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Everything posted by atmuh

  1. im not coming into this thread to start an argument or anything (those who visit the smash bros thread know what im talking about) all i have to say is AMEN!
  2. i know this could go on forever and to be honest CONTRARY TO WHAT YOU ALL THINK i dont want it to just for the love of god stop saying we should be thankful for it and people got pissed about the vf5 lacking online for ps3 because it definitely should have been there
  3. sonys is free as well as is most pc games they aint as good as xbl but a WHOLE LOT BETTER than nintendo
  4. i have a computer roms and i own pretty much every old game i could possibly want already
  5. i know ive been hearing that i just have only enough money to pretty much buy food for the next few weeks so i cant really get it man i wish there was a free wii games site and ive been looking forward to it JUST LIKE IM LOOKING FORWARD TO BRAWL but i seem to have the tendency to point out every thing that annoys me but i always hope that not much does and for the record i really really REALLY REALLY hope im wrong about the bad things i say about brawl but im pretty sure im not
  6. because ive been pissed at nintendo for providing me with nothing that entertained me for a prolonged period of time for a while
  7. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHA ha ok yeah the next time i play halo ill remember to not talk to my teammate and to be honest im pretty much sick of all of you idiots saying YOU SHOULD BE THANKFUL IT HAS ONLINE if a game comes out for ps3 xbox 360 or pc that is FOCUSED ON MULTIPLAYER is online ever even a question? if it were excluded on those platforms people would be UP IN ARMS so why does nintendo get the special treatment
  8. or how about HOLY BALLS THIS GUY IS BEATING THE CRAP OUT OF ME GET OVER HERE AND HELP ME or do you want my item? if team attack is on there are tons of ways to coordinate things by attacking each other
  9. oh so without voice chat what about team battles if youre playing a 2 on 2 match how do you talk to your partner since without that its retarded
  10. i was nearly killed in an accident about a year ago i was making a left turn (the light had just turned green) and i inched up slowly (it was 10:30 at night) to make sure no one was coming still i then started to make the turn as a car coming around the slight bend was going REALLY fast as soon as i saw it i hit the breaks and hoped the idiot would run the light but swerve around me it was some girl, probably on her cell phone, and she went right through the light and smashed into the front driver side of the car if i didnt stop she would have smashed into the door on my side, and would have seriously injured, if not killed, me totaled the car and ever since ive been freaking scared driving
  11. read my posts i have never sworn ever i dont swear
  12. another fanboy trying to justify
  13. actually i used to be the happy jolly person like all of you who got excited for everything nintendo and thought they could do no wrong then i bought a wii and im sure the offline component will be extremely excellent i am to criticize nowadays
  14. why i think someone needs to get these stupid fanboy faggots to wake up and realize everything nintendo is doing wrong, or could do better not make retarded justifications because its nintendo and they love it so much ive said it a zillion times and its been said by others also play on xbox live for a week then go back to the wii you will find a zillion problems with it
  15. obviously you dont read the updates rankings are confirmed to not be there handles are confirmed to not be there voice chat AHAHAHA not gonna go there so yeah everything ive said is right
  16. actually the problem lies in friend codes because they use numeric codes and not usernames you cant display their unique identity over their head otherwise if you could put any old name over your head everyone could end up with the same name or they could be explicit (OH NO!) even if i was a pedophile and i saw some kid's name I COULDNT EVEN TALK TO HIM so what the heck is the problem
  17. a song pack (3 songs) is almost 100 MB so not that much
  18. i say we hang out in the chinatown fair again and play ddr and fighters at least i win half
  19. no because nintendo finds hard drives to be useless, the little bit of memory it has aint gonna cut it at all thats why all the unfortunate souls that bought guitar hero 3 for the wii cannot play co op quick play and cant download song packs
  20. im saying that this ONCE AGAIN is something that has the potential to be an excellent feature but they make it useless all theyd need to do is add a RANKING SYSTEM (HOW THE HECK DO THEY NOT HAVE ONE) and you could select to watch matches among higher ranked players if you chose or if youre a beginner you can choose to watch lower ranked matches then if they REALLY wanted they could still keep them anonymous but at least youre picking what you wanna watch this also presents a major flaw with their wifi play after two months of xbox live i really appreciate ranked matches when i go to unranked ones i get the balls beaten out of me every time, but when i play ranked im playing people like me the lack of ranked matches is going to discourage all new players from playing online as theyll more often than not get the living garbage beaten out of them aside from friend code (gay) matches the entire wifi play is a complete joke so yeah i threw the whole live thing in there again but this isnt like its an exclusive live thing it is an ESSENTIAL aspect to any kind of online game
  21. ya see this would be a good idea if they let you PICK A CERTAIN PLAYER WHOSE MATCHES YOU WANNA WATCH seriously for the love of god what idiot is going to sit around and watch completely anonymous smash matches
  22. you should get rock band free like me :]
  23. they should have just put the original spc file in the game the update has made me listen to it constantly for the past few hours its kinda sad how the sound quality of the spc file sounds better than this new god awful arrangement
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