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Everything posted by Emunator

  1. Previous Decision Hey Larry!! Thanks for the feedback. I didn't realize initially when I submitted, that this was my sketch track for my SNESterYears album (meaning, I never finished it). The feedback was a wake up call that I should listen more closely to what I submit LOL This arrangement has an actual variation at the 2nd drop and a little bit of trimming afterward. Hopefully that fixes the issues. (Also dropped more of the vocal loops/bits from the 2nd drop to not be too repetitive) Let me know if this does the trick. Jordan
  2. *Project Mix - please don't post until the release of the Pixel Mixers Indie Games vol 3 compilation. It should be coming out soon, so maybe this could be scheduled as a tie-in when it drops?* Remixer: Emunator Name: Skipping Stones Down Sips River Game: Chicory: A Colorful Tale Source: Sips River Artist Comments: It's been a while since my last solo submission (which, coincidentally, was also a Lena Raine arrangement!) Since I was struggling to come up with any arrangement ideas on my own, I sought some external motivation by signing up for the Pixel Mixers Indie Games vol. 3 compilation project. I've always admired the level of friendliness and collaboration within the Pixel Mixers community, so I'm deeply grateful for the opportunity to contribute to one of their albums! Creatively speaking, 2021 and 2022 were years marked by a deep-rooted writer's block and lack of inspiration, so it's no surprise that the themes of Chicory: A Colorful Tale were so resonant with me. The game touches on concepts such as imposter syndrome, perfectionism, and the inextricable link between mental health and creativity, and it speaks to these ideas with such a deep level of emotional intelligence and empathy. It's truly an amazing narrative that I think any artist can relate to in some way. During my period of writer's block, the time I did spend on music was characterized more by sound design and playing piano, so when I was ready to tackle this arrangement, I leaned into those two areas most heavily. The original Sips River source is absolute perfection, so aside from transposing it to a different key, I left Lena's composition pretty much intact, instead focusing on building up atmosphere with layered keys and bells and a soft percussion groove (which, believe it or not, was loosely inspired by the default Cisco hold music that I unfortunately heard way too much of during my years working in customer service! ?) All in all, there's not really much to say about this from a technical standpoint. It's certainly not my most polished or ambitious remix, but the process of creating it reminded me that it's not reasonable to expect everything you create as an artist to exceed your previous attempts. That mentality will inevitably reach a breaking point where it's no longer sustainable and you end up paralyzed by your own unrealistic expectations. This year, I hope to cultivate a healthier relationship with creativity, focusing less on reaching an arbitrary level of perfection and more on enjoying the creative process and simply making anything at all. Source:
  3. Oh yeah, I'm definitely on the side of "those harmonies sound intentional and in fact, I really like them." I do agree with Chimpazilla's assessment of the mixing and how it could be improved, but what you've already got is delightfully retro-sounding without sounding dated at all. The extended transition at 1:30 was executed especially well and did a perfect job adding some variety to the mix. You haven't lost your touch, 20 years later! YES
  4. I find myself agreeing pretty firmly with the NO votes here, unfortunately. This feels like a really well-done first draft but without the polish and cohesion that a finished product requires. The low winds are too buzzy and don't always transition cleanly between notes in a realistic manner. The lack of an ending also feels unpolished. Arrangement is great, but this isn't ready for primetime. NO
  5. I gushed extensively over the strengths of this track in the original submission, and all of the elements that made me fall in love initially - the lush chromatic percussion and vocal samples, clever interplay of your original writing with the source material, and the dynamics of the arrangement overall - are still very much present. Your resubmission cleans up a lot of the most notable issues from a technical side, and we're left with a much more polished package. I agree that the drums and guitar tone still don't quite have the synergy with the rest of the soundscape I was hoping for, and I think that this is one of those arrangements you'll come back to years from now and hear ways that you could improve it, but I'm happy to say that the resubmission did more than enough to put it over the bar for me. Good luck with the rest of the vote, hope to hear this on the front page soon! YES
  6. I'm not going to spend too much time beating around the bush here, but this arrangement is really, REALLY good. Like, some of the best orchestral metal I've ever heard. All of the performances are stunning and the way you brought them all together is so satisfying. The only issue I have is that the mastering is causing a lot of digital distortion that does not feel intended. For example, I'm hearing it at 1:10, and especially 2:10 when the brass comes in. I suspect one of the brass tracks might be a big culprit. Even backing off of the master limiter slightly would clean this up and put this squarely into "get this on the front page immediately" territory, but I feel like it's doing a disservice to your impeccable arrangement to not clean that up. NO (resubmit immediately!)
