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Everything posted by Hanpusu-kun

  1. HOw big is all the files together? I may be able to mirror them, or at least some of them.
  2. Argh, you know, that the internet translators can be quite useful sometimes
  3. Man, you just made my day with that translation! Did you run it thru an online translator? yes I did I noticed the spelling now xDDD Absolutely! OCR rocks! Trefligt med en annan person från Umeå!
  4. We're not opponents! You guys always have to be so dramatic. What did aurora say in the end of episode #18 then ?
  5. Yoinks! Not new to the site (been checking the site for about a year ^^), but new to the forums. My name is Hampus Andersson and I live in Sweden. Im 15 years old. Interests is: Girls (omg, theyre cute), games, manga/anime (nerd! X3), remixing and other stuff. I have an upcoming remix, that I probably will post the first version of tomorrow. (omg, it is PSO!!! X3333) Now some swedish: Favorite artist @ ocremix.org = Pixietricks (luv vocals ^^)
  6. I can translate that ;P (proud swedish boy) Bummerdude wrote on swedish translated to english; My own opinion is that it was a really funky tune. I liked it. Neskvartetten has done it again ^^
  7. Pixietricks ftw! I think you have quite a bit of opponent Aurora ^^ Anyway, I said at mu voicemail that I would get a account here at the forums, and now Im here ^^; Show number 19 rocked and im seeing forward to your 20th episode.
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