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Everything posted by OceansAndrew

  1. I do agree that it sounds pretty stiff overall, and a lot of the chords end up blocky, but there is some really nice writing in here. The arrangement did feel really long, and some parts dragged, but there were flashes of brilliance throughout. I suggest taking a listen again, humanize it to the best of your ability, and trim some of the extensions down a little. It's a really nice start. No, please resubmit
  2. There is a lot of nice rubato and the performance is good, but I agree that the string sample isn't cutting it, and overall I feel it's too close to the original. I do think Opening up the lower end of the piano sound would be nice, but the real issue here is the arrangement being too conservative. I really like the piece, but I think a little more interpretation needs to happen. No, please resubmit
  3. yeah, not really seeing a big deal with any of the nudity, the violence is a little bit worse, but it's a pretty brutal show overall. The mountain was really mad at his horse though, damn.
  4. remixer name: jmr remix title: The Glacier's Peak game: Sonic Advance composers: Tatsuyuki Maeda, Yutaka Minobe song: Ice Mountain Act 1 - This one was first hastily put together for Dyne's An OverClocked Christmas V4 over the course of two days in December 2010. I started off with the idea of re-creating the song as a music box jingle, and just expanded on it from there. (I was considering recording an 'introduction' consisting of me winding up a music box, but I thought it would be too cheesy.) Like my Mario Galaxy remix, the arrangement is close to the original, but I think I've deviated from and expanded on the one-minute long source tune enough to pass the bar here. Enjoy! ... and expect another one (a resub of my track from last year) from me in three week's time. -Jeff
  5. Remixer name: Meteo Xavier, bLiNd Name of Game remixed: Sonic The Hedgehog 4 Name of individual song remixed: Splash Hill Zone 1 Remix title: The Obsequious Heterophobia of Dr. Melefam Buttfink. Comments: Howdy. I am Meteo Xavier delivering yet another remix attempt that was mastered by bLiNd. Jordan was extremely generous in doing this for me so I would like to list him as a collaborator. As usual, I had strict possibly idiosyncratic artistic ideas and goals for how I wanted to do it. This time, I wanted to use this track, which I claimed I would remix someday anyway when it was first leaked, as a means to pay tribute to the earliest music I can remember moving me - which is super robotic sequenced 80's late 90's super happy and super cheesy electronic music. This time my goal was not to shy away from my remix weaknesses: mechanized sequencing, repetitive drums, overproduction, etc. but dive right into it and build on them into a unique track. All the repetitiveness, and cheesy guitar samples and all that is intentional. I wanted a track that sounded more conventional and played with the main melodies (see below) much more than my previous mixes and really really interpret and work with them. I cite Erasure, "Waiting for a Star to Fall" by Boy Meets Girl, "Vivid" by Hiroki Kikuta, Pretty Hate Machine by NIN, and "Blue Monday" by New Order as my main sources for this track, among others. And, also as usual, this remix eventually developed major problems that I could not fix. Everything was going fine and I was nearly done until I came back to the computer and a shitload of my settings were all fucked to hell. I couldn't even start over mixing it it was so bad. I was able to get it to a half decent balance though I could not fix the overcompression. Some of the lead synths were also very problematic and no matter what I did, they came out differently each time. The synth drop out at 1:44 is one example and if it didn't do it there, it would do it elsewhere. Thankfully, bLiNd was willing to work on it some more and help me get a better balance out of it, and he did it for free because he's the awesomest guy in the world. So its flawed, like all my other stuff, but I still think its worthy of Ocremix. This is absolutely the last remix of this kind I want to do and, God willing, if it gets accepted, I can call it good and not submit anymore problematic material like I have been. After this its going to be higher quality material that isn't repetitive and off balance. So, thank you for your time and I hope you will be forgiving and generous of my remix which, eq and compression issues aside, I think is my best and most unique to date. Here is the break down of source: 0:20-1:05 - Melody A, B, C 1:27-1:40 - Melody A 2:08-2:36 - Melody B, C 2:53-3:13 - Melody A 3:13-3:27 - Melody B 3:27-4:13 - Melody A and B 156 seconds of source material interpreted and recognizable. - Source0:01-0:12 - Melody A 0:13-0:24 - Melody B 0:24-0:34 - Melody C If there is anything else I need to provide or could reasonably fix for your standards to push this through, I would be happy to do it. Thank you for this opportunity. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQXktcBcXh8
  6. Remix title: Ebbed Tides and Webbed Feet Contact Information ReMixer name: evory, docnano Real name: Jeremy Ng, Alex User ID: 31417, 36369 Submission Information Game arranged: Ducktales, Chrono Trigger Song arranged: The Moon, Wind Scene Source: [The Moon] [Wind Scene] Additional information This remix was partly inspired by a piano arrangement of The Moon floating around (you know, the moon, floating in the sky, kinda) on the forums, I've no idea if the poster submitted it, but it made me realise (again) how beautiful The Moon could sound on piano, so hopefully justice was done there. Another inspiration was Godowsky's transciption of The Swan, which carried the same kind of mood I tried to convey in the opening half of the piece. The remix is nowhere as complex musically as the transcription, but hopefully a similar effect comes across. Wind Scene just sort of drifted in halfway (you know, the wind, drifting, okay nevermind), and I thought it sounded pretty natural, so hopefully it avoids any symptoms of medley-itis (the A Theme from Wind Scene has its chords/melody altered to fit in with that of The Moon, so hopefully that worked). I've said my piece (as well as about it), so yeah, hope you enjoy it!
