After listening to the three offending articles, I can barely pick out any resemblence between A Sacrifice and Find your Way, and FinalJungleFantasy.
But, I don't really find that important. It's still mostly good. It's a bit Challange-esque (battle versus Seymour Flux), but mostly good. But if cheese resembled Kefka, this remix evokes thoughts of Kefka on LSD. Whilst dead.
i.e. no resemblence to the origin.
But mostly good! Good effort!
Edit: Actually, no. Sorry. I'll be honest; this is worst than FF10-2. This remix, OK- I'll stomach the techno- brutal, but not Skedar, is bad. Not only does it have only one recognisable piece (and that is minor, altered and techno'd) but it is not well arranged. Sorry. Try posting this as Seymour Xluf, or something like that.