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The Green Tentacle

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Everything posted by The Green Tentacle

  1. Thank you for the information. I've been craving a new CD and had just been thinking it would be nice to hear something new from them. Oh, to be looking forward to something again!
  2. So, I am the manager of a video game retail shop and have the luxury of pumping my mp3 player onto the sales floor. Naturally one would have OCRs playing in a video game store, right? Helps you make it through the day. But the other day something cool and unexpected happened. An older gentleman easily in his 60s, if not 70s came in to look at some used PS2 games, presumably for his grandson/daughter. After a few minutes and tracks had passed, djpretzel's "Jethro and Vash at the Fair" from Chrono Trigger came on. A few moments passed before the gentleman popped his head up from the bin he was looking in and asked "Is this Chrono Trigger music? It sounds different than I remember." Upon further discussion it turns out that he was, in fact, shopping for himself, and was really longing for another game in the Chrono series to come out, and that djpretzel's arrangement rekindled a love for a game he hadn't played in over a decade. How cool is that? I proceeded to pimp the site, like y'do, and passed him a piece of receipt paper with the web address on it. Maybe he'll download some more? Anyway, just an interesting OCR story I wanted to share.
  3. Thanks for the meetup, it was definitely fun to meet some new people. Pity we couldn't make the bbq. Oh, and thanks for the CD, I'm really enjoying it.
  4. As to video cameras, Jiggles has one, but his priest broke it. We've yet to determine if it still functions properly, or at all for that matter... hehe, priests breaking stuff....
  5. I see Jiggy has brought my attendance to your attention And Yay for Philly. That and Baltimore are Pretty much equidistant from the Burg. Looking forward to it!
  6. I will pass the message on to Jiggles McPuff and we'll see if we can make that day happen!
  7. I thought it felt good to Force my brother in law, who is 13 years my junior, to download original mario on the VC. It was great to see his reactions at only being able to run and jump, and occasionally shoot tiny little bouncy fireballs. And God Forbid you touch an enemy from any angle but the top! He loved the game once he got the feel for it, though, and keeps downloading anything I recommend. He even asked to borrow my old SNES, but, well, yeah. That's staying put. I agree that thinking about older games makes me long for a time to which we can't really return, but ultimately I feel as though I'm a part of something bigger. I'm part of a culture with an entertaining and fascinating history, and that makes me feel happy rather than old. No, what made Me feel old was when my 16 year old part-timer didn't know who Peter Gabriel is... How can you not know that?!
  8. I've listened to many remixes, and there's a fine line between interpretation and just getting it wrong. Sometimes your instincts will betray you. Like when you think that milk in the fridge is probably fine to drink... Can't hurt to double check.
  9. The esteem in which I hold you two continues to grow You are an inspiration to us all. Congratulations!
  10. And How. Adaptability truly makes us musicians, right? The first song I picked out by ear was the Legend of Zelda Main theme on my trumpet. I had only been playing for a few years, so it felt really cool to figure out something, at the time, "complex" all on my own. Compounding things was the fact that video game music wasn't yet anything Like big in the States, so finding sheet music was pretty much a pipe dream anyway. This was a very long time ago... Recently, I heard Star Wolf's theme for the first time. I didn't really get into the star fox games, so I missed it. At any rate I fell in love with it and gave it a try. It felt Just as good when I found out that I could nail the trumpet part in that too.
  11. So, as I sit around my house fiddling around with FL Studio, practicing my trumpet, and reading the forums here at OCR, I start thinking to myself, Man, It would be nice to get back into a music education. Unfortunately, I am not a man of means, and working retail management doesn't allow for a lot of free time. Point being this: with so many like-minded musicians on these forums, perhaps someone has a suggestion for a decent, reasonably inexpensive school I could attend (via online classes, hopefully) wherein I could rekindle not only my Love for music and composition, but my ability as well. I know there are those of you like me out there who have lurked these forums for years, who wish they could earn a living doing something they love, who respect and envy the success of our peers. Perhaps someone has some advice that could help all of us, those just getting into music as well as those trying to get back into it. I have read the tutorials, taken out books on the subject, watched video guides, and spent hours in front of the computer just trying to figure some of it out. Hard work and determination are critical, but with neither the proper tools nor resources, nor the means by which to procure them, or even the knowledge of How, we could be depriving ourselves of what could be the opportunity to be truly happy. Anyway, sorry for the rant. I know I'm asking the question for myself, but I hope it benefits others out there. More musicians means more good music for us all to download from OCR, right? Thanks to any who take the time to read this, and thanks to any of you who have some suggestions!!
