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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. Well, I started over and retained some of the song. Keep in mind that it's even more "WIP-y" than the last song, therefore there's a few notes that are unpleasant to the ear and some of it is kinda loud... -All I really need to know is this heading in the right direction? http://www.megaupload.com/?d=HG9HTBFG Hope you like it.
  2. The only thing I didn't, yes in past-tense, was the HUGE selection of different knobs and buttons you can press to edit the sounds. I'm understanding them a bit more, but they just don't work for Sytrus at all, since it isn't responding to change. Well, I don't know how to make my own pad or synth yet, but I can at least edit pre-made ones...sort of. BTW, how do I reinstall Sytrus...moreover how do I uninstall it to reinstall it? :S
  3. I'd think that this music, as well as Zircon's, SGX's and many other artists ought to find a good recording company and put their albums up for sale in stores like HMV and whatnot. I know this is rather naive of me (because it probably costs alot of money), but it may be worth it in the long run. You'd attract wayy more people, also it may help to further promote VG music awareness. Anyways, these CD's kicks some major ass, go make money off of it Beatdrop, you've earned it I'll donate some money once I get a new job (don't worry it won't take too long). Good Luck in the future man.
  4. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4PQTHNTV I think I've gotten alot better. BTW, there's a reason why I named this song "DanceToTheRandomness". Just think A.D.D. + electronica.
  5. Well, actually the problem still hasn't been properly fixed. And to make matters worse, when I change a knob or the osculator, nothing happens, the default sound remains the same. I know for a fact that the attack and release commands should make the sound fade in and fade out if turned correctly - but it doesn't work! And yes, I clicked the little "enable" button in the volume control tab. Is it possible that my Sytrus is corrupt :S? Need help please.
  6. Oh dear...I wish you said that earlier. I cut out the part with the weird piano :S but I think I can do that over again. BTW, what does "countermelody" and "chord progression" mean :S? I'm a newb to musical terminology and theory.
  7. Oh right well, I'd have to do a MIDI rip to get the whole thing, and well I really don't feel like being a wannabe so , I'm gonna have to see if I can actually imitate the whole song first, then rearrange it...cuz I skipped the whole bass part in it.
  8. Wow, thanks man, it's good to have some real input. Yeah I tried something different and messed up I guess, I'll cut down the intro and see if I can change up the lead synth. In my own head the trancy part sounded on key and pleasant, but I guess that's my own opinion lol. I'm new to FL, but I get better each day
  9. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=GXGEK8JX is my big phat-assed updated. Is this nearly submittable?
  10. Wow I can't believe that my request for who did this song is right overtop this one. Stupid me. Well anyways, I beg to differ from Kanthos, I think this song is interpreted differently well enough if you compare it to some remixes on the site. Look at "Final Fantasy Five_Cursed Pirates of the Sea". Protricity did an excellent job on it sure, but he didn't reinterpret it THAT much, just added some lightning and ocean wave sounds, then put two pirate-theme songs into one. So Philemon here is sort of in the same boat here. Hell, even Final Fantasy 6_DevilSLAB isn't that much different, just way different instruments, but same tempo and notes. In fact there's quite a few songs that managed to skip the "must be different" aspect, simply because they are good. And maybe it has to do with the remixers already being well-known and kick ass. But I think that Philemon wouldn't have to change up his song that much to get it passed. There's my opinion, take it or leave it. Sorry Kanth , couldn't resist.
  11. I think it's not bad, the start, the lead synth and the bass are pretty good, and it is interpreted differently. But I know that one of the first things a judge might say is it needs more meat. No, they aren't gay, what they would want is more instruments to add to the song (and more "layers"). Or, you could try putting the lead synth thingy into a minor or major chord, using a "chop" function if you have it. Chords and/ or progressions, or arpeggios tend to beef up a song.
  12. Thanks alot man It really does resemble the song I like alot. My only critique is that the volume needs to be reduced for the lead synth at the start, it's kinda hard on the ears. Other than that the rest kicks major monkey ass
  13. That's cool, I figured out a way to change it actually . I just change the shape of the oscilator "bars" so that the sound comes in slowly and ends slowly. Thanks for the help guys.
  14. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=55L3H7UV is my latest WIP. I think it's a step-up from my other work. And I know, the remix's name isn't very original so I'll change it eventually. Enjoy.
  15. I did exactly as you explained (in fact I've tried those before) and the sound is exactly the same. I think there is something blocking my changes when, I change the ADSR of the Main Tab or OP1, etc. Because I reduced the attack time on the main and the op 1 and it didn't seem to process - it sounded exactly the same.
  16. Sytrus is a reaal large plugin...and a costly one. The problem is, I don't know how to edit the sounds. Especially when I try to change the attack and decline settings, nothing happens, so I'm stuck with sounds that don't fade in or out, just go WHAM!! I do use other samples sure, but I really, really want to be able to use Sytrus to its full potential...any tips here? Thanks, much appreciated.
  17. Thanks for taking the time to review my submission OA . I shall try to improve upon the melody and the volume level.
  18. May I ask who did the song FFX "The Dream Isn't Over Yet?" I'd like to have the link to this song, if I'm thinking of the same source material, I'd definitely want to hear it . Thanks
  19. Wow only 20 years old and exploding with musical talent already? You're gonna go far (if you haven't already)in the music industry . Best of wishes
  20. I'm a little more over 3/4 done with my remix, with the help of Mike Z of course . http://www.megaupload.com/?d=SXCSJMTI What do you guys think?? -Type in the 3 digit code and download the file...should take around 24 seconds at most. Enjoy (or try to). If there's a problem with the download, let me know. Thanks.
  21. Yeah I was thinking of creating a creepy symphony where my current clip ends at, and I'll move the voice at the new actual climax. I intended for an ambient feel, but it's too ambient atm huh. - Actually I changed my mind, I got a creepy trancy feel now , although I need deeper, more resonate sounds for a bass to go with it...any ideas?? Here it is, in its new shiny glory...http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FXH9408G BTW,it's a bit of a hassle to get the file, but at least you can download it this time...just input the 3 digit password and click download and voila.
  22. er, which sound is the FM bell?? I'm a newb to the terminology...just started remixing :S
  23. Alright, so I think that I'm almost done with this WIP. Can any one give any input for this rearrangement? Is this nearly ready to be submitted? Click here to watch Breath-of-Fire-2-JadedByDeath2
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