  7. Love the arrangement here, there's a lot of variety that you've brought to the table without sounding incoherent. Production-wise, things are a little bit rough. Jack and Kris insightfully brought up the punk rock comparison, which definitely fits the style and tone of the guitars and overall lo-fi production, but I found the drums to be a weak link both in terms of realism and tone. The snare particularly is feeling severely anemic, revisiting the EQ curve to give it a little more body and perhaps adding some saturation would resolve that. Overall, the mixing feels like it's lacking that aggressive "bite" that I want from an upbeat rock arrangement, especially for the first minute of the arrangement. A little tasteful saturation/distortion would go a long way here. I feel like the strength in the arrangement and instrumentation wins out over the production at the end of the day. It's not my strongest YES, but there's a lot to like here! YES (borderline)
  8. I have to admit, I'm surprised to see NO votes on this from a few of my fellow judges! The contentious sidechain compression immediately registered as an intentional stylistic effect to me - maybe it's just genre familiarity with modern downtempo EDM, which leans heavily into sidechaining like this, but I didn't find myself off-put by it at all. I don't want to diminish the criticisms made, but after multiple listens, I was far more entranced by the lush soundscape and the constantly evolving arrangement that gets so much mileage out of such little source material. Any messiness in the production ultimately felt inconsequential to me personally, because the rest of the arrangement is so damn good. YES
  9. ReMixer name: Treyt Name: Trevor Tuls Email: Websites: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCD6e8Tgh_0AZ9ixt7BPTWkA Userid: 38283 Game: Golden Sun: The Lost Age Arrangement Name: Unfurl the Sails! Songs Arranged: Full Speed Ahead! Composer: Motoi Sakuraba Original soundtrack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcgGkkuA7UY My own comments about the mix: Golden Sun: TLA was the first real RPG I'd ever played, and it's one of the best memories my brother and I share. About a month ago, I was listening back through the ost, and having just received hardware that allowed me to record guitar straight into my DAW, I decided I had to try remixing it. I was amazed by how well it fit the 90s "Escape From the City" double time rock beat. Honestly I really just set out to make it sound overly energetic and fun, and guitar + synth really embodies that for me.
  10. Hello, I would like to say thank you for an opportunity to submit an arranged project. This is my first time throwing my name in the hat for OC ReMix. I've been a listener and a fan for a very long time, and I am hopeful that I can be part of the large community you folks have. I'm certain I have met the guidelines and the standards. If I have failed in that sense, then I apologize for wasting your time. With that said, I appreciate the time and energy in viewing my arranged track. Contact Information ReMixer Name: Andy Amo Real Name: Andre Quintanilla Email Address: Submission Information Name Of Game Arranged: Mega Man X4 Name Of Arrangement: Dial Up Dystopia Name Of Individual Song Arranged: Cyber Peacock Stage
  11. Original Decision ReMixer name: Seth Skoda Email address: Website(s): https://www.sethskoda.com userid: 36199 Name of game(s) arranged: Sonic & Knuckles Name of arrangement: High Voltage Name of individual song(s) arranged: Flying Battery Zone Act 2 Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if it has not yet been added to the site): this information is available on ocremix.org Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site): the site's archive contains the source: https://ocremix.org/song/194/flying-battery-zone-act-1 Comments: This is a resub, but let me reiterate that this spun off of a different (but similarly-styled) remix of the Death Egg Zone music from Sonic & Knuckles. In a random forum conversation about how irrelevant genre is when it comes to song structure, someone pointed out how metal/rockish the Sonic & Knuckles soundtrack is, especially Death Egg Zone. While I agreed with his analysis, I wanted to make a point, so I covered said source as a trap-style hip-hop instrumental and uploaded it to Newgrounds. This ended up getting frontpaged a few years later after I returned from a hiatus, so I figured that with that Death Egg remix being among my top remix work, I would do the same with the Flying Battery Zone music, which is just as action-packed and well-developed. And as someone who has been inspired in part by OC ReMix to make music in the first place, I started putting in the extra effort to really make this one my own, intending to submit it to OC ReMix. Several years later, here I am, with a refined resub for OC ReMix (yeah, it took a while. I was busy, don't judge). I really hope you enjoy this, even if it's not accepted as a poasted remix (I spell it "poast" because I like toast). At the top is a drive link with a WAV file of the submission. Please contact me if it does not work properly.
