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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. Ah there we go...I've been on the computer for too long today, brain's going to mush thanks ^^. http://media.putfile.com/barf-tastic-drums Does this sound kinda off to you, or is it just me? I tried to do as you said :S
  2. It's orgasmic ^_~, though the bass drum (if that's what it is sounds kinda like it died two weeks ago ) Over all, I can imagine as if this is cool intro is a precursor to a techno beat or something of the like lol.
  3. The problem is, I couldn't do a straight 1/16 or triplets of open and closed hats, because the snares are not actually on a constant pattern, what should I do in this case?
  4. Okay, got it thanks. Although I think I'm gonna mess around with the Pads after I hear some other people's opinions on it. I'll get those drums going though. BTW, which Hi-Hat do you prefer? Pedal hi-hat or Open-hi hat??
  5. Hmm how many notes exactly are there in sixteenths??
  6. Haha, I wish I could feel the same way as you Laguna. Then again I guess that in the real world there isn't really constructive criticism. It's all the same, the only difference is if it helps you or not. Harsh eh
  7. Okay, that can be easily arranged, although it'd help if I knew what the full word for EQ is...Equalizer?? BTW, did you hear the drum pattern at 2:00 I think its a lot different than the first parts and its varied all throughout, though I think I may have over done it. And do you really not like the actual change in the drums, not just in their patterns? Does this sound good Fishy/every one else? http://media.putfile.com/Improved-Tyrano-Lair-Remixmethinks-2 Please check out the 2:00-2:30 region, no one commented on it last time, so I'm unsure if its good or not. Thanks.
  8. Oh god the first one does burn your ears...I can tell the difference here, it's as if the piano and the drum are colliding with one another and not working in unison. My remix is that bad huh. I just have no experience whatsoever with basses and drums, my better field is Pads and orchestral elements. But drums and bass are very new to me. I sort of knew that the drum felt out of place but I didn't know HOW to address it, thanks to Fishy I think I'm getting a hang of it ^^. Ah yeah I see , this wasn't my strength in piano...that was why I had to practice quite a bit, though when I did get it right, it was like riding a bicycle for me - never forgot the rhythm. http://media.putfile.com/Improved-Tyrano-Lair-Remixmethinks This is taking everything I have supposedly learned. It was a lot of new stuff to absorb, so bare with me if this is still far from what you guys intended me to do. BUT, I think this is a major improvement over my old drum patterns...
  9. Umm it may not be too wise for me to keep on changing up the drums for this part 3-4 times, because its not long enough and it might sound like the drummer has A.D.H.D. or something - correct me if I'm wrong. I was thinking 2 differences. And there's a few technical words that I don't understand (please excuse my newbiness): EQ, frequency and offbeat. Yes I know you're going to reply something like..."Dude in that case, you've got a loooong road ahead of you then." Just try to spare me that crushing feeling
  10. BTW, that title is wrong, I meant to say JJT isn't really immature... (that'd be like calling me calm and patient, which as you guys have seen I am not ) Any hoo, this thread could have turned out a lot worse. I don't think that JJT needs to be bashed, thanks for the support every one . I'm re-working my drums and I've listened to my song again...again...again and again. I admit that I knew beforehand that I could have done a better job with this song, before I submitted it. It's just some of the input was a bit harsh to take in, well for me. But it's cool now, I'm willing to take most constructive input without crying like an emo now. Again, thanks for the support and actually *gasp* responding to this thread. I've had many a post that has gone unheeded. Actually Mr Skitch...I don't do that with MIDI's I use premade synths and samples. In fact I couldn't create my own MIDI based synth if I tried atm. BTW, how do I ensure that my song will remain in 1/16th, without different sounds/instruments/samples on 1/4, 1/90000 or whatever? I use FL so.. And I found the tweakheadz.com site kind of well...huge. I don't know where to start on that site =S I know this is a lot of questions to ask, but you would do this misguided one a huge favor if you could answer his silly questions =/ To avoid Triple Posting, I'm putting my new and hopefully improved drum sample here. I tried to synchronize it to the rhythm of the piano...is this a better idea? http://media.putfile.com/Tyrano-Drum-Sample
  11. What I should have done was take a deep breath, along with a moment to think, so that I could come up with a decent and mature response. I'm sorry JJT and Fishy and who ever else I may have offended. It's always awkward in a forum to express these things =S I thank you guys for the constructive criticism and I'll try to move on. But I'm a stubborn arse JJT. I'm going to continue to try to remix VG music. I'm gonna compare my work to other remixers, improve upon it and resubmit it (or try to). However, it's a daily challenge to work with the samples I have because I don't have a big budget to afford super good quality samples and other drum synths. Hell all I have for drums is FPC and the free downloads from it like Hipscratch and WhoDat =/. Again, I apologize for my poor response and I shall try hard to suppress whatever misgivings I feel when I get criticized for my remixes.
  12. Is this getting there? I tried to reduce the clipping, changed the chorusing for choir, humanized the piano and several other things. Oh and I got rid of the break beat drums at the 2:00 minute area (thereabouts). http://media.putfile.com/Tyrano-Remix-retry Would this not sound a hell of a lot more discorded and choppy if I couldn't discern that at all? I'm saying that every one has to start somewhere, not every one can go BANG I'm composer guru over night! Sorry to be snappy, but I'm tired of people telling me that I'm tone deaf or rythm challenged, I've heard positive things about my work, perhaps some of you are just bitter that you can't submit your own works. Maybe I'm just saying this to save face, but I have to try and I have to start somewhere - I'm tired of giving up, so don't tell me how to give up, tell me how to help myself.
  13. Oh I've been listening through the whole song a lot of times. Unfortunately I need to work on that professional ear. I never took theory, therefore it's hard to discern if its off beat or off tempo ><. But I will certainly try to fix those things.
  14. My Tyrano Lair song got rejected and it's unclear as to what's wrong. What Liontamer highlighted was "poor sound quality". I'm not sure what he exactly means by that because I know that I use relatively good samples, so what other reason would he have to say that? I'll let you guys be the judges... http://media.putfile.com/Tyrano-Trepidation for reference here's the MIDI http://media.putfile.com/cttyrano
  15. Is the song called Neutronstar? That doesn't seem all that fantasy-ish..hmm..how about The Oblivinator!!...which is also not fantasy-ish Okay, okay so that idea sucks, how about Oblivion: Epic Guitar Hero Lol, I try As for the song, it's real good, though I'm sure that the judges will be anal about it, as usual. Good luck mate.
  16. Well, I'm a growing remixer, I can give it a shot..is there a MIDI or something to work with? Or any where that I can get the source tune?
  17. I really don't want to have to keep on posting and posting, but I have a new WIP of Tyrano Lair that takes a whole different angle/style. http://www.megaupload.com/?d=F42RUWW I think this is pretty damned close to OC material. If not, then I just wasted 8 hours of my ****ing day lol.
  18. there you have it not grim at all then .
  19. Actually I'm a music buff so I buy tons of random music that's not really popular in the media brain-dead culture of today (curse you MTV!!) - although I do like mainstream heavy metal too. And it's not totally grim, I blare your guys' music in my car, that's gotta count for something . Plus, you've got lots of fans. Actually I'm curious how much do you make annually (from your music)?
  20. How do I open files with the extension sf.ARK My Fruity Soundfont player doesn't seem to recognize them =/
  21. I dunno Kanth, I tried changing various synths and samples from Sytrus and I tried mucking around with attack and release times. Whereas in every other program, they would respond without a prob, but Sytrus doesn't seem to do so. /emokidcry
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