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Posts posted by Hellcom

  1. this has turned out to be a much bigger thing than I ever thought it would be. I can't go anywhere without seeing this controversy online, Gamespot really did fuck up allegedly (still unconfirmed what exactly transpired right?).

    All but confirmed officially, but on that note if it does ever turn out that everyone was wrong and he was fired for something really mundane the internets are going to look like such asses :tomatoface:

  2. @Coop

    Most sources suggest that Eidos had a lesser role in this whole affair than a lot of people are making out. Rather they say it was mainly due to the new management that took over from the former Executive Editor Greg Kasavin (or whatever his title is) who are really marketers and salesman rather than of game journalist stock. For me that seems more likely than Eidos directly causing the firing.

  3. Yeah, I think Jeff will get hired by another outlet, or maybe he could start up his own outlet. As a result of this he's going to have a lot more clout and quite a following (he was already fairly popular) like you said. It would be crazy for someone not to exploit this before this story runs out of steam, whether it be himself or someone else .

    Also, another member of the editorial staff left without warning within the same time frame, which makes things interesting.


  4. Regardless whether or not you like Jeff Gerstmann or his reviews, he has always been honest with his personal opinion (even if it was sometimes inconsistent) and has never compromised his journalistic integrity with with advertising or fanboy pandering, as this issue clearly demonstrates. This guy has been around gamespot for +10 years, is the editor in chief, and is one of the few remaining editors from the pre-cnet days. So this is a pretty big deal IMO as a major hit for journalist integrity in game reviews and for gamespot.

    Probably what got him fired was his video review of the game, which is quite strongly worded. Right at the end he suggested that you don't buy the game, but instead wait until its price is cut. Considering how many advertising dollars eidos poured into gamespot this comment in addition to the negative review may have caused the resulting firing. The fact that the video review has been removed and not the text review further suggests this.

    You can see the video review that might of gotten him fired on youtube:

  5. Could someone hurry up and finish reading the book so they can tell me what happens? I've never been interested enough to do it myself.

    I read the jpeg scans a few days ago, which are the legitimate ones, so here you go.


    Ron, Harry, Hermione and Ginny All live.

    Almost all deaths are of minor and supporting characters; e.g. Dobby the house elf, Mad-Eye, and Fred (or was it George :P). Only major death was Snape.

    R.A.B is who everyone expected him to be. Nothing really exciting about it.

    Snape and Dumbledore both mutally intended for Dumbledore to die at the hands of Snape in book 6. In Snape's youth he was obsessed with Lilly (Harry's mother), but also detested James Potter, which explains his conflict towards Harry. However, ultimately he was on Dumbledore's and Harry's side and acted as a spy in their favour. His primary motivation is to protect his memory of Lily, who voldemort killed. He then dies at the hands of voldemort near the end, see details regarding deathly hollows.

    The Deathly Hollow are three items given to mankind by death. When combined the owner becomes the master of death. First item is the Invisibility Cloak, which harry already has. Second is the resurrection stone, which summons the souls of the dead, which is stone set in the ring that held the first horcrux, thus harry already has. The third is the elder wand, which is a kicks ass wand that pwns everything. The power of the wand is pasted on via murdering its previous owner. Dumbledore just happens to be the current owner. Voldemort takes the Elder wand from Dumbledore's grave, but finds its an ordinary wand as he did not directly kill Dumbledore. He then kills Snape thinking he is the new owner, but he is mistaken. As Dumbledore consented to Snape killing him the ownership passes onto Malfoy's wand, which is what Snape used to kill Dumbledore (yeah, apparently wands can own stuff). Near the end of the book Harry defeats Malfoy and takes his wand, thus the ownership transfers to Harry. In the final duel between Voldemort and Harry the Elder wand backfires on Voldemort as Harry is the true owner.

    In terms of horcruxs, Harry and co find and destroy each horcrux. When attempting to kill harry as a baby Voldemort accidentally made Harry the seventh horcrux, which explains the prophecy "neither can live while the other survives". Just before the final duel Voldemort uses the killing curse, but instead of killing Harry he destroys the Horcrux, apparently because harry didn't fight back or some crap like that.

    Voldemort is dead

    Then there is the final chapter, which should be basically titled "there is no sequel", unless its to be called "Harry Potter and the Parental Responsibilities". Ron and Hermione marry, and so do Ginny and Harry.They have many children, each named after fallen friends.

    Nevile is a Herbology Professor.

  6. GW was/is a great game, particularly in PVP, which can get very completive. The level 20 cap is fundamental in this success. However, my main complaint about GW is the elitism in PVP that locks out newbs and causal players. For example, in order to get into any good groups you need a rank of 3 at least, but to get rank 3 need to get into a good group in the first place >.<.

    I'm also hoping they expand on the PVE by making it less linear and more of a core feature rather than a run up tutorial to the PVP action.

  7. So, er, Nintendo bought Monolith Soft (Xenosaga).

    Don't these guys have the exact opposite vision to Nintendo of what a game should be?

    Well it does diversify their range and audience by including games that are not "nintendo-ish". Plus now I have even fewer reasons to by a PS3 now that Monolith Soft are going to be making Nintendo exclusives. :smile: More RPGs FTW! Xenosaga on the wii!!!

  8. The DS already has a SSB type game, Jump Super/Ultimate Stars. It hosts much of the same gameplay of SSB, but instead of Nintendo characters its Jump Manga characters such as Naurto, Bleach, DBZ, Death Note, Eyeshield 21, etc... Not just that, its pretty import friendly, which I can testify to as I own Ultimate.

    Also, a new interview is out that reveals there should around 40 characters and mentions new additions and removals:

    He confirmed that the following characters will appear in the new Smash Bros.

    Bowser Jr.

    Ridley, the famous enemy of Samus.

    Wind Waker Link.

    And certain characters will disappear:

    Ice Climbers

    Mr. Game & Watch

    Young Link.


    [sakurai] finally affirmed that the total number of characters should approach forty, leaving place for about fifteen new ones and one or two 3rd party characters.


    Edit: I fell for a prank, nevermind.

  9. So, is this expected to be the best selling game for Wii?

    SSBM was the Gamecube's best selling game at 6 million units. So it can be expected to sell in an excess of that as long as Wii sales continue to be strong and game itself doesn't suck ass (unlikely judging by the trailers).


    Two copies? Three? You guys are crazy, you need to buy at least five.

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