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Posts posted by WesternZypher

  1. All of your selections are excellent ~ I really enjoyed reading the very nuanced descriptions you put to each one, how some would start off sombre, and brighten on, or other were good for that unexpected rush of bittersweet memories...spot on, spot on.

    The fact you all put the effort and thought you did into your replies...that, that makes me feel really better. It really does. If I could hug, high-five, or bro-fist everyone of you through the Internet, I would. OCR is a good community : )

  2. Just wondering, what music do OCR fans listen to when trying to get through emotional pain...it would be good to have some aural therapy right now. I tried listening to some "bright" chiptune'ish stuff, but it's just making me feel worse...and it feels like anything slow I listen to does the same. Sorry if this is a dumb thing to post.

  3. watching the waves lap the sand peacefully...

    everything is serene, the sky a clear azure blue

    nary a wind stirs your hair

    but then

    a speck of grey on the horizon, a cloud bank, a storm approaches

    now the tides pick up, grow heavier, rougher..

    taller and louder, they barrel against the slick rocks, churning the beach to mud

    wall after wall of water comes crashing down...

    then everything harmonizes again, not as peaceful as at first, but no longer as violent

    great mix

  4. At first I saw that JB's last mix was more than 6 years ago, and I was like D:

    then I saw that he moved onto iD Software, and now's at Glu Mobile (Freemium 3D gaming) and I was hey, good for him! :]

    but then I still couldn't find any new vgmixes from the man, so I was still like D:

    (The mix was so good it prompted me to look that stuff up :P)

    His website's really cool btw. http://www.thewingless.com

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