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Everything posted by ~Jessica~

  1. I report nemo too. bleh I have to play uranus
  2. Kamoh is going to win this tournament out of pity hehe
  3. Kamoh. Another victim of 1 e4, e5, Qh5
  4. I vote for myself. Please vote for me (:
  5. I'm reporting the winner of bahamut/keegan. Call it PMS whatever...
  6. Might be early in some parts of the world, so recount how drunk did you get e.t.c. I had lots of fun with friends. 1/5 Sydneysiders turned up, 1 million people >.>
  7. I'm counter reporting you sorry. I'm online much more than you are, but hey I can't be home everyyyy day. Tommorow is a really really bad time. NYE.
  8. Because its the school summer break. Dama told me to play him , 2 days ago, today in 5 hours. I won't be home...
  9. Noone want to play me ):
  10. Anything by Barry White?
  11. God Bless you, James brown. Last year Ray Charles died I think. And Marlon Brando. Soo many legends passing on ):
  12. 2 wins vs Falchion39
  13. get me a pink ds lite zomg zold out everywhere god i need sleep this soooo of topic.
  14. 2-0 versus dama, now to hunt.. err track snerrak down
  15. i'm in
  16. My group are never online, or at least very rarely. Fire leaves his comp on 24-7 or somethin
  17. if fire, damathacus, or snerrak sign in, can they pm me, I don't really pay attention AIM, thanks
  18. How did Clef get to the top division, didnt he have like 26 points?
  19. I mentioned it to kamoh/estevao(identity crisis rofl) but I'm reporting Eppy and Snerrak, they are elusive as easter bunnies.
  20. Not too late to join rofl?
  21. nah I meant the aforesaid room is quite messy, well at least for me it is. The second room looks very well setup and is rather tidy. Looks very ordered.
  22. whoa.... don't know what to say about that room! well nothing nice at least ^^
  23. getting your ass kicked? you shouldn't be at that level, and who/what are you getting kicked by. Keep in mind that your squishy as a rogue, and not to fight more than 2 mobs at a time, things can get messy when theres 3 or more, even with cooldowns. Also make sure you have enough help when taking on new monsters, and make sure they aren't over 3 levels higher than you, even @ 3 levels higher, alot of your attacks are going to miss
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