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Everything posted by Wolt

  1. Oh, this sounds like a nice theme. Though, I wont go promising anything...
  2. Hmm, LeafGreen uses CR1016? Good to know. I've only seen CR2025 in GB/GBC cartridges, and actually never opened GBA cartridges. I havent had any battery issues other than my PK Silver one, but like it was said earlier, that generation had their battery issues because of the internal clock quartz crystal that needs power. What puzzles me more is that I've yet to figure out how the NeoGeo pocket keeps its saves. Took one cartridge open one day and discovered that it didnt have any battery, the internals were rather simple actually. So I assume it has a non-volatile memory of somesort.
  3. Oh dear, that link... I just cant stop laughing...
  4. Well, managed to get something done. I had trouble thinking out a character that would be the least expected villain. Also, most of my sketches and ideas just made the heroes more badass looking and not evil at all... This months theme had great potential, but atleast I failed to get everything out of it. Or that's how I feel.
  5. Congrats for the winner. Yeah, Dhsu, I would've done that, but I was unsure about the "non-humanoid" rule.
  6. Eh, just as I expected... Creatures are hard to draw, but I managed to make something.
  7. Well, that was unexpected... I'm not good at monsters/creatures, so this might turn out rather... interesting, maybe.
  8. Pyro painting is awesome. It's my favorite of them all. Really like the colors, painting technicue and composition of it. Just wondering why morrigan got so little votes... Eh, anyways, I'm excited about what next months theme is gonna be.
  9. Eh, I dont know if there's an easier way. But this is how I did it: -Upload your picture somewhere(photobucket, imageshack,or something) -Click on bonzai's name and go to contact info. -Click "Send personal message". -Write your letterz, and the link to your image. -Send.
  10. I hate it when dreams are too realistic and then you wake up and notice that everything was just dream... Especially when good things happen in the dreams. Yeah, I sent it and asked bonzai, and got a green-light. I think...
  11. Hey people. I've been lurking occasionally these FAC threads. I dont know if anyone remembers but last time I joined the FAC was some 3 years ago, hence why my account is ancient. Eh, I've been following this thread since the start of the month, and I even made an "entry", but I'm bit unsure if it fits in the "femme fatale" category.
  12. Now when I think... Andross from starfox adventures was really frustrating but not impossible.
  13. I'm too lazy to read the whole thing... I managed to get thru Snake rattle n' roll when I was like 9 or 10. One really fun game, still my favorite NES game. Seiken Densetsu 3 isn't hard at all. It's just bout getting best weapons,classes and some levels so the bosses don't spank you with their mean deathspell. oh! the hardest boss? Have yet to complete Super Mario RPG, Im stuck at the stupid axem-rangers.
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