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Posts posted by Radiowar

  1. they're two completely different mediums. there have been a lot of times when there's a band i just didn't get until i saw them live and something clicked. animal collective were like that for me. and i don't know that i could possibly give a shit about sound quality when i'm seeing an artist or band i love. when you hear the opening notes of a song you love and you have that moment of recognition...there's nothing better really. so much of it is about seeing people create in the moment.

  2. i might hold off on submitting this just yet. it's much too similar to the original, and as a standalone piece of music, it doesn't really work.

    it's confusing to listen to, really. the sounds you've chosen seem almost random, and they don't fit together. technically, there is nothing wrong with the production, but it's very flat and dry. aside from some panning, there's no real sense of space. it's all very in your face. the drums are somewhat mechanical, and could benefit from some EQ/compression. i suppose it could be stylistic preference, but given the general mishmash of sounds, i don't know what style that would be exactly.

    structurally, it seems very flat. i haven't done an exact side-by-side comparison, but it sounds nearly identical. any potential for remixing that exists in the original doesn't come from the its structure. it may make sense in the context of the game, but as a piece of music it's meandering, the shifts are jarring, and it simply doesn't make a lot of sense on its own.

    sorry if that came off too harsh. basically i think what you have is a decent foundation to work from. the next step would be coming up with an arrangement to make it your own.

  3. i'm using OS X on my macbook with Live version 8.1.

    ok so this is really weird. when i posted this thread, i had just started a new project and was frustrated that the issue had come up again. at the time the only track other than the drum rack had been an audio track containing an acappella.

    now i've loaded a drum rack into that same project, though it has several more midi and audio tracks (ie. increased cpu usage), only now i have no trouble loading the drum rack, adding samples, adding effects, creating midi, etc. everything's....fine.




  4. sometimes when i open a drum rack and load a sample - like a kick or something - Live gets super laggy and pretty much slows to a halt until i remove the drum rack entirely. and then there are times when it doesnt happen at all, and i can load several drum racks with a number of different samples/effects, no problem.

    does anybody know what's going on?

  5. Not really recent, but I didn't dig the new direction with Portishead's third album - I'm still waiting for Dummy Part II, I guess; I thought it was rather silly how they abandoned their initial sound, there was more territory to explore within that framework.

    i was one of those hoping for dummy pt 2, so third was definitely a bit disorienting at first. it grew on me though. the rip is a beautiful song, up there with their best.

  6. Wasn't Sayid's soulmate Nadia, not Shannon?

    this seems to be a point of contention for a lot of people. i thought the show went to great lengths to show that sayid and nadia were not meant to be together. it was only in the flashsideways that sayid finally admitted it. like jacob said, the candidates were people who were looking for "something they couldn't find out there".

    then again i suppose you could make the argument that shannon died too. but then that messes everything up so dont

  7. i personally thought it was perfect (:

    i really love the way they tied everything together - i'm gonna have to watch the series all the way through again. i gotta say though, the one thing i've felt throughout the series was that the writers had to make certain decisions to appease the network and the fans, but if they had been allowed to just tell the story they set out to tell...over at the av club they mentioned how it would be great if they did a novelization of the series, minus the bullshit. i think it's a pretty cool idea.

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