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Posts posted by Radiowar

  1. oh yeah thanks for outright ignoring me Alex :( u big hobo. Oh wait that's me, but still :P

    haha well...your idea is different from the direction I was planning on taking this...

    Anyways, I think I've settled on an arrangement. I recorded a quick take in case anybody wants to hear it (the quality is even worse this time because I did it in Audacity without any effects, and I think there are a few skips in the recording as well). I'll be doing this on my electric piano next week hopefully and submit it then, unless somebody finds that there is a huge problem with the arrangement or something.


  2. The percussion/drums here really makes no sense to me. Did you really need to use a vibraslap? Sounds way out of place. The drums need some variation in the velocity so they don't sound so robotic. Quick hint: anytime you have a snare hit that isn't on either beat two or beat four (playing this particular beat) lower the velocity. The way it is now is really disorienting and, aside from not being realistic, it makes it hard to tell where the downbeats are.

    The structure is alright in some parts, and not in others. The sort of chill section seems aimless until that bass entry at 2:03 which is really pretty good. But aside from that the second and third sections seem completely unrelated to each other and to the opening part.

  3. I think you have decent energy and dynamic contrast (between the busy/sparse sections) here. The main problems would be in the writing and production. I'm not familiar with the source, but pretty much everything from the opening string part onwards sounds like nearly every part has some clashing with another (especially the part at 2:01), and it doesn't sound intentional.

    As far as production, the synth choices, especially the ones playing in the higher register, are pretty grating. The balance/EQ could use some adjusting in the busier sections. With so many instruments in similar EQ ranges playing at the same volume like that everything kind of melds together. Not being familiar with the source, it makes it hard to tell what is the main melody, so aside from the repeating bassline this piece is hard to follow.

  4. Not sure that the solution to weak feedback is using a broad, impersonal and generalized template, no matter how comprehensive it might be. I can see it working as a guideline to help formulate criticisms before actually posting (i.e. with sentences and paragraphs), but I wouldn't want to see it posted in one of my threads.

    I'd also add that I've never noticed a huge problem with feedback not being detailed enough, if anything the weakest feedback around here is where people try to hard to write the music for them (I've been guilty of this in the past). Providing a checklist makes this way too easy for people to just go through the list and check off things without giving it proper thought. At least by organizing their thoughts into coherent sentences and paragraphs people are forced to really think through and understand their comments as they apply to the piece their commenting on.

  5. nah the balance is pretty off. Out of the multiple string, piano, bell, etc. parts it's not really clear which is meant to be the focus. Your drums sound nice and set a good foundation but melodically it's hard to tell where this begins and where it ends. The drop out seems really sudden and the part following it doesn't seem to be in time at all because of this.

  6. Are those...dyanmics? This is pretty nice. The aux. percussion in the opening seems kind of unnecessary, and it could use string samples that allowed for more varied articulations, but from what I remember this is a huge improvement in your writing.

  7. I'm nearing completion of an album a friend of mine and I have been working on and we're starting to think about printing options. We're thinking something along the lines of 4-panel digipaks, though Discmakers' shortest run is 300 and it's pretty expensive. The fact that 300 is probably a bigger run than we need isn't a huge deal since we live in different cities and would be taking 150 each.

    But neither of us really have a lot of expertise in this area, so I thought I'd ask around here for suggestions or comments or anything.

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