  7. Hello, Here is a submission of mine of an arrangment I have just completed, titled "Dramatic Dark World": ReMixer name: LemonLime Name: Christian Floisand Email: christian@christianfloisand.com userid: 44839 Game: Final Fantasy 6 Song arranged: Dark World Composed by: Nobuo Uematsu Comments: I was inspired to do this arrangement after hearing Jeremy Soule's great orchestration of Terra's Theme from Final Fantasy 6. But in addition, I was also keen on developing my midi orchestration skills in Logic using Vienna Special Edition and this seemed like a good way to do that. After auditioning several tracks from the game, I decided that Dark World presented some good orchestral opportunities that I wanted to explore. Thanks very much for your time! Best regards, Christian Floisand http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UCvWWym74s
  8. Contact Information Your ReMixer name: Chernabogue Your real nam: Alexandre Mourey Your email addres: chernabogue@gmail.com Your websit: www.fflproduction.fr (not a music website, but my video association website) Your userid: 20943 Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged: Sonic the Hedgehog 2 Name of individual song(s) arranged: Mystic Cave Zone Additional information: Masato Nakamura, Izuho Takeuchi / Megadrive-Genesis Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc: I made this mix to support Josh Barron's Relief for Japan project, because it is a very good cause. I decided to arrange a song I love from a game I love. I used a small orchestra configuration and added few traditional japanese instruments (kotos, taiko drums, etc.). I'm very proud of the result, and I hope you'll like it! Link to the remix: Sonic 2 - A Night in Tokyo I hope you're all okay! If anything's missing, don't hesitate to tell me! -Alex
  9. Jotunblood Josh Savage escapingfate777@msn.com http://www.facebook.com/Jotunblod http://www.soundcloud.com/Jotunblood Top Gear (SNES) Track 1 I've always been a super-huge fan of the music from this game, and I just now got around to making a remix of it.
  10. Contact Information: Name(s):RyceBeetz (featuring Charlie Estigo) Real Name: Bryan C. (and Charlie Estigo) User ID: 463 Submission Information: Name of Game: Mega Man 2 Name of Individual Song: Metal Man Stage Metal Man Stage remix. Title: Metal Man's Soul Artists: RyceBeetz ft. Charlie Estigo Lyrics: Verse 1 – RyceBeetz: They call me metal man, and I'm cold as steel/ When I got you in my sights, man I shoot to kill/ ...ask Dr. Light, I'm kind of a big deal/ With all my villainy I make a grown man squeal/ Hard as nails and quick as lightnin/ You better hide your kids, Metal Man is frightenin/ You're in my clutch and my grip is tightenin/ You see your life flash and it's so enlightenin/ I throw blades but I'm spittin heat/ While I gasp for air you hear me killin this beat/ I'm on a streak, you'll be obsolete/ So you better level up or you can't compete/ ‘Cause it's/ Conveyor belts , opposite directions/ You're feeling light headed with a pale complexion/ Better prepare for your resurrection/ We're gonna send your ass to another dimension ‘cause/ Chorus: Uh, They say my soul is so cold/ They call me Metal Man, I'm from origins unknown/ No thoughts I'm a mindless drone/ And I look for Mega Man in the combat zone/ Uh, They say my soul is so cold/ They call me Metal Man, I'm from origins unknown/ My metal blades, they can cut through stone/ And I utilize the force that can crush your bones/ Verse2 – Charlie Estigo: M squared, Metal Man/ He can do everything better than you can/ He's a big boy bot in Dr. Wily's clan/ Throwin metal discs, he's jus spam...min' ya/ Yeah, you can't match his rhythm / Attacks so complex, workin algorithms / Covered all your sides, a prison like prism / Unpredictable are his mannerisms/ He beats you with a dope beat/ Surprisin you makin you jumpin out of your seat/ Throwin straight lines like a khaki with pleats/ Change direction of the floor so you best watch your feet/ But whatcha watchin while you get hit again/ He'll hit you again and again, he's Metal Man/ Yeah, hard to keep up with his pace/ Especially when you got hot metal on your face/ Chorus x2
