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Posts posted by Hellcom

  1. I don't think OCR is really hurting for Zelda64 mixes. There's a project in progress at VGMix though, so you might consider joining that.

    I'm all for a Majora's Mask project though. But maybe later...there are way too many projects going on right now.

    I know there's a lot of Zelda64 mixes (but there were a lot of Chrono Trigger mixes, as well) on OCR, but, as far as I know, not all the songs have been done and certainly very few from MM.

    Are there any MM songs done on OCR even? I'm really surprised none of the songs from MM have been rearranged, particularly things like Song of Healing. Therefore, I also think an MM project would more welcome then a OoT project.

  2. I am playing this game right now.

    Bobber fishing is kinda difficult, but maybe that's because I'm not using bait... but I have no bottle yet <.<

    Amazing game, though.





  3. Remember, they are reviewing it as a Wii game, not as a GCN game. As a Wii game, it has room for improvement graphically. I'd be interested to see how the GCN version does in reviews though.

    Yeah, but does that mean an 8.8, especially when every other reviewing site gave it a 9.5+. Are they really saying that this game is comparable to Super Monkey Ball (8.3)and Trauma Center (8.0)?

    I take this back. After going over the GS review in more detail, and looking at how the rating system works at GS I would probably score about the same on the GS system. It's more the fault of the review system than the reviewer in this case. The sound or graphic rating has an equal value to gameplay or value rating, and the overall score is based on an average of these factors. When IMO, gameplay and value should have a higher proportional impact on the score. It should also be taken into account that he did give it a 10 tilt rating.

    If I were to guess my rating on the GS system, it would most likely come out like this:

    Gameplay - 10 (It's freakin' zelda)

    Graphics - 9 (GC level, but good art design)

    Sound - 8 (High quality midi, but still midi)

    Value- 9 (Should have tons of side quests)

    Tilt - 10 (It's freakin' zelda)

    Score - 9.2

    Only 0.4 points higher than the GS review.

  4. Remember, they are reviewing it as a Wii game, not as a GCN game. As a Wii game, it has room for improvement graphically. I'd be interested to see how the GCN version does in reviews though.

    Yeah, but does that mean an 8.8, especially when every other reviewing site gave it a 9.5+. Are they really saying that this game is comparable to Super Monkey Ball (8.3)and Trauma Center (8.0)?


    Gameplay >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Graphics

  5. Dammit i want the gamecube version to come out soon :(

    Donate some plasma. Get the Wii version. You're screwing yourself. I'm not trying to be an asshole, I'm just telling you the truth.

    I just bought a $1300 dollar camera for school so my wallet is dry to the bone till January. If it wasnt for that i would defiently be buying the Wii. My friends getting it tho so i may be "borrowing" hers when shes in class

    Why didn't you buy a $1150 camera then?

  6. So, I hear FF12's release has been delayed in Europe. Out of curiosity, could someone illuminate my ignorant American ass on European releases of games. Do they typically fully localize the game for the plethora of languages in Europe? Which ones exactly? And do they rerecord a dub for the various languages as well? The reason I ask is that it sounds like it would be pretty expensive to do a European release of a game....

    Because the European market is so diverse they have to do numerous versions to French, German, Spanish, Italian as the main languages of the continent. In addition to translations, separate marketing campaigns are required for each region. As you said, Europe is a expensive market to enter, but is no bigger or profitable in comparison to the Japanese or North American market. As a result, Europe gets the short straw in almost everything.

  7. Ok guys, the first three reviews are out:

    GameSpy: 5/5


    Quote: Link's debut on the Wii pays tribute to Ocarina of Time and is nothing short of an instant classic.

    Lawrence 9.9/10


    Quote: One of the greatest gaming experiences of all time

    UGO: A, A+ being the highest mark.


    Quote: It may not rewrite the series, but it's freakin' Zelda!

    Looking promising. :D

  8. This is silly.

    It is all continuous. You got LINK, ZELDA, HYRULE, Ganon(dorf) ALWAYS in every game. I mean come on? So what if the story doesn't match up?

