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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. Wow this is really good, the bass and the trumpets are my favorite parts . The only thing that seems wrong to me is the drums at the start, they seem to clash a bit with the melody, kinda like they're slightly off tempo. Believe me I've been there, it's a real pain in the ass when it comes to getting the drums to fit in perfectly with the melody, hell, I still have trouble with doing so today. Tis a learning process Other then that, this remix is damned near OC remix material V dog. And BTW post that Fire Emblem song you made, I think THAT's already OC material . Good luck and happy remixing.
  2. I know reverb makes stuff muddy, I was just being a dink head . Sorry to have wasted your time there Spoon :-S.
  3. Well, I woke up at 8 AM today and I had a sudden inkling to do a remix of Maridia. Surprisingly, it didn't sound half bad, so here it is ^^. Took me about 3 hours to do or so lol. http://media.putfile.com/Lower-Maridia-Remix
  4. It says error 404, file not found T_T
  5. Wow this is really really good. This sounds like a sad song that should be used in a movie...and a good one at that too. Though I didn't really recognize the tune, despite the fact that Super Metroid is in my top 5 favorite games list :S. Maybe its just me, but anyways it's really damned good - most piano songs make me get bored halfway into them, but this really keeps your attention on it. In fact this sorta reminds me of Silent Hill . As for the style of music, maybe not a rock song but a softer pop-ish song like say, Acrophobia.
  6. Okay, here's a newer version. LagunaCloud and I have been toiling hard at this and I think we're about 3/4 of the way done. Is this to you guys' liking? http://media.putfile.com/Tyrano-Remix-888-ug-X-x
  7. Wow the reverb/chorus or whatever effect you got to give it that echo is orgasmic . It gives it a real dreamy feel though at certain parts it does kinda sound a BIT meshed together. But I think this is more-or-less a solid piece, at least in my books. Keep up the good work The heavy guitar one is good too, but I think you should give it a bit of an echo feel if its possible . I think that the accoustic one is better IMO though.
  8. woah that sounds complicated >_<. I kinda understand compression and layering though. Thanks for the info.
  9. This rocks, may I ask what drum synthesizer do you use? The default drum generator for FL sucks...even after I downloaded all of its drum packs... Anywho, this is amazing , the melody seems good, no notes are off-key and it's very authentic. I'm not very good at critiquing, but this is all I could think of.
  10. http://media.putfile.com/Tyrano-DanceTranceLinks This is definitely more upbeat , it's still painfuly WIP-ish, so its hurting in certain parts. But over all I think this is coming together. BTW Sensei-Tan thank you very very very much for the choir sample you gave me - it rocks.
  11. You better finish this or I'll get the Music Mafia on your ass to break some musical bones!! Luckily for you, they don't exist get cracking man - it kicks some serious anus in a can.
  12. Actually the introduction is 45 seconds long. The main melody is the piano and its support instruments ><. I was thinking of adding in a certain form of percussion but its hard to do so, without making it sound out of place. Laguna was thinking of maybe using a timpani and bongos, because rock drums just don't fit with it at all (as well as techno drums). We still intend to keep it dissonant though I'm sure that we can find ways to make not all of the instruments sound long and drawn out. Keep in mind, its not done yet, so when we do finish it, then we'll do some more heavy editting ^^ - we hadn't actually intended to submit this to the WIP forums until later, but eh shit happens. Thanks for the tips Sensai-Tan.
  13. That was an old pile of crap. Trust me, you don't want to hear it. But LagunaCloud and I are collaborating on the Tyrano Lair remix now, (plus he knows quite a bit more about tempo and melody than I so there's a good chance we'll hit pay dirt). Anywho, it's kinda boring but at least the melody is more or less correct. http://media.putfile.com/new-idea2
  14. No thanks, don't need em that bad I'll get a job soon enough...again. And good, I hate Sigma's dog with a passion, though not as much as Sigma's second form.
  15. As newby as I may be, if you're using FL, try using the Mixer feature, link the channel to your bass and give it the "Multiband Compressor" feature. Then in the presets of that tool, select bass boost. That may give it the oomph that Deathbyspoon is talking about.
  16. Aw nuts, oh well...its hard to find good stuff when you're on a budget lol.
  17. Well, I'm sold. I like this song already, just cuz it brings back some painful, yet fun memories And sorry I wouldn't make for a very good vocalist, never tried singing before T_T.
  18. ZOOMG UNDYING!!! I'd never think any1 would attempt a remix of it, and I haven't even heard your WIP yet ><, lets see how it is lol.
  19. Guess you better listen to him, he's a lot more musically inclined than I lol. Though a little bit less tactful hehe, don't kill me Radiowar T_T.
  20. Right in that case I do sequence. Yeah I learn most of my stuff by experimenting...I'm a horrible visual learner, I learn best by DOING or having some1 over my shoulder helping me lol. ADHD is a bitch. K I'll see if I can figure this slide stuff out with my SF generator.
  21. Wow the guitar is good, what sample did you use ><. Well all of it's good. Definitely reinterpreted because you changed the up the tempo and made it a lot sadder T_T
  22. Yeah there's only a certain point where you can edit your work before it turns into garbage, I've done that before lol.
  23. I have seen the slide note feature, but have no idea how to use it, I can look that up though . Didn't realize that that can do pitch bends.
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