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  1. hello. could i get my name changed to JohnDriLLL? thank you.
  2. is there any way i can get my old account back? my name was Johnderrill
  3. yo whats up long time no see

  4. Alive and well. In the Caribbean. In the Peace Corps. Still playing chess at Stan's Net Chess. You on there yet? Recommended.

    Check out my journal blog. And especially the videos I've put together, you'll like those.

  5. oixcvxvgxfvgxvfgxvbgfvgxz

  6. i have a crappy prepay fone and i wanna join everyone else in the year 2011. who should i go with and what should i get? im a fone noob. i wanna do emulators on my fone as well. thanks for your help.
  7. hi how are you today?

  8. I had Zelda in mind... :P

    Actually, Lufia I think had a blonde hero, and was turn-based.

  9. what game did u have in mind?

  10. my laptop was in sleep mode and it got water spilled on it i think. it boots up but it freezes in bios. after a few times of trying it wont start up at all. ive swapped out the ram for good ram. took the battery out went direct to power. its not a hard drive problem. i dont think the processor fan starts either.
  11. hey u still alive?

  12. nope its none of those listed above. it was a real cart north american.
  13. nope, thanks for your time.
  14. not it, its not a platformer. thanks for your time.
  15. its not ogre battle. u only get one guy. its not bahamut lagoon ethier. it could of been a sega game but i think its snes
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