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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. In some ways this is a step forward, and in some ways, a step back. First, you brought the volumes down, which is good, and the reverb, while still high is more manageable. I think you brought the counterpoint down too much though, so it feels a bit disconnected to the track, and makes things feel even more empty and repetitious than the first time around. I think now that the soundscape is cleaner, and the counterpoint is down, it feels like an afterthought. That part needs to come back a little more. The compression issue I heard before was gone, so nice work there, and things felt a lot cleaner on the production side as a whole. So overall, the production is much improved, still a bit much reverb, but the counterpoint was taken down too far, now revealing the song to being super repetitive. Needs to be adjusted, and maybe mix up the parts a bit more. Keep at it! No, please resubmit
  2. First the good- that gated transition was sick, and I thought the synth solo was really nice as well. The source itself is very cool as well. The ending was fun as well, and the piano breakdown was well timed and worked very well. There are a lot of little things that are bringing this down though. First, the kick drum is more felt than heard; it definitely needs to cut more to feel more powerful. The lead synth isn't quite piercing, but there are a few notes that reaaaaly come close. The arrangement was decent but felt a little long. I think trimming it down ever-so-slightly, or adding more variation would do it good. overall, it was also pretty loud. I think it could be toned down slightly volumewise. Overall a good start, but it needs a little more power in the production, and some more variation to get rid of some repetition. No, please resubmit
  3. Excellent arrangement, with some real shining moments. Some of the instrument samples weren't quite holding up to the promise of the arrangement, though a few sounded pretty solid. The strings were very nice and well programmed, but the brass, especially in the faster runs were a bit weaker. Some of the string runs too, especially when exposed were a bit fakey sounding. The only weakness in the arrangement is the transitions, where they don't quite follow through completely. Otherwise, there are some very inspired and creative additions here and i love the arrangement, and you by association. <3 I think you really should hit up the WIP forums and try to get some sample help, and also rock up those transitions too. Definitely have a wonderful start here. No, please resubmit
  4. The style was spot on, and the playing was great, but I gotta agree that this one wasn't quite adding up for me. The sections of the source that were there overpowered by solo after solo, which was very cool, but not really connected to the source. The drums were nice and varied, and the new sections sounded good, but it wasn't quite enough source. The production was a little too scooped, with a pretty big hole in the mids, and some balance that could have been cleaner. I think looking at the rhythm guitars mainly there. It's enjoyable, but between the production issues and the arrangement, it's gonna be a No.
  5. Some cool ideas here, but overall it seems a little on auto-pilot for the duration. The incorporation of the original was cool at the beginning, but by the end if felt a little gimmicky. Beyond a semi-club feel, it's also a really conservative mix. The beats also felt pretty copy-pasted. There were a few production issues sprinkled throughout as well. There is a weird click in the far left side, that isn't quite on the beat, and there are some sections that are feeling really empty. I think definitely making this more interpretive, cleaning up some production issues, and then editing it down and it'll be ok for a resub. No
  6. The flow of the piece works pretty good, but it feels to me like an expanded cover in that the sounds are really close to the originals in quality. There are obviously some good expansions, with synths and such, but the sequencing is pretty mechanical, and is really exposing the weaknesses of the samples, which are not pulling their weight. The guitar section was pretty cool, but the guitar was pretty quiet, and then when the brass came in, the guitar sound itself was completely steamrolled. When the pan flute came in, it felt like it wasn't even part of the song, based on positioning and room sound. You'll definitely want to integrate that into the proper soundscape. This is a pretty good start, but will need a little more interpretation to help it sit apart from the original, and the production and samples need to be tightened up. There are a lot of users on the forums who would be happy to take midis of your stuff and output wavs with EWQLSO-grade orchestra sounds. That won't quite cover up the mechanical sequencing, but it'll certainly help. Keep at it! No, please resubmit
  7. A very solid performance and a completely sick source. One of my favorite Kikuta tracks of all time, no question. The arrangement is somewhat conservative, but there are a lot of small details that help differentiate the track. The one issue I have is that there is a high frequency hum throughout the track that is especially noticeable at the end of the song. I think that should be removed as best as possible. Im not sure how well it'd go without compromising the piano sound, but I really like the song, and want it to sound it's best. Yes (conditional) SANITY CHECK: is there a high end noise? Deia says she doesn't hear it and I may be insane is all.
