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Everything posted by Gafgarion

  1. Fair enough. I used to read naruto manga hardcore, but I started watching ahead of the english manga, so I stopped reading naruto for some reason.
  2. There isn't anything wrong with it. I think it is pretty fun myself. Don't get so mad over it lolz.
  3. From the video i saw, the hyper blast only does like 40%. Now, from that being said, it still is a whip-ass attack, but I thought it would just be an instant KO.
  4. Don't make me fire mah lazer!
  5. Favourites thread about what? Anime? I think the thread's topic clearly says anime. I was never really hardcore for Gundam. I mainly watched Pokemon, and DBZ.
  6. Have I not clarified myself enough times that I listen to other music than OCR? Honestly... And, have you counted how many songs there are on this site? Thousands. Not to mention, more songs are added weekly. I just tried to get on OCR so we could have good conversations about what we share in common. But no, some have to be assholes about it and tell me that I am apparently not listening to music correctly. I really wish we could get back on what the thread is about.
  7. Beatmania... Don't even start..
  8. I know this is off topic, but are they making a live action DBZ movie? I heard rumors.
  9. YES! Dude, I totally agree.
  10. I think you mean for really advanced players.
  11. Air TV Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya Genshiken UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie Samurai Seven Tsubasa Chronicles Yumeria Naruto Zatchbell Girls Bravo
  12. I don't know Atma, but you seem to like to criticize just about everything I say. And also, I don't say ITG is better because of one fucking song. They have songs of that genre on some DDR games, I would much rather dance to really good techno. I say ITG is better because it is much more difficult, has better songs, more options, to choose from, and a few more things which are clearly OPINIONATED, so I don't want any bullshit from anyone saying that I am wrong.
  13. You know, I really can't tell whether you have sarcasm in that comment. Either way, I guess your favourite genre of music is the only one that you listen to, because everyone is the same, right? No, I listen to others, and I would appreciate it if you would accept it.
  14. A good Jigglypuff is a bitch to fight.
  15. I am glad to see people who actually like anime are posting good comments about it. Another good series is the Samurai Seven series.
  16. On a Supernova 2 cab you will.
  17. I hope they will allow the C-Stick in Story mode, not that I hug the C-Stick or anything.
  18. The anime I watch isn't like that at all, so I don't really know what you are talking about when you say bad animation.
  19. Wi-Fi definately. Nuff' said.
  20. I looked on your list of RPG's, and thought you HAD to play more than just those.
  21. Not really. I like Techno music more than any music genre, and this site produces some good tracks. It isn't the ONLY thing I listen to, by the way.
  22. I really wouldn't say they are piss poor. Like TV shows today, they are a million to choose from. Besides, anime now is drawn alot better than it was before, so it looks even better. I don't watch alot of old stuff, mainly because the artwork is not near as good as it is now.
  23. Speaking of Crocomire, he always scared me as a little kid for some reason. Once I beat him, I was really happy, until he came out in his skeleton form. But he dropped, so I was happy again.
  24. Same here. OCR has the best music I have ever heard.
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