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Posts posted by Dunther

  1. Great, so I guess now I'll be playing Brawl like a normal person while my friend is going TIKKITATIKKITATIKKITA on the controller like he's having a seizure, just like Melee. Sigh. I was kind of hoping they'd fix "wavedashing" and all those other techniques players gave names to. Just so long as they fix snaking in Mario Kart Wii, I guess it'll be ok.

    *starts to make "No Wavedash" taunts*

  2. smashball - off

    problem solved


    I think that the FS can be used to add more balance to the characters...but how if you switch off the Smash Ball?

    Here's my idea: the characters can be a stock of Final Smashes before starting the battle....even only one is not a bad idea.

    With this possibility you can do great battles without items but with FS!

  3. All of these things are retained in the WarioWare games. I like that they've actually given Wario a legitimate role in the universe beyond "hey its evli marrio!!!" And I dig the aspect of taking a character like Wario and putting him in a completely different context (some kind of absurd suburbia). Not to mention that the games and their characters ooze with personality.

    I like the new Wario look and can be a good thing that is his main costume, but I really hope that the classic yellow costume will return.

    Anyway, the alternate costumes are one of the little things that are missing in the first two SSBs......when I've seen Wario in the first video I thinked that the alternate costumes were a certainty (it is the right word?).

    I have. But it took approximately 50 tries to do so. I believe I finally got it with Ganondorf. That was one punishing challenge.

    I did it too but only once I think...

  4. dundunDOWdundunDOWdundunDOWdowDOWDOWWWWWWWWWWWW

    As for the last "third-party" character, it's really either Cloud, one of the Belmonts, or Megaman. Although I am totally not ruling out Master Chief.

    Cloud would be dumb. Master Chief would be hilariously awesome but simultaneously impossible.

    My guess is Simon or Soma or something.

    A friend of mine thinked how can be Master Chief in Brawl...with all the moves and all.

    NiGHTS for brawl

    That's a good and not impossibile idea.

    Advance Wars sprite assist trophy! I am complete! I would just die if Andy, Sami or Nell were playables.

    Yeah, me too...I love the Advance Wars style...

    And...I really don't care of the delay....if this game can be did better I'll wait more.

  5. I always preferred playing Sonic Adventure 2 with the Japanese voices.

    Presumably the existence of Sonic in Brawl means we can also look forward to some Sonic items ... shields, perhaps?

    In the video I saw a...what is the esact name? that red things that blow you up...springs maybe?

    Well there was one of these things on Delfinia...so yes, will be Sonic items.

    Actually, I've never understood why people have been saying third-party characters won't be involved in the story. The whole SSB universe is basically one great big parody (as the Metal Gear codec clips have demonstrated) -- any character can be made to fit very easily. I also can't see why the mere fact of being third-party would make a difference. If the characters' original companies had some sort of problem with what Nintendo was doing with the characters in SSB, they wouldn't have licensed the characters to Nintendo in the first place.

    I will prefer if the non-Nintendo characters would not fit in the story...a good idea is to make some sidequests with separate stories for Snake and Sonic...

  6. Oh, and incidentally - in the trailer, after Bowser and Peach's inexplicable dancing, Pit appears to be descending from the sky!... does this mean a return of character intros (as with the original Smash Bros.?)

    I'm sure of it...there are too many hints that make me think about it.....like Snake with all the electricity saying "Keep you waiting, uh?"

    01 - Smash Emblem

    02 - DK Initials [Donkey Kong Series]

    03 - Starfox Insigna [starfox Series]

    04 - Star [Kirby Series]

    05 - Falcon Icon [F-Zero Series]

    06 - S Logo [Metroid Series]

    07 - Mother Symbol [Earthbound Series]

    08 - Pokeball [Pokemon Series]

    09 - Triforce [Zelda Series]

    10 - Mushroom [Mario Series]

    11 - Yoshi Egg [Yoshi Series]

    12 - Sword [Fire Emblem Series]

    13 - ?

    14 - Plum [ice Climber Series]

    15 - Leaf [Animal Crossing Series]

    16 - Wario's W [Wario Series]

    17 - FOX Unit Logo [Metal Gear Solid Series]

    18 - Pit's Bow [Kid Icarus Series]

    19 - ?

    20 - Hedgehog Head [sonic Series]

    If 1-14 are vets and 15 and higher are new challengers... It looks like 13 might very well be Mr. Game & Watch since he's the only person left who could be a vet who's icon hasn't be unveiled yet.

    So who can be the 19? That's the question...

  7. Maybe it'll live up to the hype, unlike Halo 3. They kept evrybody in suspense for three years, and look what we got. SSBM doesn't promise to be the game that remakes the world, it just promises to be a good, solid beat-em-up with tons of unlockables. From that standard, it'll be hard to really screw up, especially given past records.

    I totally agree with you.

    Like for example have a "play again?" a "yes" and a "no" and a personal taunt, or maybe (again depending on character limit) display friend code. You know, for in case you play a random person (and you cant see their code). That way, when you liked playing someone you can exchange friend codes and add each other to yer list.

    Yeah, nice idea....with 4 taunts give the friendly code it's more than possible...

    If we assume it's as slow as it was in 64 and Assault, yeah. Though who knows, it could be faster.

    Well...the scenario is smaller in Brawl than in Starfox...

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