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Everything posted by ShinnyMetal

  1. http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/3lcg8 w00t, I'm getting close to submitting this...I know DRUMS NEED TO BE WORKED ON, other than that i've had mixed opinions give me your C&C on this remix of the Clash on the Big Bridge!
  2. OMGT..I am such a procrastinator *chuckles* ..i'll have a wip done in time..I've just been working on like...3 songs simultaniously for class...I'll start tomarrow...hopefully
  3. http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/3lcg8
  4. strait up yo.... *shifty eyes*
  5. update...w00t... http://www.tindeck.com/audio/my/1ojos
  6. yeah I figured...I personally wantetd to have a sudden transition...like it was unexpected...but im starting to have doubts if thatly work out like that. Im using presets for drum...im just not good at drums generally...
  7. i would personnally go with a GT8...I might just ne a boss junkie though...seeing how thats all we use in thi house hold...the SE-70...VF-1 and GT PRO
  8. to bad exdeath and gilgamesh are connected...I love gilgamesh's battle music (Clash (or battle...) on the big bridge =3 well i've been practicing the snot out of Dhaos crap on the guitar...taking a break due to throbbing phalangies..soon I have to make a back bone or something *Shrugs*
  9. UPDATES: did some volume levels better and fixed a few things ..im going to redue some parts (ending and begining) soon I also realize it is very quiet...probably because when working in reason with these headphones it is overly loud...so i'll fix that soon also
  10. nice arrangement, though I really can't remember the original that well..only complaint so far is sound quallity and samples...could be better...other than that...I like it hope for future improvements from you -Shiny
  11. I only started this last night..I wasn't expecting it coming out like it did BUUT...I like it sooo....here ya go GILGA-MASH! (old) Press Start! (click here) NEW the man of mystery (updates) Man of Mystery (perhaps "What the Mesh?" )
  12. Realy? >.> never was slow to me...
  13. this is a mix of Key Cavern I made awhile back, I'm thinking of submitting it to the judges Panel. click here!
  14. this looks like fun...bosses always have the best music anyways *chuckles* well...after hearing these I found that I would like to do... Dhaos, from Tales of Phantasia!
  15. Generic Ninja Fight a song I made for a fight video (which is very similar to mortal combat in the end.) well..yeah *shrugs* to me it is done *heel click* G.N.F: Click here to listen!
  16. that is no problem at all, and if you still need any help on yours IM always here to do it...woot?
  17. Alright well looking back through the forum a bit...I see that my song was cut..which I do understand... even I knew t had to be changed but I was stuck on how to do it...My creativity with it had become non-exsistant. so I would like to ask for a Second chance at a another song... Key Cavern might have not been the best song for me to remix...I had a feeling it might not in the begining, but it was one of the few soungs I could do at the time, where there were only a few availible songs. Now that there are some openings, I might be able to produce a better remix using a new song. If you want I could work a little something up of another song and then give you a little idea of what I can do with that, then you can determine weather or not to except me once again intot his lengthy project of yours. -Shinny
  18. im using reason >.> I realy didn't think of making it a OCR so do't worry about that =3
  19. I decided to make a Bloody Tears remix for a Music Video Project which will be my final in this class. Im in the finsihing stages with it...one thing that has tot be done is record real guitars (and possibly drums) and fix some timing issues...but I wanna know if there is anything else to be done other than than..or just any Ideas. thanks -ShinnyMetal http://www.tindeck.com/audio/files/sfuw-BloodyTears2one.mp3
  20. IS there anything that needs help on, I kinda wanna do something other than just sit in wait...
  21. I remember you aeth telling me whatyou did not like about my song but I couldn't get any specifics from you...you think you could note me or something on what you don't like...i'll see what I can do.
  22. meh..im to tired to care right now...it was dieing down...this whole thing seems to be...
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