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Posts posted by Dunther

  1. I think you are right:


    They look grey to me too.

    Hm...you're right...strange thing...

    For MetaKnight, I think that this guys stole his Halberd...

    They suck pieces of universes, right? They want to stole the Stadium, than probabilly they had yet stolen the Halberd (that is an other stage)

  2. Link is my main...

    I don't belive they really put in the Gale Boomerang, I hope that won't be too powerful (or too weak :s )

    The Spin Attack was maybe too powerful in Melee, it's right to make it chargeable but I hope will be useful anyway...

    Learn how to grab to walls perfectly in Melee was a challenge...I hope that this will not ruined by the Clawshot...

  3. I don't think anyone would be all that surprised if they canned Doc, Roy, G&W, Young Link, and Pichu. One of the originals would be more surprising, and my money would be on either Jigglypuff or Ness (in favor of a Mother 3 character). POSSIBLY Luigi.

    Young Link will return. In an interview Sakurai said it...

    The six characters that can be removed could be:

    Marth (replaced with Ike)

    Dr. Mario

    Falco Lombardi



    Mr. Game & Watch / Ice Climbers (and naturally, their universe)

    However...the prophecy can't be right because the "Original 12" are still there...

  4. Yeah but they're from the TV show not the game, if they were going to do that the Pokemon trainer would look like Ash instead of Red.

    In Pokémon Yellow there are Jessie & James...but I'll prefer a REAL Team Rocket, something serious like was in Red&Blue (a sort of mafia to my opinion)

  5. Wooo first Pokémon ReMix!!!

    I personally don't like the genre...but is a nice mix.

    7.51 / 10.00

    Wouldn't it be more appropriate to list this song as Pokemon RB or R/B? Or something? Since they had identical music (and were basically the same game with some numbers switched around), and were released simultaneously.

    Not that it's a huge deal.

    Sure, maybe R/B/Y...Yellow hasn't a different soundtrack..

  6. I hope all the Final Smashes are this creative. We already know Kirby's will be.

    The Kirby's Final Smash...hmm...it's unknown how it will works...maybe you can do some damage to someone and create food?

    I hope that Kirby could inale food in quantity with the B button...

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