    Its weird, but Ganon is only the end boss or a major factor in every OTHER Zelda game that's released (with Four Swords Adventures being the only exception (and come on, its just Four Swords beefed up) and with the Oracle games going either way since not together there is no Ganon, but together there is). Seriously, this is a weird trend but its pretty stable. So therefore Ganon will be major in Twilight Princess and probably not there at all in Phantom Hourglass.

    Prove me wrong :)

    Well considering that Hourglass is supposedly a direct continuation from WW, and in WW Ganon is sealed at the bottom of the ocean with a sword impaled into his head, yes there won't be a ganon in Phantom Hourglass.

  9. Just created a nation, only a day old.

    Nation: Republic of Denken

    Ruler: Relative

    Resources: Fish and Wheat

    Team Colour: Orange

    Welcome to the OCA! As advertised, I've sent you a complementary new member aid package.

    It says that this aid package "would put the sender into more than $500 in debt."

    Try it tomorrow. :lol:

    Ok, now its threatening me that if I don't cancel the aid package it will ban me.

  10. What's interesting to me, however, is that the Song of Healing was in Majora's Mask, not Ocarina of Time. How...odd.

    What is odd about that?

    Everyone keeps saying that the song is in OoT, but I don't remember it there.

    Also, Majora's Mask took place in an alternate dimension. The events that took place in it have never been shown to have had any effect on the main continuity of the Zelda timeline. (I must note that some believe the "Hero of Time" mentioned in the intro to Wind Waker never appeared because he was in Termina, but that is only a theory at the moment.) If the Song of Healing is in this game, then it seems likely that Twilight Princess has some kind of connection to Majora's Mask. This is something new to us.

    Wasnt it the Happy Mask guy who taught Link the song? Hes from OoT demension which is where he learned the song I assume

    Everyone in MM had a parallel in OoT. That was the theme of the whole game in terms of character design - think of Princess Ruto and Lulu, King Zora and the head of the Indigogo's, the Gerudo and the Gerudo Pirates, the Head Carpenter in both games.

    Or, the dev team was really lazy and just copy/pasted the character models from OoT to MM for a quick buck. There I said it. *awaits beating*

  11. What's interesting to me, however, is that the Song of Healing was in Majora's Mask, not Ocarina of Time. How...odd.

    What is odd about that?

    Everyone keeps saying that the song is in OoT, but I don't remember it there.

    O....k, who says that? Song of Healing was one of the main themes of Majora's Mask, like Zelda's Lullaby was to Ocarina of Time.


    Also, Majora's Mask took place in an alternate dimension. The events that took place in it have never been shown to have had any effect on the main continuity of the Zelda timeline. (I must note that some believe the "Hero of Time" mentioned in the intro to Wind Waker never appeared because he was in Termina, but that is only a theory at the moment.) If the Song of Healing is in this game, then it seems likely that Twilight Princess has some kind of connection to Majora's Mask. This is something new to us.

    [overreaction] Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, crazy retarded time line thread!! Help, somebody save me!! [/overreaction]

  12. You guys need to see this. Apparently we have a more interesting replacement for the various musical instruments Link has found in the past.

    What up with those crappy howling illustration. They could have put more effort into them.

    Background seems really interesting

    And back with the howling is that the Song of Healing Links howling?

    *edit* YES! Semi Throat ripping action!!


    And alot of new TP videos were added.

    That is indeed the song of healing, one of my favorite ocarina melodies.

    Yeah, song of healing is a great theme. Odd that no one has done an arrangement for it (i think). The scenery in that scene was amazing btw.

  13. ^^ I'm only about 7 hour into the game, but so far I have to agree with you. Although the world surrounding these character is very well done, the individual character development is poor. I have yet to figure out exactly what the motivations are for "minivan" are as he just seems to tag along with Balthier, and I'm not even sure why Balthier even lets him do that.

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