  12. ReMixer Name: The Good Ice ID: 36903 Email: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/thegoodice Game: DKC2 Song: Mining Melancholy (Kannon's Klaim) Composer: David Wise Arrangement Title: Kannonball One of my favorite songs from one of my favorite games! It might be overshadowed by Stickerbush Symphony and Forest Interlude, but this song has always been a certified banger in my mind. Something I've realized lately is that I really like making game music that doesn't sound like game music. So this is our attempt at a crunchy alt rock/electronic mix, in the vein of Phantogram or something of that ilk. And despite the copious amounts of distortion on everything (everything) this might actually be my cleanest mix to date from a sonic standpoint. Regarding the actual arrangement, it's pretty straightforward barring some added chord progressions. I had a lot of fun recreating the original percussion loop with a bunch of household foley sounds, but without a true "verse" section the rest was actually kind of tricky to stretch out without being too repetitive. I guess our solution to this was to add more breaks and repackage the hook as more of a chorus so it didn't get stale. Nick was also able to tie in a cool Michael Jackson riff (They Don't Care About Us), which, coincidentally is nearly identical to the Hot Pursuit riff from DKC3. I'd also like to shoutout my good friend Alex for supplying the creamy acoustic parts and general idea-bouncing. Good times all around. Rock and stone, to the bone! The Good Ice
  13. Previous Decision Attached is a file for this submission to OCRemix. This is a resubmission as it was rejected previously. The required information is written below. If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know. Thank you for the opportunity as always. Contact Information Username: HarlemHeat360 UserID:37144 Website: https://www.youtube.com/c/HeatRemasters Submission Information Arrangement Game: Chrono Trigger Name of Arrangement: When the Walls of Time Fell Song Being Arranged: Corridors of Time Comments: My first resubmission haha. It was actually the second piece I had submitted but the first evaluated and I think I took the rejection a bit heavily. But that's the type of person I am. Take it hard initially, then buckle down and get to work. Unfortunately life hit different for a while and I got away from this. But I'm back, with more bass, less clipping, some reworked drums, and a few little additions here and there. I think the blessing in disguise was that through more time and work, I've been able to come closer to my vision than the original. With that said, I'll end this by quoting myself on that vision from my original submission. ""When the walls came tumbling down, we danced until the End of Time" This song has taken me places mentally--some healthy, some not so. Those places however were worth going and the end product is as you see (or hear lol) with this piece. The development went from this atmospheric piece, to a sort of cry to the universe, and finally somewhat of a...dance. I'm not sure how this all happened but the dramatic development certainly coincided with the dynamic swings in my head. Through all of it though, two concepts always rang true. The walls came tumbling down and time as we knew it ended. In more concrete terms we see this as the original motif plays in the beginning with energy but mostly untouched. Then the beginning of the end starts as something begins to surge in the bass line, eventually blasting through into the second part of the song. The walls, Zeal, begin to crumble and a dance signaling the end begins. The guitar and the vocals are singing to you, the beat begins to take form, and finally...finally one last push. One more surge of energy and... the walls come apart and the image of the last of Zeal takes hold. There is something beautiful and amazing about it yet equally sad and unsure. I think as the song ends that really starts to settle in and that image of time beginning to end takes hold."