  11. Hi, my name is Bruno Vouillemy and my artist name 'Metalltool' E-mail adress: brunovouillemy@yahoo.de (alternative: psychoo2k4@hotmail.com) No existing website (well my youtube channel) userid: 44823 Game: Megaman 8 System: Sega Saturn/ PS1 Track: Opening Stage Remix name: Deceptive Paradise Original composer: Shusaku Uchiyama History: I have fond memories of Megaman 8 and always loved the soundtrack. I bought this game on a rainy saturday in winter of 1998. This track stuck in my head a long time, so I decided to make a remix. I didn't really know how to 're'-name it at first, so I thought about it: it looks like a paradisical island, but it is filled with enemies and you even meet Dr. Wily at the end of the stage, hence the title: Deceptive Paradise. I tried to keep the electronic elements as foundation of the remix. Although I love Rock, I was looking for a pop/electronic kind of sound with a 80's lead guitar sound and synths. Composition wise I did not change too much keeping the original loop of the tune and mixing it with an original intro, interlude and outro. Ps: i already posted the song on youtube on my own channel so i don't know if that's a problem. my best regards Bruno V. Original version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BZjy_1PIIcE
  12. Remixer name - Fxsnowy Real Name - Adrian Bureu Email - adribure@msn.com Website - www.youtube.com/92AdrianB Name of game arrange - Super Mario Bros. 2 Name of individual song arranged - Character Select Music Original Composer - Koji Kondo Original System - Super Nintendo Link to original song - Name of Remix - Ethnic Mushroom I decided to remix a really catchy mario bros. song that interestingly only one person has covered. I mixed some Asian instruments like the Japanese Koto and the Chinese Ruan Moon Guitar to give it an oriental feel. Hope you guys like it!
  13. ReMixer name: Phonetic Hero Real name: Pete Lepley Email address: vikindrums@gmail.com Userid: 44763 Submission Info- Game: Super Castlevania IV Songs and breakdown: 0:00-2:13 - Room of Close Associates 2:13-2:41 - Treasury Room 2:41-3:06 - Forest of Monsters 3:06-End - Treasury Room, with a quick Bloody Tears quote over some chordal stuff from the Treasury Room theme (which happens at 1:43 in the TR chip) for some zest Comments: First of all, this thing was put together in Finale, which is my only and least favorite program for composition (no worries though, I'm working on getting set up with some better equips). As for the actual remix, I can't stand transposing themes for compositional purposes, and I did quite a bit of work with the transitions to make the sources work together in their original keys. Sorry that the volume's a bit low, couldn't bring it up anymore without clipping (again, better equipment on the way), but this was one that was made to be cranked anyway. In a dark room. While summoning Dracula.
  14. ReMixer Name : Dropbox Real Name : Harleigh Holmes Email Address : tate@maplemation.com Website : http://youtube.com/goldentotproductions Forum User ID : 44759 Submission Information Game : Cheetahmen II Name of Song Arranged : Level BGM Additional Information about the game : Cheetahmen II for NES, publicshed by Active Enterprises in 1992. Link to the original soundtrack : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNRD2lslEGI Your own comments about the mix : Well, I had watched a friend Livestream the game about a week ago, and since then the tune has been stuck in my head. I was looking around YouTube at remixes, and then decided to make my own for fun.
