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Everything posted by Chris8282

  1. Final Fantasy IV? Over these game's music? OCR please make the right decision and chose this. I hope this was a joke. Ignoring the above, it would be wrong to do that to this project AGAIN.
  2. Anyone seen the video where he goes to Toyko, gets one million Yen, spends it on games (in languages he can't understand and won't play later), and kicks some serious ass in Gundam? Apparently, he's not THAT bad of a gamer.. He kicked some serious ass in a game he's never played in a language he doesn't understand. Also, this game isn't controlled by a controller.. it's like a simulated Gundam. I still want to see him lose to Jose and get those nuts all in his face.
  3. Actually, he's made a few songs that made him a lot of money. Just because his first one sold 5,000,000 copies in like.... 6 months.. doesn't mean his songs that only sold 50,000 aren't making him money Those 42 million views probably made him some ad money too
  4. What country are you from XZero? Not knowing Soulja Boy is like saying, "Who the fuck is Elvis?". Can't say I DON'T envy you though. Must be great not to have heard is annoying song 5,000,000 times on the radio.
  5. If someone had taken his name I'm sure he'd just throw some money at that person and get his name.
  6. That's not the point. This would be the equivalent of me going to compete in a QuakeCon and only having played against bots.
  7. http://screwattack.com/Random/WeAccept Hopefully, Soulja Boy won't wuss out. I really want to see him get whooped by some real gamers with all the "I'm the best gamer" smack talk he was saying Comment. Discuss.
  8. Dearly Beloved please!
  9. Sorry for any anger this might cause, but, I have a question Last I heard this was to be released a few months ago but got pushed back because of something about hyping the Doom 2 project (bleh) instead of this. Wasn't this supposed to follow soon after that? What happened?
  10. Secret of Mana. 'Nuff said.
  11. I don't know if this has been posted before, but here an absolutely, classic video . . By far the FUNNNNIIIIESSSTTT video I have EVAAAARRR!!!! seen . . It's a PS3 fanboy freaking out like I've never seen before about this. http://www.maxconsole.net/?mode=news&newsid=29620
  12. Yes, I have felt it. But mostly, when doing activies such as lifting weights, and running.
  13. Well, I, for one, thought it was amazing. Thank you, Bigfoot, you've provided me with a video that I can watch several times
  14. I'm probably alone on this, but I enjoyed Doom 3 (As well as the other Doom 3 engine games - Prey, Quake 4) more than Half-Life 2 I guess I enjoy FPS for shooting things and immersion, not puzzle-solving and firefight-lite gameplay like Half-Life 2.
  15. Oh, great. I didn't know all that... But I do know that OCRemixes sound great with these headphones...
  16. I ordered an SR60 from Amazon. They sent me an SR80. Which is about 40$ more, for free. I'm glad for that, but the only problem is that it's a "BIG" plug and I don't know how to use it. It unscrews to the standard size, but I get less quality right? Sorry.. absolute headphone newb here.
  17. As far as OC submissions, my favorite that recieves next to no submissions is Phantasy Star IV. Then, Super Mario RPG, then Lunar 1 & 2. Considering how popular these games are there sure are negligable amounts of submissions.
  18. I have already experienced something similiar in a CD store. I listened to demos of some cds for bout 3 minutes.. that where I got the idea of better headphones. Anyways, thanks for all that information.
  19. Yeah ...
  20. Wow... 39.99 .. thank you... EDIT: NM
  21. Wow...... I humbly bow down before you're knowledge... I've had my heart set on the SR60 but now I may not. For someone who likes OCRemixes.. what should I get? Bass doesn't matter as long as its enough not to sound bad. I have my stereos for that. I want clarity in voice and instruments. Any reccomends? EDIT: Also I need a link to a palce where I can read about all this jargon (monitors/amplifiers?)
  22. Thank you all for your input. I ask this question because the only thing I've ever heard are stereos which in my cases only add more base.. never anymore quality. Thank again.. I'll be checking reviews for headpones. I couldn't find the thread you wre talking about.. if its not too much trouble do you have alink.
  23. Anyone out there use headphones? I'm thinking of buying some headphones to enjoy ocremixes. Particularly, I'm looking at the Grado SR60. Word around the internet is that they are the best headphones under 100$. Since I've never had any high end headphones. The highest I've ever had are 14.99 Sony headphones. Now my question is does anyone think these headphones will sound better? The price really isn't a problem since its only $59.99. And, also has anyone tried these headphones.
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