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    Broke college kid looking for a job

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  1. Anyone heard of this "Light Gun" shooting game called Lethal Enforcers?
  2. Does anyone have any idea where I can find a Racing game creator tool on the Internet? I am looking forward in becoming a future game designer soon and I want to know. Thanks.
  3. I need help how to use/run games on DOSBox...I recently downloaded this on my compy and a few games on it, but I just don't know how to do stuff like mount things on there. So, if any of you have any suggestions how to use DOSBox, feel free to e-mail me at: kibjohn929@yahoo.com Thanks!
  4. Yeah...usually when I post things, some people do reply quicker than that...so...that was about it...normally, waiting for someone to reply usually don't happen that long...
  5. Oh...C'mon, you all...How can noone in all of OC ReMix Land who knows a lot about videogames don't know a thing about this game...
  6. Anyone heard of this SNES shooter called Space Megaforce? In Japan and Europe, it was known as Super Aleste and it is developed by the same people who brought us Puyo Puyo, M.U.S.H.A., and Kirby's Avalanche.
  7. I agree with Bahamut...Screw you SONY...They got a lot of nerve of rippin' folks off and stuff like that...that's probably why it wasn't too much rave with PS3 after the price announcement of that. and along with that, who the heck wants to buy a system with nothing but PS2/PS3 imports? I rather keep focus on the DS instead. My suggestion: if you're on myspace and if you add Sega Game Gear, they will comment on you saying "F**k the PSP!"
  8. man...i actually dunno...i've been making beats lately...especially techno beats using FamiTracker
  9. I agree with I-n-j-i-n as far as DMC4 going on 360 and not on PC...Capcom never produced games on PC...with that in mind, they should produce DMC for the Wii (i guess)...though, controls might be a bit sloppy if it shows up on the wii (take reference to Red Steel)...Plus, MGS4 is a must see on the 360 (since that's going multiplatform as well)...if any multiplatform that should make its way on the PC is the MGS series (i guess).
  10. Oh, C'mon!! I can't be the only one in all of OC Remixville that know about this game!! Or am I?!?
  11. literally, i dunno how good will this new TMNT movie will be. heck, when it debuted as a TV show over 20 years ago, it was indeed the shiznik and it lasted for 8 seasons (1986-1994). they had a older TMNT movie out back in 1990, but i think that one sucked...I really dunno about the new TMNT movie that's out now. If they made a TMNT comeback, Universal should consider making a Back to the Future comeback with Marty McFly and Jennifer being married and stuff like that, but have a better time machine in this one.
  12. Anyone heard of this GBA game called Zone of the Enders: The Fist of Mars? I don't know how good is this game, but whenever I beat it, I cannot understand the storyline of the game (maybe because the game itself has 2 endings).
  13. I guess making remixes to Get Ready For This and Twilight Zone. That's about it!!
  15. True VF5 is a good game, but I'm looking forward to games like MGS4(in which Konami hasn't released it as of yet)...That's what I'm up for. Motorstorm...I never heard of that. But other games on PS3...I don't exactly know for sure if they are appealing to the VG audience.Red Steel on the Wii is CRAP...but people liked it. PDZ on 360 was also CRAP...but people liked that as well... But I was actually saying it looks like PS3 may be on life support as of now, because the system itself isn't getting much support just as the 360 and the wii are.
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