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Everything posted by Horseboy

  1. Yeah, it's a pain in the ass. Get the DOS based one if it's really important to you that it doesn't do that. I usually terminate the program when I want to play fullscreen games. It doesn't advance much during that time anyways
  2. For me, both work perfectly together, even with Amber core.
  3. I cast my vote for Shredder at the end of TMNT3: Radical Rescue. I never got past him
  4. I'm bored, i'd do it But only if it's necessary, because 150+ pages are still 150+ pages o.O;
  5. Wee, rank 9. 9 is my lucky number ^-^
  6. There are arguments that it hurts your computer to run it non-stop, and there are arguments that it hurts your computer to not run it non stop. Neither side is very convincing. Um..I've been letting it run nonstop for about a week now, basically just for Azureus and F@H most of the time... Hope it doesn't break before I can buy a new one (which I desperately need anyways...I want to play HL2 )
  7. Does it really hurt a PC so much if you let it run nonstop?
  8. Party at my house! w00t! Where is your house? Can't you read? It's obviously at C:\Discreet\3dsmax7\Scenes\. That's his location, it doesn't have to necessarily be his house. Still I suggest we find out where it is, go there, and have a beer.
  9. Party at my house! w00t! Where is your house?
  10. Dunno, but I signed up, too.
  11. Weird, I'm seeding it like all the time...and I see a few other peers,too ...
  12. Hi, I'm Horse, I just signed up to this forum, after downloading (and seeding) all these cool remixes and reading a thread here and there in this forum, so ye well...hi!
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