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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. sidechains, wubs, chiptones, and ethnic instruments? What a cool mix! Nice source treatment, and cool collab. I think it is very good. Yes
  2. Nice arrangement, and the new chorus fits pretty well. I'm glad you trimmed the intro and outro, making the overall length contain more source. THe original airship wasn't my absoluter favorite, but it was a good enough track, and you've added some pretty humorous lyrics (i liked the shoutout to Nekofrog in verse 2! ), and a pretty nice vibe overall. Production was clear, and the vocals are prominently featured. You played within your capabilities, and overall I really dig the uniqueness of the track. Yes
  3. Pretty nice genre adaptation, and the playing and modulation is really nice, but it needs a little bit more meat (delicious chocobo meat..nomm) to be passable. What you have already is really nice, so taking it a few steps further would be excellent. No, please resubmit
  4. Intro itself was pretty nice, though that bell synth wasn't doing it for me, really. Once the song itself got started, I liked the soundscape, but the track seemed to lack a little bit of direction. I think trimming a few spots down a little would help the overall flow of the track The dips and dives with the lead synth were really nice, and the atomosphere was decent, but I think some more action in the mids would help this feel a bit more exciting. Nothing wrong with being a chill ambient track, but if that is what you are doing, you need to have a lot of melodic interest, to make up for the lack of energy. There are some nice tone colors going on, but i think some subtle gated panning would be a good choice, and bringing the bass up maybe 2db overall would help it feel a little more anchored. Overall a super close call for me, but I think one more layer of polish will really help this out. No, please resubmit
  5. Drums are the highlight here, with some cool ideas and a lot of good patterns. The guitar sample is not really cutting it, and sounds way fakey. The balance is pretty off too in some parts. When your panned and filtered synth comes in, it gets caught up with the bass and guitar in some spots, forcing the compressor to clamp down super hard in those sections, making things a bit painful. I think this has a good start, but it needs some polish and adjustment to make it over the bar. I recommend hitting up the WIP threads for some additional tips No
  6. Nice and exciting intro - I think the guitars are a bit too distorted, they are covering up other elements of the track, and it's sounding less powerful and tight than it could. Drums sound good, and the balance is decent, except for the rhythm guitars being a bit loud, and covering the leads. THe arrangement is pretty based on that main riff, and it starts to get a little repetitive after awhile, especially since the rhythm guitars are so prominent. The ending is abrupt, but I can see the stylistic choice behind it, and i'm ok with how it ends. I love the start to this, but I think a slight rebalancing and maybe a little more variation is what's needed to put this over the edge. I encourage you to take a quick look and then resub this. No, please resubmit
  7. Nice arrangement idea, and generally good execution. Connor sounds good, with a lot better intonation than I'm accustomed to, and the subtle harmonies added give some additional interest. The lyrics are good, thought he chorus was slightly redundant. The production crits Deia has are valid, but overall things clicked. The ending seemed a bit abrupt, as I think either some rubato piano, or even something more involved would be a good epilogue to the lyrics,giving the listener time to reflect; but otherwise, the inherent strengths of this track easily overpower the assorted weaknesses. Yes
  8. Some very strange note choices to me here, and after a lot of listening, I can hear more of the source, but still, there is never any part of it that seems dominant, at least mixing-wise. Whenever the melody is being played in a reasonably recognizable manner, it's being overpowered by the bass or pads. I think this goes a little too far in re-arranging the track for my comfort. I like the a lot of the sections, and the intro is pretty cool, if not terribly related, but I need to hear more dominant and recognizable source, please. No
  9. I'm somewhere in between the two judges. I liked the overall instrumentation, and there were some nice arrangement choices; though there are a lot of little issues that add up. I can definitely agree that the stop in the middle is an interesting idea, but it's a slow fade instead of an epic buildup, which would feel a lot stronger. It's pulled off decently, but I just question the need for it. Soundwise, the drums seem a little muffled, and the leads used in a lot of spots seem a little buried and underwhelming. Overall there are a lot of really nice things happening here, but it needs a little bit of polish. I strongly encourage you to fix this up a little and resubmit! No, please resubmit