  8. The piano sounds much better, and gives this a much better feel. I really think the piano is the strong point of the song, carrying the mood, and leading the transitions. Some very interesting dissonant line, but they are always in the background, giving this track a lot of depth. This is a very solid atmospheric shift to the original, and has a lot of crazy little details hidden away in the reverb. Sounds good. Yes
  9. keep it up, you have a lot of potential! :-)

  10. The production being pressed way harder than it needs to be is my first impression. :/ The arrangement is pretty interpretive and works well, though some of the extended sections without dominant source usage slowly add up. Changing it to 4/4 works and is a cool spin. Production-wise, the sounds are well chosen and gel, but the massive over-compression is hurting this a lot. That definitely needs to be toned down before this can pass. No, please resubmit
  11. I really like the arrangement here, it takes some cool risks with the source, and when the drums come in, the super mechanical feel makes it feel like a long lost Nine Inch Nails track. Kind of cool, and makes it feel more like a hidden gem from a decade ago in OCR's history. Overall things are really strong, but the second half really does feel cut and pasted and doesn't develop any further. Some transitions were a little weak, and a little production cleanup wouldn't hurt, but overall if the repetition was fixed up, i'd be more than happy to give this the nod, but as-is, it needs just a little more work. No, please resubmit
  12. Is there even a reason to have a NiGHTS project when every song in the soundtrack is already a version of the same melody? Joking aside (don't be mad, Stevo), this is pretty solid stuff. Some of the more exposed string arpeggios feel a little mechanical to me, but on the whole, the sequencing and production were strong, and the drums are a highlight. The arrangement is very cool, and takes the original in a cool new direction with a lot of inspired additions. The transition 3/4 through could have been a little smoother, but overall this is a very compelling track. Yes
  13. A really playful rendition of the track, with some fun ideas, but I think the balance is somewhat of an issue. It feels like a huge hole right in the middle of the track, for most of the duration. The sequencing ranges from being natural and solid to super mechanical (specifically the melodic flute), so a little bit of smoothing the melody line would help. Some of the transitions are a little weak, and the synths don't gel with the rest of the soundscape, or lack thereof. I think filling that huge cavern in the center of the track is the main focus, and then some of the humanization. Beyond that, there are a few weird accidentals in the sections Deia mentioned that should be looked at a kind. It's a very very strange modulation to take, and doesn't sound intentional. I like this track, and think the direction you are taking it is awesome and fun, but it needs a bit more polish for OCR. No, please resubmit
  14. Pretty nice stuff in a style we don't hear often on OCR. It's a solid take on the sources, and ties them together pretty well. Nice laid back solo, and overall this has a nice live feel to it. One of my favorite tracks you've done. Yes
  15. I agree the timing is way loose, but it given the track a certain drunken hillbilly charm. We all know that I am well acquainted with hillbillies and their wily ways, so when I say it sounds authentic, you know it's true. The drums could be a bit punchier, like a still of unfiltered moonshine, but the all-live feel to the track is really refreshing, and the feel of it is really spontaneous. It's not flawlessly performed, but i think it's pretty good, and definitely has a good feeling to it. Yes
  16. It is getting overflowed because we have drastically sped up the inbox. Of the 112 in there, I think i've voted on around 90 of them
  17. wubwubwubwub There was a pretty great super mario RPG bowser theme in the style that I just saw in the inbox, so there's at least one headed to OCR in the future.
