the mapchooser is a lot nicer because i have the ability to nominate maps that i happen to like but arent on the standard rotation because they are less popular (like junction) and can get to play them without having to get people to rtv
the two major problems with the mapchooser as it is are that first off it pulls the default vote from basically EVERY map on the server which can create some pretty terrible vote choices, but that can be easily fixed if the default vote came from a specific list for example like the mapcycle we used to use, so its a set of the most popular maps
the second problem is that the vote comes up out of nowhere and makes the 1-3 keys unusable for that instant which can be rather annoying but that can also be fixed by using the mapvote_exented plugin
we tried this once and the server crashed as a result but im pretty sure that i know why and could very easily figure it out and tweak the settings to something that would actually work the best for people, since i think the main issue was that fireslash just kinda threw it on the server without looking at the config file for the plugin