  14. Hello once again, I'm back again with another ReMix for your consideration. This time I thought I'd try to find a new approach for a well tread fan favorite. ReMix: Green Glade Groove Source tune: Donkey Kong Country 2: Forest Interlude Your ReMixer name: TSori Your real name: Logan Thomas Your email address: Your website: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=trumpetsori Your userid: 2960 Credits: Arrangement, Trumpet: TSori Piano, Keyboard, Tambourine: dpMusicman Guitar: Siolfor the Jackal Marimba: MarimbaMatt Drums: Evan Carville Bass, mixing, mastering: Muik Siolfor and I have artist profiles. Here is everyone else's info. ReMixer name: dpMusicman real name: n/a Email: n/a Website: n/a userid: n/a remixer name: Evan Carville real name: Evan Carville email: evancarville@gmail.com website: https://youtube.com/c/EvanCarville ReMixer name: MarimbaMatt real name: Matt Silverberg Email: MattSilverbergmusic@gmail.com Website: https://www.mattsilverbergmusic.com/ userid: N/A ReMixer name: myuik real name: .n/a Email:n/a Website: n/a userid: n/a Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged : Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest Name of arrangement: "Green Glade Groove " Name of individual song(s) arranged : "Forest Interlude" Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site): see above Source Breakdown: Remix (Source) 0:00-0:10 (original) 0:10-0:28 (0:00 - 0:18) 0:28-0:49 (original piano over 0:00 - 0:18 from source) 0:49-1:10 (0:18-0:39) 1:10-1:28 (0:50-1:08) 1:28-1:50 (1:08-1:31) 1:50-2:08 (1:31-1:51) 2:08-2:30 (1:51-2:10) 2:30-2:49 (0:50-1:08) 2:49-3:30 (1:09-1:31) 3:30-3:40 (original) 3:40-4:00 (0:00-0:18) 4:00-4:12 (original) Total: 252s, Source: 220s : 87% Original : 32s - 13% Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc.: This ReMix marks of the end of what was a solid 10 month hiatus from any music activities for me. Life just got too busy as it has a way of doing. However, when the announcement came up for the Soundole Chillout Cover Contest this year, it seemed like the perfect excuse to get back to making music again. The last few projects I had done before the hiatus had been sort of dark, flowing lyrical solos or sort of ambient jazz tunes, and while those certainly fit the definition of "chill" I was ready to do something different. "Forest Interlude" has been on my to do list for a while. I love how beautiful and haunting that tune is, but it also kind of falls into that same flowing/ambient sort of category...at least in its original form, So that got me thinking of what else I could do with it that was "chill" but not in an obvious sense. I remembered my dad had once suggested that I do a cover of Herb Alpert's rise, and suddenly the ideas merged and I was hearing forest interlude over top of a jazzed up version of its characteristic ostinato and a funky bass beat. This is one of those arrangements that pretty much wrote itself (love it when that happens). Once again I'm joined by an outstanding band of collaborators. I could write paragraphs about how great all of these guys are. They're each fantastic musicians and a pleasure to work with. I'm really looking forward to working with each of them again. I need to give a special shoutout to Myuik who really went the extra mile to make sure this mix was done fast and done well. So with no further ado. I hope you enjoy our "Green Glade Groove"! Thanks -TSori EDIT (4/29/23): I finally have a new version of Green Glade Groove ready. It has new drums, new piano recordings and revisited mix/master Updated credits: Credits: Arrangement, Trumpet: TSori Piano: ZeldaRocks Piano, Keyboard, Tambourine: dpMusicman Guitar: Siolfor the Jackal Marimba: MarimbaMatt Drums: Kenny Jr. Claps: Evan Carville Bass, mixing, mastering: Myuik And here are some links to ZeldaRocks' stuff: https://open.spotify.com/artist/21HdpYpxplx6unTUvpuP6Y https://youtube.com/@Zeldarocks
  15. (Emunator note - please try to use simple language when evaluating, English is not the artist's first language. The production here is messy and could use feedback but there's some fun energy to the track that has some merit. It reminds me a lot of Ziwtra. I've also asked the artist for a new title for the arrangement.) hello, I'm French and don't speak English very well, this is my second submission, I hope my request is correct. Thanks Link to my submission : Re Mixer : Onirik Dreamer real name : Karim Ajroud email : website : https://onirikdreamer.com Link of vidéoclip : https://youtu.be/4OZryv4Nvbo?t=14 user id : 38210 Name of game arranged : Final Fantasy XI Name of original track : Airship (composed and arranged by Nobuo Uematsu) Name of my track : Airship Travel remix Additional information about game : Square-Enix 2002(PC) Link to the original soundtrack : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UIMwDHvaxzg Your own comments about the mix : I love this piece and I wanted to add a more dynamic, cool and energic touch to it, i hope you like it.