  18. The arrangement here is excellent, feeling like a fully cohesive song rather than a collection of different sources, and the metal approach works very well with the source. The guitar performances were excellent, and the drums were interesting and varied. Production is decent but has a few overall issues. One, things seem a little overcompressed, with not a ton of peaks, but the main issue i'm having is there is some hard clipping in the clean guitars on the intro. That needs to be fixed up for sure. Take a look at them, and pull them back where it is needed. Overall I love the track and think it has a ton of promise. I do think the production needs some tweaking, but maybe the other judges will feel differently. Good luck! No, please resub
  19. Good into, some pretty nice playing, and a good solo, but it just feels to short to get to any meaningful interpretation of the main theme. The ending was also way weak; just when the song ended, i was expecting it to really kick up and go somewhere new, expanding on the theme. The production was solid, but seemed slightly washed out and a little overly scooped. Drums could have had a bit more bite, but were otherwise good. Definitely a strong foundation, and a good track, but it'll need a touch more to get onto OCR. You definitely have the skills, so bring it! No, please resubmit
  20. You did a pretty admirable job of taking a really ambient (aka boring) track and turning it into something technofied, though some of the inherent repetitiveness remains. A good job was done in making it exciting though, so props there. I do think it sticks to the genre pretty closely, but there is interpretation of the melody, even if it doesn't blaze a new trail or anything. Overall it sounds very similar to a lot of other trance tracks, but it's well done. Production overall is solid, nice sidechain, bros, and the sounds meshed well together. Yes
  21. The sequencing is slightly stiff in some spots, but overall i was feeling this arrangement. The strings on the right side in some sections are slightly dry, and the bass volume is a little high overall. Otherwise, it seemed pretty nice, though i think more tuba throughout would have helped the bass feel more centered. The one arrangement issue is that the most exciting part of the track is the intro, and from there, it sort of hits a plateau. It's pleasant and stately, but it's not as cool as the intro. Still is good though, and above the bar for me. Yes
  22. Hello, I've finished a remix of a game which was released on Amiga only. You will find all neccessary informations below according to your submission rules: Contact Information ReMixer name: PARALAX real name: Manuel Sehrbrock email address: paralax@gmx.de website: www.radio-paralax.de userid: 25201 Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged: The seven gates of Jambala Name of individual song(s): Title Original composed by: Jochen Hippel System: Amiga Genre: Jump & Run / Plattform Own comments: The goal was to make a remix in party style with 3-Step Beat like "Boten Anna" from "Basshunter". There are 2 versions and choosing the final was not easy, as they get very different feedback. There is a small spoken crossover part, but I can't remember where I got the idea from. I just know that creating the text has taken several hours. After sampling my voice, I underlay them with Vocodex and play a little additionally melody. The text contain following sentences: There was another little game created by a german team, about a little magic man moving subterranean I can remember furthermore a guy who wrotes some years before on a 16-Bit machine a seven voice routine So open your ears, cos it's true, this little song is you and please never don't forget, this love is everlasting...yet
  23. halc & Level 99 Donkey Kong Country 3 (GBA) PROJECT MIX for emunator's dkc3 album my comments: I was never aware that the GBA version of DKC3 had a completely different soundtrack until Emunator linked me to some of the tracks. The Water World theme in particular (which is basically an arrangement of Aquatic Ambiance itself) caught my eye, as AA has always been one of my favorite DKC songs and one that I've wanted to remix. I took a very ambient-electronic approach to the arrangement and Emunator suggested that the lead might sound cool on guitar, to which I agreed. So he roped in Stevo, who whipped up some excellent guitar tracks (A+++ would collab again), and the whole thing just meshed. I took a lot of inspiration from Vig's 'Beneath the Surface' and also Monkey Kong's 'Dolphin Ride', hence the guitar parts of course Another shout-out to Mattias's Ecco 2 mix as well :3 I'm very proud of this mix, and I hope you all enjoy it! Stevo's comments: Talk about a game of telephone: halc asked Emunator to find someone who might be able to give some guitar work for a chill chippy take on the Water World theme. Emunator had heard of my stuff and sent me a message asking if I'd be willing to lend a hand. I ended up doing clean rhythms and a distorted lead for the melody line, a bit less high end than what I normally use but it went well with the effects that halc put on them. Slow, drawn-out notes with lots of bends, I focused above all else on keeping the flow of the track with as precise of timing as I could muster. Really nice experience and I look forward to the opportunity to collaborate with halc again! source: Water World ( )
  24. Remixer Name: Cerrax Real Name: Charles Koch Email: ckoch@cerrax.com Website: http://www.cerrax.com User ID: 14671 Remix Title: "Let There Be Light" Link: Songs Remixed: Dr. Light (Mega Man X) Dr. Light (Mega Man X2) Get A Weapon (Mega Man X) This is a medley that I did for the Mega Man X remix project Maverick Rising. Ever since I first heard the Dr. Light theme from X2 I said to myself "I want to use that riff". It was just so good but so short. Now I've gotten my chance and this is the result. Enjoy! -Cerrax http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJZwOEMuDgs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8Fmu5V90UM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1gkfeCzcoY
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