  15. PROJECT MIX YO Your ReMixer name: Flexstyle Your real name: Michael Birch Your website: flexstylemusic.com Your userid: 22246 Game ReMixed: Donkey Kong Country 3 (Super Nintendo version) - Hot Pursuit Title of ReMix: Thrill of the Chase Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLZgH7CLs4M ***PROJECT MIX*** This actually ended up being the first of a few tracks I did for the DKC3 project--Emunator, the project director, had heard my previously-posted Dark Cloud 2 remix and thought I'd be a good fit for this track. Little did we know that I'd eventually be a rather prominent remixer on the project (what with the amount of tracks I grabbed) in addition to becoming a very involved mastering engineer for the entire thing. By the time this gets posted (assuming, of course, that it ever does), you, dear OCRemix fiend, should have heard the wonderful wonderful project that is the Donkey Kong Country 3 project. If you haven't, you need to do that RIGHT NOW. Rabbit trails aside, this is a rather intelligent (for lack of a better word, hurr derp) EDM track with cool blips and bleeps and glitches 'n stuff. It's cool, it's bassy, and you should totally turn it up. YEAH! -Michael -- www.flexstylemusic.com
  16. don't you wish that were true name: Brandon E. Strader remixer: Brandon Strader forum: 3123 email: website: www.bstrader.net game: Final Fantasy IX composer: Nobuo Uematsu source: Passing Sorrow (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFEuGPhXPa4) remixname: I Am Gonna Stop Eventually genre: Piano (thats a genre isnt it?) I made this solo piano piece of Passing Sorrow for the FF9 project, though i'm not sure you'd call it solo since it is technically a 3-hand piece. Not constantly, but there's a part or two in there, like the culminating melodic part at 2:13 and the very soft and delicately played bit at 0:33. Then again, it depends on who's hands you are talking about, I'm sure any other pro could play this with 2 hands, but solo piano is fresh territory for me and I tried to perform it as beautifully as I could to do justice to the original song. So yes, this wasn't sequenced, it was played with a keystation though there was some very minor quantize and note moving at the request of Fishy, project director, to make it less 'loose'. For a soft song like this I used a soft piano library, Alicia's Keys, which I seem to have been using for all my piano bits in various mixes lately. Before that I used Art Vista Virtual Grand Piano, but I find that even with the softer tone of Alicia's Keys, it has a more realistic and warm sound, even sounds that trigger when you let off a key or the sustain pedal. I think that's called after-touch, not sure. It's nice to have though. Some people may listen to this and say oh, that's a cop out, I bet he made that in 10 minutes... but no, I put a couple months into being anxious about STARTING on this song because I knew it would be such a big challenge. Solo piano is something I've only touched on a couple times; I made a song for my sister's wedding, a song called Maxine (on my second acoustic album Always Remember) for my dear great grandmother who passed away, and Lapse of Grace from my first acoustic album, Life. (you can download them freely at http://brandonstrader.bandcamp.com/) So needless to say I've only ever really done this on a big, life-changing occasion. I had a WIP that sat on the project subforums for a very long time, and katethegreat said to go forward with it so I was always inspired by that push. Anyway, FF9 is a beautiful game with a beautiful soundtrack and the project is being beautifully handled by a beautiful Fishy filled with many beautiful songs by beautiful people. It's great to be a part of another song for it and the album in general. Here's the context for the title: Vivi: A-Am I gonna stop pretty soon, too? Zidane: ! Black Mage No. 288: I don't know... Kuja said the prototype built before us would last longer. Vivi: But...I am gonna stop eventually. Black Mage No. 288: ...... In my opinion FF9 is all about Vivi
  17. Remixer Name: Jojipo Real Name: Oskar Räisänen Email: leisahtag@hotmail.com Website: http://www.jojipo.com User ID: 29163 Name of game: Chrono Trigger Individual song arranged: The Day the World Revived Name of my composition: The Day After the World Revived Genre: Metal/Progressive Metal Comments: I don't have much to say about this one. It's my first serious project involving guitars and I'm quite satisfied with the result. I like using different time signatures such as 7/4 and 11/4 to give it a nice progressive touch. Hope you enjoy it! Original:
  18. I'd like to submit my arrangement of the song from the "Cliff Town" level of Spyro the Dragon. As far as naming, I'm not sure what to do. The rules seem to prohibit naming the piece after it's level, but the piece itself has a unique name not relating to the level. If need be, I'd be willing to name it "Stewart the Dragon" or something like that. Spyro the Dragon, Insomniac, 1998 Level: Cliff Town Originally composed by Stewart Copeland Link to original version: Link to my version (just in case attachment fails): For my arrangement, the original recording has been thrown out. Each instrument has been replaced with an acoustic analogue. It is my own arrangement. I recorded each instrument using Audacity, and did the mix and sequencing in Jeskola Buzz. Because I used entirely acoustic instruments, the result sounds almost like 90's metal mixed with Mariachi, which I'm quite pleased with. Thanks for your consideration,