  16. Contact Information Your ReMixer name : Rockos Your real name : Roch Côté Your email address : Your website : None Your userid (number, not name) on our forums : 44017 Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged : Animal Crossing: New Horizons Name of individual song(s) arranged : Town Hall Name of the remix : Isabelle Needs a Break Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. : Following the remix of Animal Crossing New Horizons theme, my wife kept bugging me about another AC:NH remix. Her only request was to have "animalese" in it. I kept going in my DnB surge I had a couple month ago and I am really enjoying and embracing it. This track has a lot of love on the mastering side. I also gave a go to my new plug-in (Rift) which I have been using on the coming album songs I made on SeeDs of Pandora in collab with other remixers. But I can't share the details here The goal was to include some live instrument and have an energetic mix as my 7th saga mix had. I'm really liking the DnB songs I've been making lately and I tried to give a Pendulum, Kromea, Tantrum Desire, The Qesmits sound to it. Also added a touch of psy-trance in it but less than usual, focusing instead on creating a very coesive stereo image. I also tried to use more and more the Samson monitors I got last year and they seem to be very effective when mixing since they are almost perfectly flat. I really liked working on this one and I think my favorite part is 3:30 to 3:46 since in the OST it sounds jazzy and in this one it's almost as if you were in a big fight with a boss and it is a big mean baddy. I found this comparison very interesting and funny. I hoped my wife would play some piano or guitars but we didn't figure out any way to include it so I went all alone on it. We really hope you will enjoy this as much as we do.
  17. Kabukibear Justin Lincoln https://bit.ly/Kabukibear 32289 Final Fantasy XI: Rise of the Zilart While Kazham Sleeps Kazham Naoshi Mizuta https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgSmPSGQh88 Kind of a spiritual follow up to While San d'Oria sleeps, it's meant to have a dreamy hypnotic groove.
  18. RebeccaETripp Rebecca Tripp http://www.crystalechosound.com/ ID: 48262 Game(s): Seiken Densetsu sys Final Fantasy Adventure Song Title: Mysterious Mazes Songs Remixed: Dungeon 3 Here’s a link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqDfGrOoRPc This is my cover of “Dungeon 3” from the original Seiken Densetsu, aka Final Fantasy Adventure. This track, composed by Kenji Ito, is one of my favourite songs in the game, and I’ve always found it incredibly beautiful. It is also, unfortunately, somewhat difficult for me to listen to! I composed this track as part of a series of arrangements based on VGM compositions that tend to make me sad. My goal is to recontextualize the feeling of the track slightly, in order to allow myself to access the uncomfortable emotions associated with the original.
  19. Thennecan - Proof of a Hero ft. Fredrik Häthén Credits: Arrangement: Thennecan ft. Fredrik Häthén Strings - Orchestral Fantasy Brass - JohnStacy & Allison Martin Trombone Woodwinds - GOTWinds Guitars - Thennecan & Cradius Bass - Matheus Manente Drums - Leo Miyata Contact Info: ReMixer name - Thennecan Real name - Felipe Salinas Email - Website - www.thennecan.com Userid - 35872 Submission Information Name of game - Monster Hunter Name of arrangement - Proof of a Hero Name of individual song arranged - Proof of a Hero Link to the original soundtrack - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1fEV6QbCww Comments: This is the final track of my latest EP called "VGM Life", which it's a tribute to everyone who has supported my VGM endeavors all these years, my family, my friends and my partner. Proof of a Hero is a special track for me because it's a track I got familiar with at the same time that I decided to get serious about video game music, that's why I wanted to make this epic orchestral metal arrangement and try to encapsulate everything I felt for my people and my journey in one big piece. Fredrik has been an incredible friend since I started this journey, and he was definitely the perfect match to help me build the orchestration for this arrangement. Also everyone who recorded for the orchestral and the metal parts did an amazing job, it's truly one of the tracks I'm most proud of ever. LT EDIT (8/1): We have an updated master from Thennecan. Hello! Here's the new master, sorry for taking so long but I realized I lost my take on a pc format some time ago, I re-recorded it. I diminished the volumes overall and gave more space to the mix. I think it's a lot more dynamic now and I think the section where the brass was clipping also was fixed. I forgot to add an original name to the track. I think simply "Heroes" would be cool, let me know if that works. LT EDIT (9/12): We have an improved master from Thennecan. Hey folks! Sorry for the slow response, I've been extremely busy this last couple of weeks. I mixed in a lower volume range and made 2 versions, without my mastering plugins and one with them so you can check more accurately what's not working on the track. Hope this helps solve the distortion and clipping problems, let me know what you think! Best.
