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Everything posted by HoboKa

  1. Wish I had your energy man. I don't find compothasauce's admin system very accommodating - it always sends me to the stats page after I make just one change - so I gotta go back to admin>compos>MNP and restart the process all over again T_T
  2. For anyone who is confused on how to submit, here's a link to the compothasauce - specifically this round. Guess I ought to link the round OP of each round eh? http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/MnP66
  3. You never know, might have a spare hour or two to shit something out real fast - beats nada
  4. 1 day and 15 hours to go. And two entries. If no one else enters, I'm gonna default the round to Necrox's pick
  5. (edited) A 3 point bonus for ThaSauce usage sounds pretty fair. I understand your arguments and respect them, but for present time MnP will follow old PRC rules until further notice. Hopefully things will turn out fine for both compos
  6. I don't remember them down to the letter, but I remember the general sound quality, style and sample usage. More or less lol. You're improving mate
  7. Thanks GCJ. I'll sub you in for this round EDIT D'OH!! Wrong compo lol. Bundeslang will hahaha. Whew...prob a sign I need to go to sleep
  8. Hey, this is actually pretty good. I'll try to explain more in a coherent way on why I believe "..." isn't as bad as you say, when it's voting time. In fact I think it's better than some of your other compo subs.
  9. That is shitty man...you seem to go through a lot of bad luck with PC hardware =/ ...hope things get better!
  10. This is why I'd prefer everyone grabbed thasauce accounts lol. Bundesland has to manually input it - which thankfully he did with your vote - (EDIT) but I can't imagine that it'd be a very fun thing to do when you've got 4+ non compothasauce users with data to input...but eh it's his competition. MNP MAY suffer participation-wise, but for now I'm sticking to my guns.
  11. 4 days to go till deadline and I'm the only participant insofar =/
  12. Nice, nice, will vote in a sec. By the bye, I'm really uncertain if I've got the energy or time to implement the ALL of the changes that Bundeslang has opted for in PRC - I might let people submit stuff to me via PM, but I'd prefer to use ThaSauce cuz frankly I'm rather fond of compothasauce's system T_T edit - Voted
  13. It does but its kinda primitive - and for some reason works better with the FL-made DAWs than 3rd party things like Native Instruments - like they don't "pitch bend" properly without a modwheel it seems. I'll have to do some more research when I've got time I guess - I refuse to switch DAWs though lol.
  14. Pretty dang good freebies. Reccomended! Too bad I can't really get the full experience out of them since I lack a modwheel/midikeyboard (or more accurately the SPACE for the latter) T_T
  15. Looks like the deplorables get the last slot in the scoring eh? Such is our lot in life Bundeslang T_T mew hew. Anyhoo, congrats on winning Zorrakh - great round and great participation all...a-round!
  16. submitted my BONUS to the compothasauce page. DL it from there if you guys want http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/PRC339
  17. http://orig02.deviantart.net/5012/f/2011/078/b/e/rofl__by_angel91701-d3c0qpy.jpg
  18. Makes about as much sense as my name. Maybe its a form of mold? Mmmm mold.
  19. Nice to see new activity - looks like your experiment paid off Bundeslang haha. Also nice tracks insofar - will reserve specific comments for the voting stage as everyone should (edit) I will try and do something on it on Monday - I definitely should as this is 1 of my fav. tracks. Will probably be a cover if nothing else - who knows..
  20. Submitted. Capitalized on my 1 day off to give you guys an actual remix - hope you like it.
  21. Sounds good. If you do wind up doing it, just post a link to the clips in this thread. I'll be making a serious MNP version of this song, following a goofy YTP one if the clips are available
  22. Uh...oh...I hope I haven't started something terrible haha. Sorry Zorakh T_T
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