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Manic Cinq

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  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio
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    Electric Bass

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  1. words: 91 characters w/o spaces: 417 (4.5 cpw) characters w/ spaces: 511 (5.6 cpw)
  2. ~10 days left to submit... I should get started.
  3. Check the title and the first post.
  4. Don't be nervous. I never edit/revise! Actually I do it while I write and I know it's a horrible habbit, but I don't give myself time to go back to these things when I finish a first draft. Horray for procrastination! I've started writing a script for a tv pilot and while that's technically admissable in this freeform edition of the competition, I think it will end up being rediculously long for what we're doing here because of the formatting. I'll just have to come up with something else later.
  5. I believe he was also giddy over Bioshock.
  6. I don't think that there aren't masters of English around anymore, but that more recent writing hasn't had time to be put through any serious filters. Older poetry is pretty much all cream of the crop if people are still talking about it centuries after it was written.
  7. A few comments I wrote when I read these the first time: Random Hajile - To You; It did not sound like shakespeare, although it sounds like you enjoy that style. This was very fun to read, but the first word that came to my mind was "pretentious". That said though: I don't like it. Barnsalot - Night's Bygone Fantasy Sort of like Random Hajile's problem, except you can't pull it off nearly as well. Advice: stick to language you are comfortable with OK people, what's with this trend of trying to sound like you're writing from another time period? Kholdstare - Semiconductor <3
  8. Tatu (aka Taty) put out the same album in Russian and English (200 km/h in the wrong lane). I think they ditched the original meaning of the lyrics entirely (maybe? i'm not sure) and tried to make it sound the same. Aurally, the English versions emulate the Russian orginals quite well.
  9. Another Aspect does have the same feel as Evanescence. I like these guys! Oh and about translation: since this is music, I would go for sound over meaning.
  10. This thing always moves so slow that it's hard to stay excited.
  11. Victor Wooten > anyone who's reading this
  12. Start learning to play guitar and then quit because it's too hard. Seriously though, those Ibanez Soundgears are awesome in their price range.
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