  10. Arrangement is very conservative n a lot of ways, but the interlude and solo were a nice touch, as well as the small and subtle flourishes throughout. The drum writing was a little bit vanilla, but is a decent throwback to the classic rock style, and there were enough minor twists to keep it interesting. The guitar tone was perfect for showing the nuances in your playing, and really helped make the track sound unique and interesting. Definite props for not cranking the gain to 11 in this case. Overall a close call, but based on the personalization and nice and clean sound, i'm more than willing to give this one the nod. Yes
  11. Definitely felt a little on the long side to me, but it was well played and treated the source in a very interesting manner. Really good mood music. Yes
  12. This is pretty good, and I'm not as bothered by the drums as Deia is (though they definitely could use some spice), but the length is pretty short, and there isn't a ton of expansion. I do enjoy the added harmonies and instrumentation, so just expand further on that while still retaining the source, and it should be good. I do think the pizzicato strings at the beginning are a little weak and maybe should be a horn or something more legato sounding. This is a super solid base, but I want to hear more! No, please resubmit
  13. Nice soundscape and a cool take on the source. The snare at the beginning stuck out a little, but once the intro was done, the filter was removed, and I understood the intention. Good way to get my attention, and effective overall. I do think the synth sequencing was a bit mechanical, but the accompanied piano sounded more nuanced overall. Not really sure what to say about that; I felt the energy and interest the song had overpowered any real weakness in the synth programming. The snare ghost notes were also a bit powerful, but as a whole I really enjoy this, and it's good to see some (forced) Sega Pico love. Yes
  14. Nice chops for sure, no complaints about the playing at all. The guitar tone and everything was very good as well, tight and punchy throughout, but this was crazy compressed, and had a few balance issues as a result. I also thought that there could be more source used. THe original riffs you added were good, but It felt like the source played a minor role in the track as opposed to being featured. I think the variations idea on such a short source is the right move, so maybe something like doing it in half time would help it feel more dominant. Also, that ending was super weak. The track should end with a flourish, not just die. I think the foundation is really solid, but tone down the compression and get some more source to finish this off. No, please resubmit
  15. You have a very nice foundation here, and some good arrangement ideas, but the execution isn't quite there yet. The intro is a bit long, and while I wub what you've done to the source, more of the original melody used would be good. The production doesn't quite hit as hard as it should, and it needs a larger room sound. A good start, but it needs some polish. No, please resubmit
  16. Episode 1 was amazing, they covered a lot of story and even though there are a ton of characters, all the important bits seemed covered. Excellent spot to end on as well.
  17. Greetings Judges, My name is Branden Mirach. Attached in the e-mail is my very first submission to OverClocked Remix. The attachment is a remix of the first level of EarthWorm Jim titled New Junk City, for the SNES, Sega, and PC platforms. This song was definitely one of my favorites, especially the SNES version of the song which conveys a much darker tone. As far as my remix is concerned, I tried to go for a more jazzy-acoustic feel. The original song had some blues-like elements and I thought acoustic instrumentation can better reflect those elements. As far as the structure of the mix is concerned, I stayed relatively close to the source material. However with each of the sections of the song, I wanted to convey a different sense of emotion. My aim with the melodic/structural progression of this mix was to mimic the actual progression of the character Earthworm Jim, in and of itself. The beginning starts off with a simple piano, much like the worm before the Power suit. All the fanfare hits at 0:17 as Jim discovers his new found abilities. At 1:27 the tone become slightly more moody, as Jim copes with his new found responsibility to protect others with his gift. At 2:54 Jim finds the confidence he needs to become a hero, and starts making mincemeat of the baddies in his environment At 3:39 Jim understands what it is to be a hero, and the fanfare that follows is him exiting the stage to save yet another world. The inspiration for this song, oddly enough was Sade's Solider of love. The cadence and the instrumentation of that song influenced me to remix New Junk City in a similar manner. The original song for New Junk City can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCX75IiPnvk I hope all the judges enjoy this remix.
