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Posts posted by Hellcom

  1. 1.06B doesn't work, 1.06b might work. There's supposed to be a new version out that's fully Wii-compatible though.


    The store page on the US site doesn't mention the version, and it can't be ordered off the UK site yet. And most shops that would sell it don't have the new one in stock yet as far as I can tell.

    Well I guess I will wait a bit then until it becomes clearer. Besides, I still have my GC.

  2. Definatly. They overloaded the chests in templs it's quite ridicoulous. I've probably missed out on a few heart pieces now cause the map was full of chests that I couldn't take any rupees.

    What's worse is how there is nothing to spend the rupees on.


    Anyone else find the quoting system a tad annoying. You know, how it only quotes the last message.

  3. On the Wii menu, hit the message button in the lower right...

    Open your address book... it's the button on the right.

    And there's your Wii code... If there are already entries, you can see your friend code by hitting - and thus going to the front "cover" of the address book.

    thx (damn you minimum character limit)

  4. EDIT: Test failed

    So I spent an hour or so wandering around the water temple trying to figure out Where the hell I'm supposed to go.

    Then I found the random pillar I'm supposed to shoot and voila. Far easier than the OoT water temple.

    I was pretty disappointed with the water temple in this game. I was expecting a real challenge after the ultra easy first two temples, but everything was very linear despite the numerous cross paths. Not to mention the boss was easier than the two previous ones.

    The initial puzzle in the Sacred Grove was the hardest puzzle I've faced in a Zelda game yet. I tried for over an hour before I looked it up online, dejected.
    The puzzle for the "spoiler, well it not that big of a spoiler spoiler as it's in every game?" Yeah that got me for a while. It took me about 15 minutes to just sit down a try to figure it out rather than randomly move the pieces in hope of getting it right. When I did that I almost wanted to hit myself for how easy it really was in the end. Definitely one of the hardest puzzles in the Zelda series though.
  5. Not really an issue, more of a feature request now that its available. In other forums I have seen the use of spoiler tags. It seems to be custom mod though, here is what a quick google search turned up:


    There might be better mods out there, this one seems to just create a black box so you have to highlight the text to view it. Other, more common ones require you to click the box in order for it to open up, which is much better IMO.

  6. So I walked into Target yesterday and lo-and-behold, they're unpacking the new shipment of Wiis right then and there. I ask the guy "I'd like one...right now". He hands it to me which starts a rush of about 12 parents all going "OMG OM GOM GTHEY HAVE TEH WII!!!" and they stampede the guys and the Wiis are sold out before the guys even unpack all of the new shipment.

    Same thing happened to me, but with the DS lite. I was out to buy some batteries. While I was waiting at the counter they just started unpacked them right in front of me. There was a massive panic among the parents, all of whom wanted to get the perfect Christmas present. I managed to get the second to last one. :P

    Anyway, another reaction:

    OMG! Where are all the freaking Gerudo?!
  7. he's slowly poisoning you

    I hope you know this

    No, I suspect that he is using a binary poison. The poison in in the food, but so is the antidote. As long as Paladin-01 keeps eating the food from his neighbor, the poison won't kill him. Stop eating, and he dies.

    Very clever, and fiendish.

    Also, not good for your thighs. :)

  8. Ok so this has finally gotten on my nerves.

    Every time I get a blue or yellow rupee for the first time in any area its has to tell me. IM just wondering if its just programmed into the game or a glich cause it doesnt do this on the green or red rupees.

    Everytime you catch any ruppee but a green one after loading a save, it tells you.

    Ok thanks

    Yeah, that kinda bugs me too. But it's not that bad.

  9. Got a question.

    I'm trying to get IRC to work on the Internet Channel.

    I've been using CGI-IRC, but there's no send message or enter key, and no button on the Wiimote that functions as such.

    Anyone able to help here? Got a CGI-IRC client that has a send message button?

    Well I don't have time to check right now, but why not try using a web-based java client? I believe java is a usable script on the wii.



    Tell me about it. :roll:


    Your Order has been shipped


    If you don't mind me asking, how did you manage to order it online? All the stores I know of were sold out.

    It was a late pre-order (early November-ish). My initial pre-order was cancelled when the business I ordered from (lik-sang) closed down. My pre-order must be one of the last to be fulfilled.

  11. What's worse is that the character animations and other cut-scene stuff is done so well, it would be near perfect with voice acting...

    Regardless, I did not expect Twilight Princess to be this damn good. What a pleasant surprise.

    The only problem with VA is if its done poorly, as it often is in English localisations, it can kill a game. However, games like Dragon Quest VIII and Final Fantasy XII have proved to have excellent VA.

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