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Posts posted by Zombie

  1. Question. In this image


    Is that Zelda in the twilight cloak on the right hand side? Or possibly another character?

    I cant really tell

    It doesn't really look like Zelda in the picture, I mean, those eyes are kind of wierd looking. But then again, it does look like it's holding a harp... so it could be!

    *gasps at the thought of Sheik returning*

  2. The landscapes in the video really do remind me of Ico and Shadow of the Colossus, ie beautiful. But I'm sort of scared of something. Somebody please show me a screen shot of at least one place with blue skies.

    Here ya go, it's an older screenshot:


    Woah I haven't seen that in like forever. It was part of the original trailer...so I'm not even sure if it's a part of the game anymore...

    I'm sure it's part of the game still, its probably just different now...

  3. Maybe they can have online play for SSB64 too...

    After all these years of play with both Melee and 64, I still like the N64 Smash Bros a lot better. I mean sure, Melee has great new characters and modes, gorgeous graphics and awesome speed and customization; but its lost some of the spirit of the game.

    Maybe I'm just weird, but I prefer the polygonal little guys with their quirky and shifty animations, and highly unrealistic proportions. Somethiong about SSB64 really strikes me as awesome and I don't get that vibe from SSBM. If they can incorporate nline play into the Virtuyal Console, I'll be doing my online Smashing on 64 a lot more than I will in SSBB.

    I know what you mean man, one of the first things I DL on Virtual Console is SSB64.

  4. I'm planning on getting a DS with my next paycheck and can afford to get one game with it, and I probably won't be able to get another for at least a month. So could anyone recommend a good game that would be worth the $ and keep one's attention for a while? Something that's also WiFi would be nice too (just got wireless DSL and would like to take advantage).


    Get Tetris man. The different modes are great and the Wi-Fi is awesome.

  5. I still think Pixie and Taucer need to do another mix sometime soon.


    Agreed again.

    Pixietricks is my favorite artist on OCremix right now, I just can't stop listening to this song! My only complaint that it's a little on the short side, but I guess its just because I've been listening to songs that are like 8 minute songs lately!

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