  20. Contact Information ReMixer name : Neverback-Music (19797), Latomarques (38178) Website : https://www.reitoken.com Userid : 19797, 38178 Submission Information Name of game arranged : Kingdom Hearts 2 Name of arrangement : Black and White Name of individual songs arranged : Monochrome Dreams Old Friends, Old Rivals I continue to train my symphonic skills with that new arrangement. That song was so funny to do. I hope you will like it
  21. Contact Information ReMixer name : Neverback-Music (19797), Latomarques (38178) Real name : Pierre Backer Ruth, Emanuel Email address : Website : https://www.reitoken.com Userid : 19797, 38178 Submission Information Name of game arranged : Postknight 2 Name of arrangement : Opposing Fates Name of individual songs arranged : Opposing Wills ( https://youtu.be/9CX2-q1WyR8 ) I have recently discovered the game “Postknight 2” on mobile, and the battle boss theme keep my attention. I decided to do an arrangement of the song in a symphonic way. (I’m used to make more cinematic music) So with the help of Latomarques who is a brass players (Trombone, horns) we write that symphonic arrangement of the music. We keep only orchestral instrument by avoiding any synth or sound close to a cinematic ambiance. Basically with is orchestral player experience he write the introduction and the outro, that I have modified a little bit and he had corrected my modification as well to arrive to that final result. We discussed a lot regarding the notes ranges and the colors of the sound for approximately each for measures, until the end of the song. But for me, an arrangement is also an opportunity to try to make your own original part into the spirit of the song and to try to give more than the know melody. That part was this time more played with brass instrument, so the experience of Latomarques was an huge help to make it sounds good. (Not a real orchestra but we try to be closer as possible) Don’t hesitate to comment and give us your constructive feedback for maybe our next submission.
  22. Your ReMixer name: Pixel Pirates Your real name: Tobaunta Torkelsson Your email address: Your website: pixelpirates.nu Your userid: 37469 Name of game(s) arranged: A Robot Named Fight Name of arrangement: A Pirate Named Fight Name of individual song(s) arranged: The Factory Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc: A Robot Named Fight is an indie game made by one person, but it does not show because the game is just pure awesome. After playing many hours of the game and talking with the person who made the game, I felt like remixing his game would help spread the word of the game. The Original song is very dark to fit the gore theme of the game but since our kind of music is happier compared to that then this is the way we try to go but not too far to lose the original soundtrack completely.
  23. Your ReMixer name: Pixel Pirates Your real name: Tobaunta Torkelsson & Fredrik Vinterstjärna Your email address: Your website: pixelpirates.nu Your userid: 37469 Name of game(s) arranged: Crash Bandicoot Name of arrangement: Pixel Bandicoot Name of individual song(s) arranged: Main Theme & Cortex Boss Theme Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc: When the Crash Bandicoot remake was in the work I got excited and started working on this remix, starting with just the main theme I could not really get it to be as good as I wanted it to be so I put in some elements from the Neo Cortex fight since these two are the most iconic tunes from the game for me personaly.
  24. Your ReMixer name: Pixel Pirates Your website: pixelpirates.nu Your userid: 37469 Name of game(s) arranged: Cave Story Name of arrangement: Pixels in the Plantation Name of individual song(s) arranged: Plantation Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc: This was the first video game remix we did together back in 2013. This song is what created Pixel Pirates or Pixelhunters as our name was back then. We had both worked on many non-gamerelated dance songs before this both solo and together, so dance-version was a clear path for us to take regarding genre.
  25. Original Decision This is my latest version of this tune. I hope the quality of my arrangements is improving. I have found a couple guides online that I believe have helped my production, and I got a couple synths on sale also. Thank you for your time and consideration ahead of time! Original linked below, remix attached.
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