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Posts posted by Hellcom

  1. The Metroid Prime series is credited for creating a new sub-genre of FPS/adventure. The final fantasy tactics games and Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis are both a hybrid of RPG and strategy genres. There is also the ever popular action/adventure genre that includes a lot of games from Zelda to GTA.

    Those are all I think of right now.

  2. Wow, you beat Ballos? I can't even beat Final Battle! (Misery/The Doctor/OMG SPOILERS!). Then again, I did stupidly use that life pot Jenka gave me earlier in the game....

    You don't use that life pot for anything other than Hell and Ballos! That was my first mistake. I used the pot in the "final cave", which wreaked my chances of completing Hell. I had to re-start the game in order to get it, but then again, that is no punishment.

  3. There is no strong reason to get Vista yet, and it's never a good idea to move to a new OS like vista on it's release date. The early days of Vista are probably going to be more of a beta version than a release version. There are also issues such as hardware incomparability, heavy system resource demands, and high prices point to consider etc...

    Not worth it (yet) in my opinion.



    Well the game has been out for a while, but I only just got into it. As the game is amazing, and there is no thread for it... TA, DA!!

    Well for those who are going "Doukutsu what?":

    Cave Story is a freeware game that was released in 2004, after 5 years of development, by a Japanese guy who goes by the handle Pixel. It's a 2D Side-Shooter in the vein of metroid and castlevania. It has been hailed by many fans as the best freeware game of 2004 at least to the best freeware game ever made. The screen shot above does not do the game justice. The game features flawless gameplay, a very memorable story, perfect visuals based on chosen style and resources available, and an excellent sound track as demonstrated by some of the remixes on OCR.

    It took me a while, but I just managed to beat Hell. My problem was that I could never reach the final bonus boss with enough health to survive. I mastered the Hell level in the end, and just scraped through with 10 HP left after the final fight. I have no idea how some guys can do speed runs with 3 HP.

    There is news (old) that a very new publisher called variant is working to port cave story to the PSP with updated visuals.


    (Artwork Cover is Fan Made)

    However, many fans, inculding myself feel a bit iffy about this publisher. Firstly there is confusion as to whether pixel is being paid, whether pixel authorized it, and if this company is capable of porting the game. Nintendo even denied Variant a development kit for the DS.


    In other news, there is a home-brew effort, with blessings from pixel, to port the game to the Nintendo DS.


    http://community.livejournal.com/doukutsu/27249.html (Started off as GBA port)


    Download this game now!:

    http://agtp.romhack.net/doukutsu.html (Latest game version and translation patch)

    http://www.miraigamer.net/cavestory/ (Fan site and link to MAC version)

  5. I agree, we really could've used another side-quest laden village. We only had Odron Ranch and Castle Town really. I remember that, for example, there was no breathing space in between the third to last and penultimate dungeon. A full repopulation of Kakariko was probably another thing they didn't have time for.


    I thought the first three temples were spaced evenly as well. But after interlopers arc (if you can call it that), it was "complete the next three dungeon-ish places in a row with no reward with the advancement of plot", which became a little bit tedious near the end.

    Wind Waker's Windfall island did have its merits when it came to side quests, something which Hyrule Castle town lacked in a sense. I just wish there was more NPC interaction and towns to do side quests in.

    I still think it's a fantastic game, and definitely my personal GOTY.

  6. So how do you get the third Tunic?

    That's the optional Magic armour. It's sold at the overpriced store in Hyrule Castle Town, but it's too expensive. You need to go to Kakariko and donate 3,000 rupees in total to the Malo Mart. The malo mart will then take the place of the overpriced store and sell the armour for just under 600 rupees.

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