  19. Contact Information CJthemusicdude Chris CJthemusicdude@gmail.com CJthemusicdude.com CJthemusicdude Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged: Ninja Gaiden (NES) and American Gladiators (SNES). Name of individual song(s) arranged: Ninja Gaiden: "Decision" and American Gladiators "Title Theme" Name of remix: Chromatic Warriors Additional information: Systems = NES and SNES. Your own comments about the mix: I noticed a while back that both of these tunes had the same progression at one point. That i VII VI V progression makes up the nearly all of "A Decision" and pops up for a while in the "Title theme." for American Gladiators. I wanted to connect these two tunes together somehow using that progression, because I enjoy them both so much. Link to the original soundtrack: (Starting at 0:22) and
  20. Remixer Name: Darangen Real Name: Michael Boyd Email: Website: www.darangen.com UserID: 8948 URL to Remix: Game: Final Fantasy 9 Songs: Pandemonium – The Castle Frozen in time Original Soundtracks: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gFciY_WRae4 Comments: This submission is part of Fishy’s Final Fantasy IX project. I’ve enjoyed this theme since it’s original incarnation in Final Fantasy 2. I was glad to see it come back in Final Fantasy 9 and I enjoyed how Nobuo made it from a somewhat militant marchy sounding theme to an ominous feel. Final Fantasy 9 one of my favorite soundtracks of all time, and when I saw Fishy had a project going for it AND the Pandemonium theme was still unclaimed, I had to jump on it. I always felt that Garland had an interesting role, in that he wasn’t necessarily a villian but an anti-hero. He was the savior of his people and while his methods were destroying Gaia, he was only doing what it took to make sure his people survived. When he died, so did the hope of his people living on, even if Kuja hadn’t of destroyed Terra, there would be no one to finish the work Garland had started. Thus the name for this submission, The Fallen Savior. As always, I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed making it! Michael Boyd
  21. The samples actually feel ok to me, but the mixing and balance does have them not sounding their best. There sounds like there is a pretty big frequency hole in the low mids, and it hurts the track overall hearing the bass and the high end stuff with very little in the middle. Overall the transitions worked well enough, since it is more like different movements, and I really liked the arrangement but the track feels very thin and lacks power. I think adding in some additional instruments in the low mids, and upping the bass volume slightly will help gel this together better, and some sequencing humanization wouldn't hurt either, specifically in the more exposed sections. I really would like to see this on the front page, so please resub this! No, please resubmit
  22. \m/ Yes (the cymbals are a touch loud, but everything else feels really good. Thank you very much for sticking with this one, I hope you can take what you've learned and apply it to further tracks. Still feels liberal, but the source is definitely present. Nice work.)
  23. my favorite unexpected metal fan is Kenny G. Here he is rocking out at an Opeth concert:
  24. * Nekofrog * Justin Jones FYI, the name of the song is "The Planet is Dead" * Final Fantasy 7 * You Can Hear the Cry of the Planet, Off The Edge of Despair, Main Theme *Finished up production of this one in March of 2010, but sat on it for quite a while after that due to the fact that I intend for it to be a track on the Final Fantasy remix album I'm doing solo (a couple tracks from each mainline game). Finally decided the hell with it, and here it is. "You Can Hear the Cry of the Planet" has always been one of my favorite tracks from the FF7 OST, and when I started jamming along to it, the main riff for this pretty much wrote itself in mere minutes. It has a dash of Sephiroth in it, a pinch of the main theme (overworld), and a hefty helping of Off The Edge of Despair. I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to music, but I wanted to throw something jarring in to avoid a straight up 4/4 time sig, so when OTEOD kicks in I decided to just play a random time sig that I made up on the spot (again, not musically knowledgeable so maybe you can tell me what the fudge it is). I just knew that it sounded pretty sweet, so I kept it. Keep an ear out for a quick cameo from injury/starla who recites Aeris' final line of dialogue in the game.
  25. The song's name is "Zero" Contact Information SleepyFroggy Yuki Power SleepyFroggy@hotmail.co.uk 44601 Submission Information Resident Evil Zero (バイオハザード0) Safe Haven Original Composer: Ayumu Murai System: Gamecube Link to the original soundtrack: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M-sd5AVzbDY My arrangement starts out quite slowly and quite similar to the original becuase I think it greatly captures the feelings and stillness of what this song represents in the game. The progression of the song is fairly slow because of the same reason, so please take this into consideration. Thank you. ----------------------------- source:
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