  18. Contact Information * Your ReMixer name : Rockos * Your real name : Roch Côté * Your email address : darkhia@hotmail.com * Your website : None * Your userid (number, not name) on our forums : 44017 Submission Information * Name of game(s) arranged : Chrono Trigger * Name of individual song(s) arranged : Undersea Palace * Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. : First started as I was practicing on a dubstep track. I wanted to sound a little bit like Skrillex. Then came in mind; That chrono song was playing in my head. It sounded like dubstep to me. So I started playing around with some Oscilliator and then came with 4 or 5 different bass style with their own texture. I all sampled it in wav then worked again on those sample. Now then, I was playing a little game of what bass come after this one and then how many time I change sample. It all sounded so dirty! Layered kick and hi hat added some snare/clap. ET voilà! After that everything placed in order and replayed the melody and changed some notes and added some time change signature! For the second part, I used Magus melody. It was as if I were pro (since I'm not!) and I sounded so cool on this one. With Hours of work, this is what I've done and wanted to submit it. Enjoy it and play it LOUD!
  19. I really like the thought and feel behind this, but do agree that it feels like it's a bit repetitive. There are some great arrangement ideas, and the different sections are good, but The dynamic curve feels pretty static, and the main section feels exactly the same each time. There are some insanely good builds and transitions, THe song balance is good mostly, but some of the arps are a little too loud, making hearing the lead in some sections less prominent than it should be. Overall this is really really close for me, I just think a little bit more variation on the individual sections and some slight rebalancing is needed. No, please resubmit
  20. A pretty nice combination of the source and some original material, but I agree with Deia that it's really close to a sound upgrade interspersed with some nice original passages. I do think it works well as a music piece, but it needs to have more integration of original parts mixed in the the source to be an OCReMix. The ending is a move in the right direction, as far as slightly altering the source to make it your own while still being recognizable. The samples are decent, though the strings need a little bit of work to match up the attacks. I do like the feel they give the track, but the attack needs to be addressed. Overall, this is a nice and peaceful take on a beautiful theme, but needs a bit of work to pass the bar. No, please resubmit
  21. I really enjoy the unconventional treatment of this, and think the source is lovely, but the bass is killing this for me. The third note it's playing is a half step up from the original, and the dissonance i'm hearing throughout because of that is very distracting, and it comes up every measure. :/ The instrumentation itself is pretty nice, especially all the reversed stuff, and everything sounds like it gels, except it seems there's a bit missing in the low-mids, and the bass sample, being so exposed, sounds really cheapy and dry compared to everything else. The arrangement itself, while using a cool concept, meanders a bit, and I think a little bit more structure would also help this out. A bit of revision, specifically targeting the bass would really make this shine. No, please resubmit
  22. Woah, loving the soundscape on this! Energetic, creative, and fun, this got my attention immediately. I think the kick is fine, but the snare could use a bit more bite, once the song gets going. Maybe layer a clap in there, and see how that goes. The arrangement does feel a bit liberal, but there are some good turns and a lot of creative ways to keep it fresh, with modulations and such. The solo was good, and i think the song itself is overall strong, but i'd love to hear more overt source melody. Maybe there is some source I am missing, so i'd love to hear a breakdown, in the event i'm wrong, but i gotta call it like i hear it. The sound balance is a little treble heavy in some cases, and the low mids seem to be missing out a bit. Otherwise, I think it's good. So basically, rebalance it slightly, get a little bit more overt source in there, and i'd say ship it; i love the sound of this, and just a few minor tweaks will do it. No, please resubmit
  23. I am definitely feeling this overall, and is a good step in the right direction, by a huge margin. I do agree with Deia that the balance is a bit off, with the bass being a bit overpowering in a few areas. Personally, I think shortening that vile piano in the beginning would be a good idea, but it does have a bit of charm to it. I just dread repeat listens with some of those chords always coming up. :/ I agree that some of the samples are pretty fake sounding, but the general feel of this is very strong and upbeat, with good energy, so they blend pretty well. I think adjust the sound balance a bit (and hopefully trim the intro more, just as a gift to me <3), and this will be ready for the front page. No, please resubmit
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