to be honest im not looking for getting a yes by changing the way I want to do a song..Im looking for a yes with the way I want to do this... I mentions that the drums suck...(the first post I did) its blatantly obvious..they are just place holders for ideas. no way im getting better sounds...can't afford it and I don't want to include the original...not in this... oh and I wanted it to be cheesy =D thanks though for your advice
  20. its an interesting mix...though i think the way it sounds is ok for a intro to it but the..I donno how to discribe it...like its coming from bad speakers is very pleasant to the ears for a long time...also...the clap..snare..what ever it is...is stabing my ears...back it off, its just to loud and in your face... like it other than that *thumbs up*
  21. I didn't want the intro to fit...big reason...I wanted to throw the listener off by making them think Im taking this direction then showing them its more energetic than originally thought. Transistions were diffenately next on my list to do, some of the suck...*twitches* badly thanks for the C&C people, I realy appreciate it =D
  22. Midi? ok I can understand on a few of the sounds intentially made to, but nothing sounds midi about it to me? V wrote parts out,programing wise, I played them on a midi keyboard. and some of the sounds are high quality stuff...I shoulda bought...*scratches head* ...I don't get it
  23. this is a remix V and I are doin together... w00t? http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/1xs37/DanceMad-1
  24. OMG...I accually posted a wip... http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/1wjp1/DHAOS !!!!!!!!!!!!! crazy!
  25. eep not fortune cookie again !!! the humanity!
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