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Everything posted by BiG WhEEL

  1. http://www.freewebs.com/bigwheel/btdd%20wip%20final%20i%20think.mp3 i think its probably done.... what do you guys recommend?...should i submit this shit
  2. lol... the beat is workin on beat "constructed"...usin' alot of samples and and a couple synthies.... oh and sorry if i did too many posts lol
  3. http://www.freewebs.com/bigwheel/BiG%20WhEEL%20-%20Steel%20this%20Beat.mp3 new update...hope this one works
  4. if the link for my mix dont work then jus go save target as
  5. http://www.freewebs.com/bigwheel/The%20Scribbler%20-%20Steel%20toe.mp3 update for this beat.....*clears throat* EHH-Eghm........spell that five times fast.....ooooo burrrrrrn!!! lmao
  6. and you mean riffs from synths or riffs from other shit
  7. i got the beat from the sliced beats cd from samplefusion
  8. http://www.freewebs.com/bigwheel/The%20Scribbler%20-%20Steel%20toe.mp3 yes yes you have probably heard but a new arrangment is about to unleash....how is this...? a good work of my remixing. This is a remix from the 2nd level of "Battletoads and Double Dragon: The Ultimate team" i added variations of sliced drums with guitar and trumpet loops with drums from the original song somewhere in there. it also has good bass and synth. Give credit if used in movie or game...thank you.
  9. song: 'going gets tough' yeah...bored as i am.. hahahanotfunny.....in the mood for a mix on this.. any dang remixers wanna remix a pre-pre-pre-mix for this mix..? my aim is nightdragon213@aol.com .....yeah ANSWER IT! lol
  10. http://www.snapdrive.net/files/87906/steel%20this%20beat.mp3 ok, this is the 2nd level ive restarted and now i think this blends in quite well. so... yeah go ahead and check it out. im still workin on it though
  11. heres an update of it. i forgot to put the id3 thing on it http://www.snapdrive.net/files/87906/BiG%20WhEEL%20-%20Shroom%20Beer.mp3
  12. I know i make remixes from the top of my head, yeah im sorry if you think thats bad, but listen to this. http://www.snapdrive.net/files/87906/BiG%20WhEEL%20-%20Shroom%20Beer.mp3 this is my best so far, let me know if i need to add more to this one.3 goombas have rabies at the end and they bite mario and foam up the mouth, lol.
  13. Woah, Sweet mix man! that actually sounds toxic. but i think my beats kinda suck
  14. do you have to get more samples to be a good remixer?
  15. Programs: FL Studio keybords: General midi sound players: gnsf spc jukebox winspc spc2midi and some spc plugin for winamp
  16. sup, you guys. im warrior kin. im 14 years old. and you might think im the youngest remixer youve seen. well, im not sure bout that. i think this is an awesome site. heh, heh, heh, alllriiiiight. i like classic games and first person shooters. even fighting games. and remixing........i have fl studio 6
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