  12. I'm in. I should buy some stickers too, though...
  13. Well, which ever way you choose to go, Jose. Mr. McPuff has procured a room and we're all registered up!
  14. I don't know what all he's discussed with anyone, but to the best of my knowledge, Jiggles McPuff will be getting a room for himself, myself, one of our friends, and is supposedly extending the fourth room slot to Jose the Bronx Rican. I'm guessing he'll post once he's actually locked some plans into place, but so far, Magfest is a go for the three of us. Looking forward to seeing the OCR crowd again, and after everything Mr. McPuff told me last year, I'm very hyped about Magfest too. Hope to see you there!
  15. Sorry, Working video game retail for stupid Madden has kept me away from considering any of the feedback provided. It becomes more and more evident to me that simply writing music using the instruments provided to me and adjusting their volume levels isn't quite sufficient. In other words, I need to study what this program can do. I am only really familiar with the workings of the Notes themselves and don't have much experience with the computer end of remixing. More to come once I've done some more studying, thanks for the input!
  16. Nobody has Any feedback at all?
  17. I agree with Moseph. Trying to pull out the melody bit by bit seems like it may suit this genre. I can say I just wanted heavier drums and a solid melody to burst forth, but that's me. However, the little bit of insight I've gathered from the few brief conversations I've had with several judges and from reading a lot of the judges decisions points me to believe that a recognizable iteration of the source tune in some interpretive manner will go far in getting this tune accepted. hehe, unfortunately this leads to a fear of submitting my own work because I'm not sure I meet their criteria As such, what do i know, right? I also agree with Moseph in that I like this a lot. I look forward to downloading it to my OCR collection when it's all done!
  18. This is fascinatingly ambient. It doesn't actually go anywhere, but until that one sustained note at the end, it seemed to be nice and exotic. It had a very interesting feel, and I think it could become an OCRemix with some more obvious melody. I intend to look into the aforementioned "drone" artists, because it sounds like the new agey ethereal music to which I like to fall asleep. In my humble opinion, which as an aspiring remixer is all I have, I would enjoy hearing this expanded upon. Oh, and everything seemed very clean, which I know is a big plus with the Judges panel. Good luck!! I hope inspiration continues to aid you!!
  19. Ok, so I finally managed to retrieve the work file for this song from this time a Year ago. I made some changes, and still need to do some balancing, thin things out a bit in a few places, and perhaps reconsider one or two instrument choices, but I otherwise am very pleased with this song. Any other thoughts before I go and submit it? Edited for an update: http://puffberries.nrgservers.net/The%20Green%20Tentacle/8.7.7%20Promise%20In%20Perspective.mp3 Thanks for your time and feedback!
  20. Had a lot of fun, and I thank you all again. Hope Jiggles reminds me about other meet ups so I can get out of work and visit some other time. Looking forward to next year, but hopefully I can get my act together and come as an official OC Remixer. Just gotta stay focused. If you want/need any help in the selling things department, please feel free to ask. All those years in retail oughta be good for Something constructive. Lastly, Green Tentacle may make an Official appearance next time since I let everyone down this year.
  21. Thanks muchly. Without a whole lot of knowledge with the software, I think those tutorials will make all the difference in the world. I was actually listening to your CD and thinking that the sounds are so much cleaner even though they're still full bodied and have good volume. Hopefully I can apply the tutorials effectively. Oh, and thanks for the CD, too, I'm actually quite enamoured of "Breathing You In" Very enjoyable track. I'll keep updates posted.
  22. huh, first time anyone's pointed that out to me. it isn't panned at all, but you're right, at that volume level it does seem a bit much. The objective is for that to ride along the bottom as the foundation of everything else. It never changes, which is intentional, but I'll see if I can do something with it. As for the beginning, almost everyone says the same thing about it starting slow, and I think I might add some Organ at the beginning to create more of a hook, but from about 1:00-2:00 is all original content save for the Bloody Tears "intro" accompanying it. I want this to be more inspired by the actual song which shows its face at the 2nd half. But yeah, something to think about, thank you.
  23. No one seems to have any feedback, but there's a new update to the link. The whole song seems fuller now. I am fairly pleased, but always looking for more constructive criticism. Thanks. http://puffberries.nrgservers.net/The%20Green%20Tentacle/Red%20Eyed%20Repose.mp3
  24. Okay. Made some changes. Like the balance a lot better than before and added a lot. Changed the drums and added some drums. Thinking the ending may just kindof hang there but at a bit of a loss as to what to do there. New thoughts? http://puffberries.nrgservers.net/The%20Green%20Tentacle/Red%20Eyed%20Revision.mp3
  25. great source material for a goth-metal song, yes? I look forward to hearing your musicianship overtop of that file once all of your production is completed.
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